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Web services from /about to /webhooks

uri export

/members/{member}/uris/{uri}/export [GET]


Export a document (URI) and any of its referenced documents.

This service exports the document(s) specified using the Universal Portable Format.

It is also the service supporting the export Ant task. If you’re working with Ant or outside a Web environment, it might be more appropriate to use the Ant task.

If there are more than 20 documents included in the export, this service starts an Asynchronous process.


binary-metadata-onlyFlag to specify if only metadata of non-PSML documents should be included in the export. Requires PageSeeder v5.99 or higher.nobooleanfalse
compareValue of the version to compare with. If the value is a float or ISO 8601 date and none match, the closest previous version is loadednostring
contextContext path without the site prefixnopathURI folder
excludesA comma-separated list of filename patterns to exclude from the export, only used if path is specified and points to a foldernostrings
fail-on-errorFlag to specify if the first error should stop the exportnobooleanfalse
forward-depthThe depth of outgoing cross-references to traversenointeger 0 
image-metadata-onlyFlag to specify if only metadata of referenced images should be included in the export. DEPRECATED use binary-metadata-only instead.nobooleanfalse
includesA comma-separated list of filename patterns to include in the export, only used if path is specified and points to a foldernostrings
Flag whether to remove _ from _local and _external folders so they can be uploaded, making the export self-containednoboolean
interpublication-xrefsFlag whether to resolve{parentnumber}, {prefix} and {heading} templates of xrefs between publications. Uses the default publication of the target.nobooleanfalse
load-alternatesFlag to specify if referenced files with xref type="alternate" should be included in the exportnobooleantrue
load-imagesFlag to specify if referenced images should be included in the exportnobooleantrue
metadata-onlyFlag to specify if only metadata PSML should be included in the exportnobooleanfalse
Position in the publication for numberingnointeger
process-publicationWhether to process publication numbering and placeholders (requires publicationid). Requires PageSeeder v6.1 or higher.nobooleanfalse
publicationidThe ID of the publication for  processing and versionsnopublicationid
resolve-imagesFlag to specify if referenced images should be included in the export. DEPRECATED use load-images insteadnobooleantrue
reverse-depthThe depth of reverse cross-references to traversenointeger0
sinceLast modified date used to filter URIs to export, only used if path is specified and points to a foldernodate or datetime
versionValue of the version to export. If the value is a float or ISO 8601 date and none match, the closest previous version is loadednostring
withComma-separated list of facets used to filter URIs to export, only used if path is specified and points to a foldernostrings
xref-typesA comma-separated list of cross-references to traverseno strings(all types)

If process-publication="true" then transcluded content will be included in documents (except if compare specified), however  transclude should still be specified in xref-types to follow xrefs in that content.


Only the member or an administrator can invoke this service and the member must have access to the uri.


This service returns the following XML (even if an asynchronous process has not been started):

<thread ... status="[status]">
  [<processing current="[number processed]" 
               total="[total processing]"/>]
  [<packaging  current="[number packaged]" 
               total="[total packaging]"/>]
  [<zip>[zip filename]</zip>]

When status="complete" the export can be downloaded using the URL:

[scheme]://[my server]/ps/member-resource/[group name]/[zip filename]

For example:

Error Handling

No specific errors expected for this service.

Created on , last edited on