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send mail

/members/{member}/groups/{group}/mail/send [POST]


Send an email message.

Use XSLT and the specified template to transform the provided XML content into an email message.

Send the message to one of the following four destinations:

  • normal – all members of the group according to their notification settings.
  • announce – send to all members of the group ignoring their notification settings.
  • self – send to member currently logged in.
  • recipients – send to the email addresses specified in the parameter recipients .

The default option is normal.

If the template specified is external, then the content parameter XML is wrapped in a <notification> element which follows the same format as for the other templates and includes a <group> element.



contentThe XML to be transformed into the body of the messageyesxml
nameThe email template to useyesstring
recipientsIf notify is set to recipients, a comma-separated list of email addresses must be includedmaybestring
groupsComma-separated list of additional groups to send the email to (notify must be normal|announce)nostring
attachmentsComma-separated list of URLs to attach to messagenostring
notifyWho the message is being sent to [normal|announce|self|recipients]noenumnormal
fromWho the email is from [member|group|pageseeder|system] (administrators and template='external' only)noenummember
subjectThe message subject, if it is not specified in the XSLT templatenostringPageSeeder Email
notify-asyncWhether emails should be sent asynchronously (for slow email servers)nobooleanfalse


The security required to access this service depends on the from, template and notify parameters:

  • from=[anything]administrator
  • template=[not external]administrator
  • notify=recipientsadministrator
  • notify=normal|announcecontributor and higher
  • notify=selfreviewer and higher


The XML output has the following format:

<email-notification delayed="[true|false]" />

Error Handling

No specific errors expected for this service.

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