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create document forurl

/members/{member}/groups/{group}/documents/forurl [POST]


Create a new PSML document.

There are various ways of specifying the target destination:

  • If the document configuration for the type specified has <folder> or <filename> defined, then these are used to compute the document path.
  • Otherwise, the URI on the request or the following parameters are used: url, parenturl, name.


NameDescriptionRequiredTypeDefault value
nameName of file to create – without extension (required if request has no url and filename not specified in document configuration)maybestring
parenturlURL of parent URI (required if request has no url and folder not specified in document configuration)maybeurl
urlURL of target URI (required if request has no parenturl and folder/filename not specified in document configuration)maybeurl
descriptionDescription of new documentnostring
docidDocument IDnostring
labelsComma-separated list of document label valuesnostring
notification-contentContent of notificationnostring
notification-groupsComma-separated list of group names to notify (optional, default to current group name)nostring
notification-labelsComma-separated list of label values for the note (if exists creates a note)nostring
notification-subjectSubject of notification (default to document title or Document Created)nostring
notifyNotification behaviornonotificationsilent
notify-asyncWhether emails are sent asynchronously (for slow email servers)nobooleanfalse
template.*template.[name] used as a param by the template to create the contentnodefined in template
titleDisplay title of new documentnostring
typeType of new document (optional)nostringdefault


This service requires contributor or higher.


The XML output follows this format:

<document-creation renamed="true"
  <uri id="1234"
    <displaytitle>New document</displaytitle>

The <uri> element is the URI that was create by this service.

Error Handling

CodeCause / Description
0x0000The name is required
0x120AInvalid Document ID
0x1201Illegal character in filename
0x1209Existing Document ID
0x1211Existing URI
0x1216Invalid destination
0x1217Two contradictory parameters have been specified (url and name or url and parenturl or url and parentfolder or parenturl and parentfolder)
0x201BUnable to create XRefs
0x0204The Member was not found
0x1222Invalid Publication ID
0x1223Invalid Publication Type
0x1231Publication ID is already being used
0x6202Invalid PSML document configuration
Created on , last edited on