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Web services from /about to /webhooks

list subprojecttree

/members/{member}/projects/{group}/subprojecttree [GET]


List the groups and subprojects of the context project for either the specified member or the whole server. The context project is specified by the {group} parameter in the service URL.

This service returns the list of groups and projects in hierarchical form so that subprojects and groups appear nested correctly within the specified project.

This service is similar to the /members/{member}/projecttree service, the main difference is that this service returns only the context project and its children.


NameDescriptionRequiredTypeDefault value
archivedWhether to return archived projects/groups onlynobooleanfalse
forIf 'server', return all projects/groups for server (Administrator only) [member|server]noenummember
groupsWhether to return groupsnobooleantrue
nameprefixPrefix that project/group’s full name must have to be returnednostring
resultsizeThe max number of results in the entire treenointeger1000


By default, this service only returns memberships to groups and projects which are not archived.

If the context project is archived (starts with archive- ), use archived=true to list the groups and projects within that project.

Make sure that the archived parameter is consistent with the context project archived status otherwise, no groups are returned.


This service returns the groups that the specified member is a member of, including subgroups.

If you are an administrator, you can use for=server to return all the projects and groups for the server under the context project specified by {group} in the service URL.


This parameter controls whether groups are returned in the response.

If your PageSeeder instance contains many projects or groups, setting this parameter to false lets you load the project tree structure gradually.


This parameter filters the results by only returning the projects and groups which name matches the specified prefix.

If specified, the nameprefix must match the {group} specified in the project URL.


This parameter limits the number of groups and projects which are returned. The maximum value allowed is 10000.

The returned tree might have more nodes than the specified result size as ancestor projects are always added.


Any member can invoke this service for themselves.

Only an administrator can request the project trees for the entire server with for=server. or for another member.


The returned XML is as follows with <project> at the top:

<project id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ...>

  <!-- sub projects -->
  <project id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ...>
    <group id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ... />
    <group id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ... />

  <!-- groups -->
  <group id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ... />
  <group id="[id]" name="[name]" description="[description]" owner="[owner]" ... />

Or in JSON

  "id": number,
  "name": string,
  "owner": string,
  "type": string,
  "description": string,
  "groups: [

In JSON, use the type property to distinguish groups from projects. The groups array property is only specified if type is project.

Error Handling

CodeCause / Description
0x110EThe nameprefix parameter is not valid for project specified in service URL
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