The tutorials will help to solve common problems quickly by providing guidance through simple examples.
Task-driven tutorials and recipes for PageSeeder
The tutorials will help to solve common problems quickly by providing guidance through simple examples.
PSML documents are rendered as HTML when displayed to end-users in both PageSeeder and Berlioz. This tutorial explains how to customize the presentation of documents using CSS styles.
When it comes to fielded or form-oriented data, PageSeeder provides a mechanism that allows developers to configure a document type with special properties fragments. These fragments contain one or more <property> elements, which is how PSML represents fielded or forms data.
This tutorial demonstrates the configuration of auto-numbering, equations, footnotes, citations, definitions and more.
Using the permission model and account management of PageSeeder is a straightforward way of managing user access to a Berlioz site. This task is made simpler by a module called Deck (a companion to Bridge).
Content of PSML documents often originates in other XML formats. This tutorial will demonstrate how to convert XML generated by Wikipedia to PSML documents using XSLT.
PSML documents are often linked together using cross-references (XRefs). This tutorial will demonstrate how use XSLT to convert two XML files generated by Wikipedia to PSML documents linked together with XRefs. After conversion, the PSML can be uploaded to PageSeeder for checking.
This tutorial will explain how to create a Berlioz index using PSML content.
Document types are a key concept in how PageSeeder represents and validates structured text.
PSML supports a special class of fragments known as properties fragments. These name/value pairs can be used to store information such as metadata. This tutorial will explain how they can be implemented.
This tutorial demonstrates the use of advanced features in publish scripts to process folders in PageSeeder. These kinds of features are typically required for more advanced website publishing.
Through the PageSeeder interface, document templates allow users to create single documents. This tutorial explains how developers can use a process script to have a document template create an entire collection of linked documents.
This tutorial will show how to create a script to publish PageSeeder documents to a website (or Berlioz). It explains how to publish from both the document and folder level.
PageSeeder can display a thumbnail of the first image in a document in place of the usual file icon in search results and xref lookups. By the end of this tutorial, you gain the ability to configure PageSeeder so that the thumbnail is displayed instead of the standard icon.
PageSeeder can be used to edit, manage and publish content from different XML formats. This tutorial shows how to import/export and edit Lightweight DITA (LwDITA) XML format in PageSeeder.
A programming language with the status of a W3C Recommendation, XSLT is primarily designed to process XML content. It is particularly well suited to transforming XML from one syntax to another. This could be to a different XML structure, such as XHTML or HTML. Or to a non-XML syntax, such as plain text or JSON. This tutorial shows how to use the Eclipse IDE to process an XSLT transformation.
XSLT is a W3C standard programming language primarily designed to process XML content. One task it is particularly well suited to is transforming XML to another syntax such as plain text or HTML or to an alternate XML structure. This tutorial shows how to do an XSLT transformation using the Windows command line.
PageSeeder can be used to convert DOCX documents into PSML in two easy steps. This tutorial shows how to import DOCX format into PageSeeder. The default config uses the XML document word-import-config to split fragments and documents together in the same configuration. Now, it is divided in two documents, word-import-config.xml and psml-split-config.xml to simplify the configuration.
This tutorial describes how image metadata can control which version of an image is used when PageSeeder outputs a document. For example, publishing a document to a website or mobile device might use the same resolution image as the editing process. However, when the same document is output for print, the images might be substituted with a higher resolution version.
By the end of this tutorial you will be able to use Schematron to validate film documents. This includes learning how to define validation rules and implementing them on PageSeeder.
This tutorial explains how to configure PageSeeder so that any new documents of a specific document type conform to rules that specify where the document must be stored and what it must be named.
This tutorial will explain how to create PSML files from an Excel file using an Ant publishing task (upload).