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PageSeeder installation and upgrade instructions

Release Notes – Version 5.8116 (7 March 2016)


Added: new ps:upload ANT task supporting ps:config settings, error reporting and workflow creation.

Deprecated: old ps:ps-upload task. Also added support for @group and @indexcomplete attributes on ps:export task to ensure indexing is complete when using a filter.

5891157 Mar 20165.8116

Fixed: default export actions not working if a custom action is defined for a specific document type.

58883819 Feb 20165.8112

Added: URI, fragment, block and inline labels to xreftree service XML. Also added support for properties param to include a comma-separated list of property names.

58885516 Feb 20165.8112

Fixed: slow loading after bulk versioning a large number of documents.

5879158 Feb 20165.8111

Fixed: image references breaking when moved after the fragment has been edited.

5872742 Feb 20165.8110

Added: button "Resolve all PS standard documents" on user home page for administrators only. This is to the phasing out of support for PS standard while still allowing users to view and convert PS standard to PSML.

All PS standard documents should be resolved BEFORE upgrading to v5.9, otherwise it will be done before PageSeeder starts and could mean a long server downtime.

58658929 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: problem resolving images when exporting documents from multiple groups.

58232829 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: “display white spaces and non-ASCII characters” document view option not working.

58353029 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: blocks not being 'sticky' i.e. always scrolling off the top of the page when scrolling a document.

58226529 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: blockXRef being replaced with blockxref in PS Standard. Fixed conversion to PSML .

58658229 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: XRefs to URLs not resolving when ending in '/' or if the URL parameters were in a different order.

5816945 Jan 20165.8109

Fixed: .bak files not being removed when a create edits database error occurs during an upload.

58161422 Dec 20155.8107

Fixed: resolving XRefs to URLs (external URIs) with parameters on upload.

58118421 Dec 20155.8107

Fixed: publish logs not being displayed after the first error and better performance for publish scripts that produce large logs.

57925330 Nov 20155.8106

Fixed: create document/folder problems with missing ancestor folders, leading/trailing spaces/dots and special characters.

57804627 Nov 20155.8106

Fixed: error when publishing a folder with "." in the folder name.

57831925 Nov 20155.8106

Updated: Word (docx) import–

  • removed “Use external configuration” option –uploaded word-import-config.xml is now used automatically.
  • added a “Remove uploaded config (untick for multiple docx)” option – selecting this in the developer perspective allows word-import-config.xml to be applied to multiple docx files on upload.
57864024 Nov 20155.8106

Added: support to ps:process ANT task for image/@src="uriidfolders" using a URI ID to create folder paths to an image. For example – an image with an ID of 12345 would create a path of:


the path, including the leading zeroes would have been inferred as follows:

[uriid billions]/[uriid millions]
/[uriid thousands]/[uriid].[ext]
57813318 Nov 20155.8106

Fixed: export not finishing properly and not displaying an error when an image cannot be resolved.

57803811 Nov 20155.8106

Allowed: for backward compatibility @createedits attribute to exist on ps-upload ANT task. Regardless, edits will always be created.

5780339 Nov 20155.8105

Added: support for custom password.xml file in pageseeder/WEB-INF/config folder. This configures the password strength meter and overrides the default password.xml in sysconfig.

5780319 Nov 20155.8105

Fixed: ps:process ANT task prefixing fragment type attributes by URI ID.

5780046 Nov 20155.8105

Added: validation when editing JSON files in developer tools.

57721628 Oct 20155.8103

Fixed: Bridge API file upload creating unwanted parent URIs.

57724627 Oct 20155.8103

Fixed: folder path being set as folder title when uploading on Linux server.

57725727 Oct 20155.8103

Modified: ps:process ANT task to strip "1_" prefix from IDs on document, section and fragment. If additional instances of a document are embedded/transcluded, the prefixed IDs will persist.

57725127 Oct 20155.8103

Added: support to ps:process ANT task for attribute levels="[true|false]" on <xrefs> element. This determines whether to modify heading levels in a target documents. Default is "true".

57714020 Oct 20155.8103

Fixed: pageseeder service not being stopped when a Linux server is shut down.

5702847 Oct 20155.8102

Added: display progress for version creation on a folder and modified create-uri-version service to use a thread and return HTTP code 202 Accepted.

Also added support for the following global property:

  • maxVersionNotifications: The maximum number of notifications when adding bulk versions by folder or search. If more than this is created then none will be sent. Default is "20".
5691712 Oct 20155.8102

Added: progress display for workflow creation on a folder and modified create-uri-workflow service to use a thread and return HTTP code 202 Accepted.

5691692 Oct 20155.8102

Fixed: named versions (not number or date) exporting incorrectly.

56939423 Sep 20155.8102

Added: support for the following options in the PSML properties editor config:

  • autocomplete: Whether to list values of this property from other documents (default false)
  • unique: Whether to ensure this property value is not used in other documents (default false)
  • readonly: Whether to stop user's editing this property (default false)
50598412 Sep 20155.8101

Updated: ps-upload ANT task to output the new <uri> element format below. Also removed support for @createedits attribute on <ps-upload> element. Edits are always created.

<uri id="[id]"
       [title="My Document"]
    <displaytitle>My Document</displaytitle>
       [<description>This is my

Any ANT scripts using the XML output from the upload task will need to be updated. Also <ps-upload>/@createedits attributes will have to be removed from all scripts.

53552312 Sep 20155.8101

Modified: the following services from GET to POST:

56369611 Sep 20155.8100

Modified: services that start an asynchronous process (thread) to return HTTP code 202 Accepted instead of 200 OK.

Also added a wrapping element such as <group-indexing> and <xref-resolution> to the modified thread XML which in most cases now looks like the following:

         id="[thread id]"
       name="[thread name]"
   username="[username of user
                starting thread]"
    groupid="[ID of group if
              applicable or -1]"
       [<message>[explanation or
       [thread specific XML]

See Asynchronous process and API documentation for affected services.

53667511 Sep 20155.8100

Modified: the validation report so the size will not exceed 20 MB. This is to avoid out-of-memory errors.

56437710 Sep 20155.7919

Fixed: Microsoft Office Namespace errors on incoming emails.

5630062 Sep 20155.7916

Added: property to ps:config ANT task for use instead of username in service URLs. This is to avoid issues with '@' not being encoded.

56299131 Aug 20155.7916

Modified: ps:process ANT task to resolve ambiguous XRefs where the target appears multiple times. Now, the system will look for a single target in a sub-hierarchy containing both the source and target.

If a stand-alone sub-hierarchy can be processed without ambiguity, the internal links will be unchanged when it is part of a larger hierarchy.

To distinguish between different instances of the same document, document/@id, section/@id and *fragment/@id will be prefixed by '[n]_'. Projects using these IDs may require modification.

56096119 Aug 20155.7915

Added: to document browse page, the filename in the tooltip as well as the last_modified_date on the right.

56093810 Aug 20155.7913

Added: Dev > References check page to find cross-references to archived or external documents, reference loops or ambiguous targets (that appear in multiple places).

5609587 Aug 20155.7913

Replaced: Subscript button with Code style button in CK editor.

5608875 Aug 20155.7912

Fixed: folder title and labels being lost when uploading previously exported PSML files.

5567585 Aug 20155.7912

Added: autocomplete for elements / attributes / values (by pressing ctrl-space) in PSML source editor and XML configuration files.

5604175 Aug 20155.7912

Added: support to ps-request ANT task for including <servlet path="[path]"/> in multiple request files to change the request URL.

56040328 Jul 20155.7912

Modified: name of"Admin > Group properties" page to "Admin > Group config".

56034427 Jul 20155.7912

Added: support to ps:process ANT task for nested <include name="x" /> or <exclude name="x" /> elements instead of @includes or @excludes attributes. This avoids problems caused by commas in filenames.

Projects using ps:process with @includes="x" must be updated to use <include name="x">.

53965720 Jul 20155.7911

Added: the following Schematron assertions for validating documents:

  • old psml: identifies documents that are using old PSML markup which is no longer supported
  • references: identifies XRefs or images which are unresolved or point to archived documents
55891815 Jul 20155.7911

Improved: performance for browsing large numbers of documents by optimizing database queries and modifying the database to add:

  • ParentPath field to URI table
55851215 Jul 20155.7910

Deprecated: the following servlets:


Any projects using these servlets should be modified to use generators or services instead.

55733010 Jul 20155.7910

Improved: support for markdown-like formatting for comments, see Comment formatting.

55099230 Jun 20155.7910

Fixed: duplicate ids appearing on <xref|blockxref> in PSML. To fix this on existing documents, clear cached content by using Reload page in the Developer perspective.

55651129 Jun 20155.7910

Fixed: XRef processing in ps:process ANT task when filename contains parenthesis ( ).

55163529 Jun 20155.7910

Added: support to PSML publishing config for @role on <target> which will only display the target for users with specified role and above. Allowed values are contributor|manager|approver.

55016629 Jun 20155.7910

Fixed: PSML/XML with byte order marks and different encodings not being handled correctly.

54691722 Jun 20155.7910

Removed: member's significant date and related functionality.

55180017 Jun 20155.7910

Fixed: group property documentStatusLocked not working for PSML documents.

55161414 Jun 20155.7908

Modified: services so that wherever an arbitrary string can occur in the URL it can be prefixed by ~ to prevent clashes with other URLs such as 

GET /members/~jsmith.

Also added support for docid to be used wherever {uri} is expected, for example

GET /groups/acme-specs/uris/~spec123

Deprecated: the following services:

GET /caches/{name}/info
POST /members/{member}/comments/{xlinkid}/edit
GET /members/{member}/comments/filter
GET /comments/filter
GET /members/{member}/tasks/filter
GET /tasks/filter
POST /groups/{group}/resources/create
POST /groups/{group}/resources/delete
POST /members/{member}/groups/create
POST /members/{member}/projects/create
POST /members/{member}/groups/{group}/edit
POST /members/{member}/projects/{group}/edit
POST /groups/{group}/subgroups/{subgroup}/edit
GET /members/{member}/projectfind
GET /members/{member}/groups/{group}
GET /members/{member}/projects/{group}
POST /members/create
POST /groups/{group}/members/create
POST /groups/{group}/members/{member}/delete
POST /groups/{group}/members/{member}/edit
POST /members/{member}/edit
GET /groups/{group}/members/{member}/details
GET /members/{member}/details
POST /groups/{group}/members
POST /members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris
POST /members/{member}/groups/{group}/
POST /members/{member}/groups/{group}

Replaced: deprecated services with the following:

GET /caches/{name}
PATCH /members/{member}/comments/{xlinkid}
GET /members/{member}/comments/find
GET /comments/find
GET /members/{member}/tasks/find
GET /tasks/find
POST /groups/{group}/resources
POST /members/{member}/groups
POST /members/{member}/projects
PATCH /members/{member}/groups/{group}
PATCH /members/{member}/projects/{group}
PATCH /groups/{group}/subgroups/{subgroup}
GET /members/{member}/projects/find
GET /projects/{group}
POST /members
POST /groups/{group}/members
DELETE /groups/{group}/members/{member}
PATCH /groups/{group}/members/{member}
PATCH /members/{member}
GET /groups/{group}/members/{member}
GET /members/{member}
POST /groups/{group}/members/inviteself
PATCH /members/{member}/groups/{group}
PATCH /members/{member}/groups/{group}

Added: the following services:

GET /groups/{group}/properties
GET /publish/about
GET /members/{member}/groups
GET /members/{member}/groups
POST /members/{member}/groups
POST /members/{member}/groups/ {group}/uris

Removed: the following services:

GET /bandwidth
GET /groups/{group}/bandwidth
GET /groups/{group}/size

Modified: the following services:

  • changed output XML, replaced existing params by events, page and pagessize params
GET /groups/{group}/uris/{uri}/history
  • deprecated hosturl param and added host param
POST /members/{member}/projects
  • removed @flags attributes on <member> and added attributes @significantdate, @onvacation, @attachments, @created, @activated, @lastpasswordchange and @lastlogin
GET /members/{member}
  • deprecated content param and use enclosed entity content of the request instead
PUT /groups/{group}/resources
  • deprecated content param and instead use the entity content enclosed in the request
PUT /members/{member}/groups/{group}/uris
  • added sharing information
GET /members/{member}/groups
  • added sharing information
GET /members/{member}/groups
5510089 Jun 20155.7908

Disabled: “insert comment by email for shared documents” because the group cannot be specified.

5509989 Jun 20155.7908

Improved: document history page by displaying events in a new list format with most recent first. Also added an option to display any combination of the following events:

  • upload,
  • creation,
  • modification,
  • attachedto,
  • workflow,
  • version,
  • edit,
  • draft,
  • note,
  • xref,
  • image,
  • comment,
  • task
5381043 Jun 20155.7908

Modified: all keys in URLs to use Base64 URL-safe encoding.

5275733 Jun 20155.7908

Fixed: adding an XRef always inserted at the bottom of the fragment.

Fixed: inline label option not working if cursor is inside an existing inline label.

5378393 Jun 20155.7908

Modified: document view so that PS standard documents are read-only (no edit, preview, version, validate functionality). Comments on PS standard documents can only be added at the document level or as replies.

For full functionality the group must be converted to PSML.

5503183 Jun 20155.7908

Improved: document view page by moving comments/tasks, references and notes to the right hand side next to the corresponding fragment.

Also added update actions to the cartouche fields plus the following options:

  • display section / fragment IDs
  • hide block / inline label names
5503073 Jun 20155.7908

Updated: the user interface to the Foundation framework. Making it cleaner, more consistent and more responsive to different screen sizes with support for desktops, tablets and handheld devices.

Removed mobile perspective as no longer required.

Any XSLT, CSS or JavaScript customizations will need to be tested against the new framework.

5503043 Jun 20155.7908

Added: cross-references for images as follows:

  • On "Upload" or "Resolve references" a cross-reference will be created for each <image/> element to the corresponding image file (if it exists).
  • The reverse references on image files will show where each image is used.
  • The attributes @uriid, @docid and @unresolved have been been added to <image/> elements.
  • Images without a URI ID or unresolved="true" will be displayed with a red boarder. All existing images will be initially unresolved.
  • The "Resolve references" option on folder or group manage can be used to resolve existing images. Viewing the logs from this will show any xrefs or images that could not be resolved.
53681729 May 20155.7907

Added: any changes to heading and para prefix are now displayed on the fragment and version compare pages.

54838329 May 20155.7907

Simplified: document browse actions by displaying Resolve references, Index and Delete in the developer perspective only.

54920429 May 20155.7907

Added: pstitle-sort to index and to sort options on Search page. Before results can search by title, a group will need to be re-indexed.

53319326 May 20155.7907

Modified: the Windows installer –

  • Added support for multiple PageSeeder instances, each with their own name.
  • Removed install as service option and any existing PageSeeder service will be removed.
  • Added option to set shutdown port (default 8005). This is useful for servers with multiple, concurrently PageSeeder instances.
  • Require Java 7 or later (JDK or JRE) be present before PageSeeder is installed. 
  • Updated Start-Stop Developer Utility including 4 colour themes useful for multiple PageSeeders.
53822026 May 20155.7907

Modified:  Made the following modifications to the PageSeeder database:

  • Added Modified DATETIME field and unique GroupID/URIID constraint to DGROUP_FOR_URI table.
  • Changed LOCATOR to URI table relationship from N:M to N:1 and added unique URIID, Fragment constraint.
  • Increased XLINK.AuthorName to VARCHAR(100).
  • Added the following DATETIME fields to MEMBER table: Created, Activated, LastLogin, LastPasswordChange.

Database changes always involve some risk, so please BACKUP THE PAGESEEDER DATABASE BEFORE UPGRADING to this version.

Starting PageSeeder for the first time after upgrade may take a few minutes as it will try to fix any duplicate fragments.

To see the progress or if PageSeeder fails to start view

54834725 May 20155.7906

Fixed: error viewing documents or folders that have a title starting with '<' and ending with '>'.

54825622 May 20155.7906

Updated: the upload documents page–

  • Always displays the "Show Warnings and Errors only" option in the logs for filtering large upload logs.
  • After unzip the file list is automatically refreshed after 10 seconds, useful for large zip files.
  • The file list will refresh without reloading the whole page so that option modifications are not lost.
  • The "Show logs" link should now still work the following day.
  • The total number of files is displayed at the bottom.
54545720 May 20155.7906

Added: draft comment functionality as follows:

  • A draft comment will be saved 5 seconds after any typing or modification of the comment and immediately if files are attached.
  • Files can now be attached by the dragging and dropping them onto the contents box.
  • Saved drafts are listed on the new My drafts page in the user home context.
53430720 May 20155.7906

Modified: Folders shared between multiple groups are now displayed as orange in the document browse page.

Also the document view will display "shared" in orange at the top and more sharing details when the cartouche is expanded.

53793419 May 20155.7906

Removed: restriction that a user can't change status on a task/document if their role doesn't have access to it's existing status. Now a status can always be changed as long as the user's role has access to the new value.

53803115 May 20155.7906

Modified: the following workflows:

  • Added workflow options to document upload page so document status can be set on upload.
  • Added document status to top of document view page so it can be accessed by clicking on it.
  • Document status can be accessed via the document header (cartouche).
  • Workflows are now displayed in the document history page and have been removed from the document comments page.
  • Added a 'workflow' label type on the labels page for use by workflows.
53809015 May 20155.7906

Upgraded: PageSeeder to use Java 7, Tomcat 8, DataNucleus 4.1 and Saxon 9.6.

Any customized XSLT should be tested on a development server before upgrading production. Some previously supported XSLT does not work with Saxon 9.6.

54546911 May 20155.7906

Added: support for managerDisable=edit-docids in which will prevent managers and below from editing Doc IDs.

54546811 May 20155.7906

Added: psstatuschangeddate to index for PSML documents and to column options on Search page. Documents with existing workflows will need to be re-indexed.

54546511 May 20155.7906
Created on , last edited on