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Web services from /about to /webhooks

edit member email

/members/{member}/email [POST]


Edit member email with a token.

When the member is not authenticated, this service requires a change-email token to authorize the request.

The change-email token is issued when users change their email address in their personal details. It is sent along with the change-email-confirm email so that they can confirm their new email is correct.

After the email is changed the change-email email is sent to the new and previous email addresses to alert the user.


NameDescriptionRequiredTypeDefault value
tokenThe change email token for the memberyes, if not authenticatedstring


The user must be authenticated or provide a valid change-email token as a parameter that is associated with the member in the request.


This service returns the <member> element wrapped in a <member-modification> element. The email attribute has the new email address as a value.

  <member id="[member id]"
          firstname="[first name]"
    <fullname>[full name]</fullname>

Error Handling

CodeCause / Description
0x1004If the email is already in use
0x102AIf the token is invalid or has expired
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