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reply comment

/members/{member}/comments/{commentid}/reply [POST]


Create a new reply from member.

Create a comment for group, reply, url or uri/fragment.


contentThe content of the commentyesstring
assignedtoThe ID of the member to assign the task to – status MUST be set ('' means unassign)nolongthe assigned member of the previous comment in thread
authoremailThe email address of the author (manager only)noemailthe current member's email
authornameThe name of the author (manager only)nostringthe current member's name
contenttypeThe media type of the commentnomediatypetext/plain
createdThe creation date of the comment in ISO-8601 e.g. 2010-10-25T12:26:00+10:00 (manager only)nodatetimethe current datetime
dueThe task due date, format is ISO-8601 – status/previous status MUST be set e.g. 2010-10-25, 2010-10-25T12:26 (defaults to T18:00)nodatethe due date of previous comment in thread
labelsA comma-separated list of label valuesnostring
notifyThe notification behaviornonotifynormal
notify-asyncWhether emails should be sent asynchronously (for slow email servers)nobooleanfalse
priorityThe priority for the task e.g. High, Medium, Low – status MUST be setnoprioritythe priority of the previous comment in thread
propertiesA pipe-separated list of value pairs (e.g. x=1|y=2|)nostring
statusThe task status value, e.g. Opennostatusthe status of the previous comment in thread
titleThe title of the commentnostringthe reply to comment's title
typeThe type of the commentnostring
urisComma-separated list of attachments as URI ID with optional !fragmentnolongs
urlsComma-separated list of attachments as URL with optional #fragmentnourls


The member on the request might need to be a reviewer or contributor or higher depending on the comments configuration in the groups configurations.

If the comments configuration is set to public, anyone can invoke this service.

An administrator can reply any comment.


<comment-creation [notification-email-delayed="true"|
  <comment id="123"
    <title>Cavern stolen!</title>
    <author email=""> ... </author>
    <assignedto id="123" date="2012-03-09T..."> ... </assignedto>
    <modifiedby id="456" date="2012-03-09T..."> ... </modifiedby>
    <content id="789"
             type="text/plain">Sesame opened the door
      <uri id="189"> ... </uri>
    <attachment fragment="5">
      <uri id="289"> ... </uri>

Error Handling

CodeCause / Description
0x1306The Group is invalid
0x1307The assigned to member is invalid
0x1308The due date is invalid
0x6301If the group has no general discussion
0x6302Failed to create new comment
Created on , last edited on