/about [GET] This service returns information about the system, including the database table version and libraries in use. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0003 |
/administrators [GET] List PageSeeder administrators for this server. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/administrators [POST] Add a member to the list of accounts with administrator privileges on the server. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/administrators/{member} [DELETE] Remove a member from the PageSeeder administrators for this server. The member’s account is not deleted. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/authenticate [GET] Handles user authentication by creating and terminating users session. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/authenticate [POST] Handles user authentication by creating and terminating users session. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/caches [GET] Display a summary of the information about all the caches in the PageSeeder. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/caches/clear [POST] Clear all caches. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/caches/{name} [GET] Return information about a specific cache. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/caches/{name}/clear [POST] Clears the cache content of a specific cache. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/caches/{name}/elements [GET] Return the list of elements in a specific cache. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/caches/{name}/elements/{key}/remove [POST] Removes an entry from the cache content. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks [GET] Returns the list of webhooks for a specific OAuth client. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks [POST] Create a new webhook for an OAuth client. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook} [DELETE] | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook} [GET] | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook} [PATCH] Updates an existing webhook. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook}/ping [GET] Send ping request for a specific webhook. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/comments/find [GET] This service returns a list of public comments using parameters to filter the results. The list of groups specified must be public groups. The most recent comments are returned first. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/comments/forurl [POST] Create a new comment on a URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/comments/{commentid} [GET] Returns a single comment from accessible groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/comments/{commentid}/reply [POST] Create a reply to an existing comment with author as a parameter. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/dbmonitor [GET] Tries to connect to the database using the current database settings. | 4.7000 |
/discussions/find [GET] Find public discussions. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/discussions/forurl [GET] Returns the list of public discussions attached to the specified URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/discussions/{discussion} [GET] This service returns a public discussion. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/error/report [POST] Report an error to the appropriate person. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0008 |
/externaluris/forurl/source/metadata [GET] Extract the metadata from the specified external URI (doesn’t need to have been created in PageSeeder). | SUPPORTED 5.9909 |
/externaluris/{uri}/source/metadata [GET] Extract the metadata from the specified URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9909 |
/groups/{group} [DELETE] Get a group | UNSUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group} [GET] Get a group or project. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/autocomplete [GET] Autocomplete the specified term in the group. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/autosuggest [GET] This service returns the list of result suggestions from a prefix match on a set of fields. If there are multiple words in term, only the last word is used for prefix matching with an AND on the other words. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/groups/{group}/comments [POST] Create a comment using parameters to specify the author. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/discussions [GET] Load a list of non-archived discussions from the group specified in the request in reverse chronological order, based on the last comment sent for each discussion. | SUPPORTED 5.9907 |
/groups/{group}/discussions/{discussion} [GET] Return a single discussion from the group specified in the URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/groups/{group}/documents/configs [GET] Returns the list of configuration files for all types of PSML documents available in the project. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/error/report [POST] Reports an error to the appropriate person when they occur within the context of a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0008 |
/groups/{group}/facet [GET] Returns the facets for a specific field in the index. | EXPERIMENTAL 4.9505 |
/groups/{group}/index/clear [POST] Clear the index for the group specified in the URL. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.1500 |
/groups/{group}/index/status [GET] This service indicates the status of the index of a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/groups/{group}/labels [GET] Returns the list of labels in a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/groups/{group}/markdown [POST] Returns an XHTML preview of the supplied markdown text. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members [GET] Collection of members in the group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members [POST] Create a member and add the member to a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/alldetails [GET] Lists the members of a group and all details of their membership. See <member> for documentation on available information. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/find [GET] This service searches for members in the group that match the specified criteria and returns the group details for a list of group members based on the search parameters. | SUPPORTED 6.0004 |
/groups/{group}/members/forceresetpassword [POST] Reset password as admin within a group. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/members/import [POST] Imports members into a PageSeeder group. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/members/invite [POST] Invite a member to a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9802 |
/groups/{group}/members/inviteself [POST] Invite self to a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/resetpassword [POST] Reset password for a member. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/members/sendactivation [GET] Send activation email using group’s email template. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/members/{member} [DELETE] Permanently delete the membership of a member to a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/{member} [GET] Returns the group details for a member. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/{member} [PATCH] Edit the details of a member and its membership for a specific group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/{member}/deregister [POST] Deregister a member from a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/members/{member}/manage [POST] Edit the membership details for a member. | SUPPORTED 5.9802 |
/groups/{group}/omnibox [GET] Service supporting the search box in the PageSeeder user interface. | UNSUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/groups/{group}/properties [GET] Get a group or project properties. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/publications [GET] Get group publications. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/groups/{group}/publications/{publicationid} [GET] Gets a publication's details. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/groups/{group}/publish/checkall [GET] Status of group publish jobs. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/groups/{group}/resources [DELETE] Deletes a project resource. | EXPERIMENTAL 4.9508 |
/groups/{group}/resources [GET] Retrieves a project resource. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/resources [POST] Creates a new empty project resource. | EXPERIMENTAL 4.9508 |
/groups/{group}/resources [PUT] Creates or updates a project resource. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0009 |
/groups/{group}/resources/export [GET] Export all the files in the project. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/resources/history [GET] Update a resource. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/resources/import [POST] Import all the files in the project. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/resources/move [POST] Move a resource within a project. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.1503 |
/groups/{group}/schemas [GET] Returns the schemas available for a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/groups/{group}/search [GET] The purpose of this service is to query the index of a single group by a question. | SUPPORTED
/groups/{group}/search/facets [GET] Get search facets for a single group. | SUPPORTED
/groups/{group}/search/predicate [GET] Search a single group by predicate. | SUPPORTED
/groups/{group}/subgroups [GET] Returns the list of subgroups in the specified Group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/subgroups/add [POST] Adds a new subgroup in an existing group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/subgroups/{subgroup} [PATCH] Edit an existing subgroup. | SUPPORTED 5.4903 |
/groups/{group}/subgroups/{subgroup}/remove [POST] Removes an existing subgroup from a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/supergroups [GET] List supergroups of an existing Group . | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/groups/{group}/threads [GET] This service lists each active Asynchronous process in the specified group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0100 |
/groups/{group}/threads/{threadid}/cancel [POST] Cancel an Asynchronous process in the specified group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0100 |
/groups/{group}/threads/{threadid}/logs [GET] View the logs for a specific ticket for the PageSeeder Threads. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.4000 |
/groups/{group}/threads/{threadid}/progress [GET] Thread Progress. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0100 |
/groups/{group}/unsubscribe [GET] Returns a list of group and subgroup memberships for a member for the group specified so they can decide whether to change notification settings or remove themselves from one or more groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/unsubscribe [POST] Unsubscribe a member from a group without logging in. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/uris/forurl [GET] Load the URI in a group specified by the url parameter. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/uris/forurl/uris [GET] List all the URIs with a particular relationship to a specified URI. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/history [GET] Load the history of events for multiple URIs. | SUPPORTED 5.9907 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri} [GET] Load a single URI object in a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/documenttoc [GET] Gets a document TOC (public). | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/drafts [GET] Get the draft edits for a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/compare [GET] Compare Fragment's Edits. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/drafts [GET] Get draft edits for a URI fragment. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/edits [GET] List the edits for a fragment. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/history [GET] Load the history of events for a specified URI (most recent first). | SUPPORTED 5.9907 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/index [GET] Returns the index entry for a URI. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/metadata/edits [GET] List the edits for the document metadata. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/publications [GET] Get URI publications where root URI is public. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0005 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/schemas [GET] Returns the schemas available for a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.8900 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/structure/edits [GET] List the edits to the structure of the document. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/toc [GET] Output the partial TOC for a public publication including a content document (request URI marked by @content="true") and its ancestors. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/uris [GET] List all the URIs with a particular relationship to a specified URI. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/versions [GET] Load versions for a specified URI. | SUPPORTED 5.6900 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/workflow [GET] Lists the workflow steps for a specified URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/xrefs [GET] Load a URI's xrefs. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/xreftree [GET] Loads the xref tree for a PSML URI. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/groups/{group}/validations [GET] Returns the list of shared validations for this group. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/groups/{group}/versions [GET] Lists all the document versions in a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9800 |
/help/search [GET] Search the default help index and automatically add the filter | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/hostaliases/{aliasname} [DELETE] Deletes a host alias. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/hostaliases/{aliasname} [PATCH] Edits a host alias – only changes specified parameters. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/hosts [GET] This service returns the list of hosts and host aliases currently defined on the server. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/hosts [POST] Creates a host. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/hosts/{hostname} [DELETE] Deletes a host. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/hosts/{hostname} [PATCH] Edits a host – only changes specified parameters. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/hosts/{hostname}/hostaliases [POST] Create an alias to an existing host. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/hosts/{host}/externaluris [GET] Load all the external URIs for a specified host in the group specified in the request. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/identity-config [GET] Returns the identity security configuration for PageSeeder. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/member-data/{member}/data/{data} [DELETE] The behaviour and URL of this service is not consistent with other services, please read the description carefully. | 5.9900 |
/member-data/{member}/data/{data} [GET] The behaviour and URL of this service is not consistent with other services, please read the description carefully. | 5.9900 |
/member-data/{member}/data/{data} [PUT] The behaviour and URL of this service is not consistent with other services, please read the description carefully. | 5.9900 |
/members [GET] Returns the members on the server. | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/members [POST] Create a new account for a Member in PageSeeder but without joining the member to a Group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/find [GET] This service lets you find members in PageSeeder by email domain and/or by matching their email, given name, family name or username with the specified prefix. | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/members/forceresetpassword [POST] Reset password as an administrator. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/import [POST] Imports members into PageSeeder using comma-separated (CSV) data. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/register [POST] Self-register a member | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/resetpassword [POST] Reset password as normal user. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/sendactivation [GET] Send the activation notification email to a member who has not activated their account. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member} [DELETE] Deletes member with specified ID plus all associated objects and replaces any member references as an author with string values. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member} [GET] Get the member’s personal details. | SUPPORTED 5.9400 |
/members/{member} [PATCH] Edit the account details of a member. | SUPPORTED 5.8900 |
/members/{member}/activate [GET] Activate the specified member. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/activate [POST] Activate a member. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/autocomplete [GET] Returns the list of terms to auto-complete a field or set of fields. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/autosuggest [GET] Autosuggest for all member’s group | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/checkusername [GET] Checks if a username is in use and is valid. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/comments/draft [GET] This service returns the list of draft comments , tasks and workflows for the specified member. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/comments/find [GET] Load a list of comments using filter parameters. The most recent comments are returned first. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/comments/forurl [POST] Create a new comment for URL from member. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid} [DELETE] Delete a single comment. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid} [GET] Load a single comment from accessible groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid} [PATCH] Edits an existing comment. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid}/archive [POST] Archive an existing comment. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid}/reply [POST] Create a new reply from member. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid}/unarchive [POST] Unarchive comment. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/creategroup [POST] Creates the personal group for the specified member if it doesn’t already exist. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0005 |
/members/{member}/data [GET] Returns the list of member data for a member. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/declineinvitation [POST] Decline an invitation to a group. | SUPPORTED 4.9508 |
/members/{member}/discussions [GET] Load a list of discussions from the current user's groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/discussions/find [GET] Find discussions. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/discussions/forurl [GET] Load a list of discussions for a URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/members/{member}/discussions/{discussion} [GET] Loads a discussion. If a reply comment ID is specified for the discussion, it returns the containing discussion. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/edit/drafts [GET] List all the draft edits for a member. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/members/{member}/email [POST] Edit member email with a token. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/export [GET] Export document(s) using path or uris parameters. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/export [POST] Export document(s) using path or uris parameters. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/externaluris [POST] Create an external URI (aka URL). The URI and it's properties are available to all members on the server. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/forurl [GET] Get an external URI (also known as URL). | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri} [DELETE] Deletes external URI and all associated objects. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri} [GET] Get an external URI (also known as URL). | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri} [PATCH] Edit an external URI (aka URL). The URI and it's properties are available to all members on the server. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri}/archive [POST] Archive an existing external URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri}/editmetadata [POST] Edit a metadata property for a URL. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri}/merge [POST] Merge an external URI into this one. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0005 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri}/unarchive [POST] Unarchive an existing external URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/externaluris/{uri}/urlmetadata/process [POST] Process an external URI by re-generating its metadata from the URL source. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups [POST] Creates a group in PageSeeder. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group} [PATCH] Edits a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/archive [POST] Archive the group. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/batch/{object}/{action} [POST] Run a batch action on a specified list of objects. This service starts an Asynchronous process. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/batch/{object}/{action}/search [POST] This service runs batch action using search results.This service starts an Asynchronous process. | SUPPORTED
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/comments [POST] Create a new group comment from member. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/discussions [GET] Load a list of discussions from the current group. | SUPPORTED 5.9907 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/documents [POST] Create a PSML document. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/documents/forurl [POST] Create a new PSML document. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/export [GET] Export document(s) using path or uris parameters. The {group} on the URL is used when downloading the result. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/export [POST] Export document(s) using path or uris parameters. The {group} on the URL is used when downloading the result. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/externaluris/validate [POST] Validate the external URIs (also known as URLs) used in a group or on the whole server. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/folders [POST] Creates a new folder under the specified destination. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/folders/forurl [POST] Creates a new folder under the specified destination. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders [GET] List the group folders for the group on the URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9400 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders [POST] Create a new group folder with the path provided. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders/forpath [GET] This services returns the group folder information including sharing information for a given path. | SUPPORTED 5.9400 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders/{groupfolderid} [DELETE] Removes the group folder from the specified groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders/{groupfolderid} [GET] This services returns the group folder information including sharing information for a given group folder ID. | SUPPORTED 5.9400 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/groupfolders/{groupfolderid} [PATCH] Edit the specified group folder. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/index/start [POST] Start group indexing. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9702 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone [GET] Returns a flat (non hierarchical) representation of the loading zone. Does not include META-INF files. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/clear [POST] Clearing the content in a member loading zone. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/delete [POST] Deleting the content of a member loading zone. | SUPPORTED 5.2102 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/start [POST] Starts loading the specified loading zone. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/tree [GET] Returns a hierarchical representation of the loading zone. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/unzip [POST] Unzip content in a member loading zone. | SUPPORTED 5.2102 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/loadingzone/uris [GET] Uploaded URIs. | SUPPORTED 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/mail/preview [POST] Preview an Email output. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.5914 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/mail/send [POST] Send an email message. | SUPPORTED 5.9300 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/memberdetails [GET] Get a group’s member details. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/metadata/{extension}/process [POST] Reprocess metadata for a specific extension. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/publications/{publicationid}/versions [POST] Versions all documents in a publication. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/publications/{publicationid}/versions/{versionid}/archive [POST] Archive an existing publication version from all publication URIs. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/publish/start [GET] Start a group publish job. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.5914 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/publishconfig [GET] Gets the publish configuration for a group as specified in the publish-config.xml files for the project, global template and default. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/rename [POST] Launch a rename thread for the group. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/repairpublications [POST] This action fixes searches and document activity which are out of sync with the actual publications.
After repair, the group is automatically re-indexed. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/resolverefs [POST] Resolve xrefs for a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/unarchive [POST] Unarchive a group. | SUPPORTED 5.9809 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/documentconfig [GET] This services returns the configuration files for a document type or media type related to a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/forurl/versions [POST] Create a new version. | SUPPORTED 6.0008 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/publishconfig [GET] Gets the publish config for all URIs in a group. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/urlconfig [GET] Gets the following URL configuration files for a specified group and URL or URL type. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri} [DELETE] Delete a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri} [GET] Load a URI object with sharing information. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri} [PATCH] Sets the URI Properties. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/archive [POST] Archive a document or a folder. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/config [GET] This service returns all the configuration files for a document based on its document type, media type or a URL type. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/documents [POST] Create a new PSML document. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/documenttoc [GET] Returns the Table of Contents (TOC) for the document. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/drafts/{editid} [DELETE] Deletes a draft edit. If the fragment has no content it is also deleted – this is usually for newly created fragments that have not been saved. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/duplicate [POST] Duplicate a PSML document. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/editinlinelabel [POST] Edit an inline label found in a fragment of the URI provided. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/editpsmlproperty [POST] Edit a property found in a fragment of the URI provided. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/edits/{editid}/notes [POST] Create an edit note on the specified edit. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/export [GET] Export a document (URI) and any of its referenced documents. The {group}on the URL is used when downloading the result. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/folders [POST] Creates a new folder under the specified destination. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/foldervalidate [POST] Performs a validation on all documents in a folder. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments [POST] Create a new fragment at specified location in a document. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment} [DELETE] Deletes the content of the fragment provided. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment} [GET] Fragment’s Content | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment} [PUT] Fragment's Content. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/move [POST] Move a Fragment. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.8900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/notes [POST] Create an edit note on the last edit of a fragment or otherwise on the original content. | SUPPORTED 5.9903 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/revert [POST] Revert Fragment's Content. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/transform [POST] Transform fragment's content using XSLT. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/index/start [POST] Start folder indexing. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/metadata [GET] Load the fragment content of a PSML document. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/metadata [PUT] Create new edit on fragment provided. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/metadata/revert [POST] Revert URI metadata. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/move [POST] Move a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/publications [GET] Get URI publications. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/publish/start [GET] Start a document or folder publish job. | SUPPORTED 5.5914 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/publishconfig [GET] Gets the publish config for a URI. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/resolverefs [POST] Resolve xrefs for a folder. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/revert [POST] Revert a document's content to a previous version. It is equivalent to downloading that version of the document and then uploading it over the existing one. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9907 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/toc [GET] Output the partial TOC for a publication including a content document (request URI) and its ancestors. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/unarchive [POST] Unarchives a URI by moving it to its previous location. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/validate [GET] Validate the URI with Schematron. | SUPPORTED 5.8900 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/versions [POST] Create a new version. | SUPPORTED 6.0008 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/versions/{versionid}/archive [POST] Archive an existing version on a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.4000 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/workflow [POST] Create a new workflow. | SUPPORTED 5.9300 |
/members/{member}/groups/{group}/validate [POST] Performs a validation on all documents in a publication accessible to the specified group. | SUPPORTED 5.9905 |
/members/{member}/index/start [POST] Start server indexing. Invoking this service starts an Asynchronous process. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/index/status [GET] Status of server indexing | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/members/{member}/invitations [GET] Get the invitations for the member. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/memberships [GET] This service returns the list of group memberships for a given member. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/projectlist [GET] List the top level projects and groups for the specified member. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/members/{member}/projects [POST] Creates a new project in PageSeeder. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/projects/find [GET] Finds projects and groups for the specified member or the whole server. | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group} [PATCH] Edits an existing PageSeeder project. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/archive [POST] Launch an archive thread for the project. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/autocomplete [GET] Returns the list of terms to auto-complete a field or set of fields from groups the member belongs to under a project. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/autosuggest [GET] Autosuggest for members groups under this project. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/rename [POST] Launch a rename thread for the project. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/search [GET] Search multiple groups by question. | SUPPORTED
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/search/facets [GET] Get search facets for multiple groups. | SUPPORTED
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/search/predicate [GET] Search multiple groups by predicate. | SUPPORTED
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/subprojectlist [GET] List the subprojects and groups for the given member. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/subprojecttree [GET] List the groups and subprojects of the context project for either the specified member or the whole server. The context project is specified by the {group} parameter in the service URL. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/projects/{group}/unarchive [POST] Unarchives a project. | SUPPORTED 5.9809 |
/members/{member}/projecttree [GET] List the projects and groups as a tree for either the specified member or the whole server. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/publications [GET] Get member publications. | SUPPORTED 6.0005 |
/members/{member}/publish/cancel [POST] Cancel a publish job. | EXPERIMENTAL 4.9508 |
/members/{member}/publish/check [GET] Check the status of a publish job. | SUPPORTED 4.8107 |
/members/{member}/search [GET] Search all member’s groups by question. | SUPPORTED
/members/{member}/search/facets [GET] Get search facets for all member’s groups | EXPERIMENTAL
/members/{member}/search/predicate [GET] Search all member’s groups by predicate. | EXPERIMENTAL
/members/{member}/tasks/find [GET] Load a list of non-archived tasks using filter parameters. The last comment in the task must match all filter parameters. The tasks with the most recent last comment are returned first. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/members/{member}/tasks/{taskid} [GET] Load a single task from accessible groups. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/members/{member}/unlock [POST] This service lets an Administrator unlock the account of a member. | SUPPORTED 5.9300 |
/members/{member}/uris/forurl [GET] Specify a URL in the request to retrieve information about a single URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri} [GET] Specify an ID to retrieve information about a single URI object. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/comments [POST] Use this service to create a new comment against a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/discussions [GET] Load a list of discussions for a URI, including all discussions attached to fragments in that URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/drafts/{editid} [DELETE] Delete a draft edit. | SUPPORTED 5.9800 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/export [GET] Export a document (URI) and any of its referenced documents. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/comments [POST] Create a new comment (or task) for URI fragment from member. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/discussions [GET] Load a list of discussions for a URI fragment. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/reversexrefs [GET] Load a URI's reverse xrefs | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/urlmetadata/{type}/process [POST] Process all the URLs with the type specified by re-generating their metadata. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/members/{member}/visiblegroups [GET] Returns the list of groups visible to the specified member. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/oauth/members/{member}/clients [GET] Returns the list of OAuth clients for a member. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.8909 |
/oauth/members/{member}/clients [POST] Create an OAuth client. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9600 |
/oauth/members/{member}/clients/{client} [DELETE] | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/oauth/members/{member}/clients/{client} [GET] Returns information about an OAuth client. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/oauth/members/{member}/clients/{client} [PATCH] Updates an OAuth client. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9801 |
/password/meter [POST] Check the strength of the password. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/projects/{group} [GET] Get a project. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/projects/{group}/help/search [GET] Search the default help index and any [project]-help groups in this or ancestor projects and automatically add the following filter ({group} can be a group or project). | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |
/projects/{group}/memberdetails [GET] Returns the list of member details types available to this group or project. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/projects/{group}/members/find [GET] Find members for project. | SUPPORTED 5.9700 |
/projects/{group}/publications/configs [GET] Lists publication configs. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9600 |
/projects/{group}/publications/configs/{publicationtype}/reload [POST] Reload a publication type. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/properties [GET] Returns the PageSeeder server properties from the configuration files. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/publish/checkall [GET] Check the status of all publish jobs currently running. | EXPERIMENTAL 4.9508 |
/publish/schedule [GET] Loads the events from the Publish Scheduler. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9700 |
/publish/schedule [POST] “Pause/continue/start” a scheduled publish job. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.8200 |
/resetsession [POST] Resets the current active session. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/self [GET] Returns the member details for the member that is currently authenticated. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/self/memberships [GET] Get the memberships for the member that is currently authenticated. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/setup [GET] This service returns the setup information if PageSeeder is not already configured. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/setup [POST] Handles PageSeeder configuration setup. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.0000 |
/tasks/find [GET] Load public tasks by filter. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/tasks/{taskid} [GET] Load a public task. | SUPPORTED 5.9500 |
/templates/validate [GET] Validate configuration files and ANT scripts in all templates on the server. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9900 |
/threads [GET] List All Threads. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0100 |
/threads/{threadid}/cancel [POST] Cancel an Asynchronous process. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.0100 |
/threads/{threadid}/logs [GET] Use this service to view the logs for a specific ticket for the PageSeeder Threads. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.4000 |
/threads/{threadid}/progress [GET] Thread Progress. | SUPPORTED 5.0100 |
/upload [POST] Uploads one or more files using a multipart request. | 5.9500 |
/upload [PUT] Upload a single file to PageSeeder with the contents of the file in the body of the request. | 5.9500 |
/upload/get [GET] Retrieves a file from the loading zone. | 5.9500 |
/uri/{uri} [GET] This service accepts GET, HEAD or OPTIONS requests for a file (document) stored on PageSeeder, checks access permission and fetches the file. | 6.0000 |
/uris/{uri}/comments [POST] Create a new comment for URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/uris/{uri}/discussions [GET] Load public discussions for a URI. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/comments [POST] Create a new comment for URI fragment. | SUPPORTED 5.9900 |
/uris/{uri}/fragments/{+fragment}/discussions [GET] Load the discussions on a URI fragment. | SUPPORTED 5.9600 |
/validation/report/{filename} [DELETE] Deletes the specified validation report file. | 5.9900 |
/validation/report/{filename} [GET] Returns the specified validation report file (without deleting it). | 5.9900 |
/version [GET] Returns the PageSeeder version. | SUPPORTED 6.0000 |
/webhooks/failures [GET] List webhooks with failed statuses. | EXPERIMENTAL 5.9500 |
/webhooks/jobs/{id} [GET] Gets a webhook job. | EXPERIMENTAL 6.1000 |