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PageSeeder installation and upgrade instructions

Release Notes – Version 5.9503 (9 March 2018)


Fixed: display of edit note title and fragment in document history page.

5391666 Mar 20185.9503

Fixed: return of public comments when viewing public discussions for a URI.

6537385 Mar 20185.9503

Fixed: viewing metadata history on versioned documents creating error: “Could not compare two XLinks with different Content”.

65306028 Feb 20185.9503

Fixed: occasional error when replying to a shared comment “[0x1306] Internal URI ... is not accessible to group ...”.

65257712 Feb 20185.9503

Fixed: project-level search service returning results from groups outside the project.

6524717 Feb 20185.9502

Fixed: error on ps:request ANT task when no <body> or <fileset> elements are present.

6523687 Feb 20185.9502

Improved: cache persistence during shutdown.

6519475 Feb 20185.9502

Fixed: empty @forwarddisplay attribute on <reversexref> element. Deployment may require the xml-documents cache to be cleared.

6519465 Feb 20185.9502

Added: pslatestversiondate field to index.

65142731 Jan 20185.9501

Fixed: so that moving a task does not change status, priority, assignment or due date of replies.

65132230 Jan 20185.9501

Fixed: Edit sheet problems with Edge and Internet Explorer.

65124830 Jan 20185.9501

Added: the following experimental math support to the lab perspective:

  • AsciiMath inside an asciimath inline label will be rendered as MathML.
<inline label="asciimath">
  • AsciiMath inside a media-fragment will be rendered as MathML. These can also be transcluded.
<media-fragment mediatype="text/asciimath">
  • A custom asciimath editor configured through:
    •  a document-template.psml that includes the above media-fragment,
    • a document-config.xml that defines the editor.

For example:

<editor name="asciimath"
  • MathML inside a media-fragment will be rendered correctly in Google Chrome. These fragments can be transcluded.
  • Added a wirismathml custom editor configured though:
    • a document-template.psml that includes the above media-fragment,
    • a document-config.xml that defines the editor.

For example:

<editor name="wirismathml"
64878129 Jan 20185.9501

Fixed: fragment history generating errors when edit notes have labels.

65091522 Jan 20185.9501

Fixed: possible search error:

"java.text.ParseException: Input is not
       a valid date string"

This occurred when filtering a property of datatype="date" where some were blank.

Groups where this situation was possible should re-index after upgrading.

64852519 Jan 20185.9500

Added: support for <body> element and @type="[text|xml]" attribute on <ps:request> ANT task.

64848516 Jan 20185.9500

Modified: CK editor to save a draft copy of text edits after five seconds of keyboard inactivity.

47870116 Jan 20185.9500

Modified: the “Add/edit prefix” option on the right mouse button in CK editor to simplify editing prefixes on a heading or paragraph.

54696115 Jan 20185.9500

Added: webhooks support so client applications can be notified via HTTP post requests when data changes.

Renamed: the Admin > OAuth admin page to Client admin and added Webhooks button for configuration.

Added:Webhook secret” field on a client to sign webhook POST requests.

63464915 Jan 20185.9500

Fixed: problem with @version and @compareto attributes on <ps:export> ANT task when processing more than 20 documents.

64754012 Jan 20185.9500-beta-5

Added: support for <filter ranges="[comma separated list]"> on the <ps:export> ANT task.

It follows the same format as this service:


for example:

64666812 Jan 20185.9500-beta-5

Added: a “List media” option on the Upload page. For an upload batch with less than 20 files, this enables multiple files from the same media type to be processed the same way. When there are more than 20 files in the batch, the media types are listed automatically.

64761912 Jan 20185.9500-beta-5

Added: support for override="true" on publishing <target> element. Instead of having to replace all options in the interface, a single target can be overridden with the same name and action type.

For example, the following will override only the default docx Export:

<target name="create-consolidated-docx"

 All other options in the Export will be unaffected.

6476538 Jan 20185.9500-beta-5

Added: support for different response formats by adding .json or .csv to the end of a service URL. See “Output Types” in /groups/{group}/search in API Service documentation for an example.

While JSON support is in many services, CSV is currently only supported in Members list and Search. 

64142920 Dec 20175.9500-beta-5

Fixed: problem re-indexing a group with a stale index.

64650920 Dec 20175.9500-beta-5

Improved: the Edit sheet interface including:

  • metadata editing on non-PSML  and binary format documents,
  • define and enforce constraints in editor-config.json,
  • edit document title, filename, description, labels and docid,
  • facet filtering of the display,
  • better keyboard support for navigation (ctrl-[arrow], tab and enter keys),
  • generate and display PDF thumbnail images,
  • access through Standard perspective instead of Lab,
  • open Edit sheet directly from Document browse, Images and Search pages.
64474920 Dec 20175.9500-beta-5

Added: The following new servlets were added:

  • LoadingZoneUpload
  • LoadingZoneGet

Deprecated: The following servlets were deprecated:


Removed: The following servlets have been removed:


Projects or apps using deprecated servlets should be updated. Those referring to removed servlets must be updated.

64672018 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Added: The following new services were added:

GET /members/{member}/groups
GET /members/{member}/groups/{group}
POST /members/{member}/groups/{group}
GET /administrators
POST /administrators
DELETE /administrators/{member}
GET /members
GET /members/find
GET /projects/{group}/members/find
DELETE /members/{member}
GET /members/{member}
POST /members/{member}
GET /clients/{client}/webhooks
POST /clients/{client}/webhooks
GET /clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook}
DELETE /clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook}
PATCH /clients/{client}/webhooks/{webhook}
GET /clients/{client}/webhooks
GET /webhooks/failures

Deprecated: The following service was deprecated:

POST /members/{member}

Changed: The following changes have been made to existing services:

  • Changed returned XML to <membership-delete> on:
DELETE /groups/{group}/members/{member}
  • Changed returned XML to <client-delete> on:
DELETE /oauth/members/{member}
  • Changed returned XML to <client-modification> on:
PATCH /oauth/members/{member}

Projects or apps using deprecated services should be updated. Those referring to removed services must be updated.

64671918 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Added: support for extracting metadata from the following file types:

  • Microsoft Office (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx),
  • PDF (.pdf),
  • image (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png).

Functionality for these types is configurable via the standard default media template files. Other types can be added through the Document Config page under the Dev tab on the menu bar.

Where previous versions of PageSeeder used document-template.psml to support non-PSML documents, these should be renamed to media-template.psml using the Dev > Project files page.

Extracting metadata on upload may take longer. When this support is not required, override the default media template and remove references to meta. fields.

Alternately, disable metadata extraction for files with a certain extension by editing the @level attribute on the <document> element for the appropriate media-template.psml:

<document level="metadata">
64482418 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Fixed: problem when uploading a {name}.zip file that has the same folder names as the PageSeeder file system but expressed in different letter case.

64630815 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Fixed: problem of a blank version in the document history when the version value does not correctly increment.

64656815 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Fixed: the duplication of a task created when a comment is moved to a task that was created after the comment.

64648313 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Modified: the PageSeeder database as follows:

  • Added foreign key constraints for tables:
  • On table MEMBER added EmailDomain field.
  • On table CLIENT add the following fields:
    • WebhookSecret,
    • DateCreated,
    • DateModified,
    • DateLastToken,
    • AppName.
  • Added new table WEBHOOK.

BEFORE UPGRADING to this PageSeeder version run the following SQL:

  left outer join DGROUPURI on
        = DGROUPURI.groupuriid
  where DGROUPURI.groupuriid is null;
  left outer join DGROUP on
       = DGROUP.groupid
  where DGROUP.groupid is null;
select * from XLINK_FOR_XLINK
  left outer join XLINK on
  XLINK_FOR_XLINK.replytoid = XLINK.xlinkid
  where XLINK.xlinkid is null;
select * from XLINK_FOR_XLINK
  left outer join XLINK on
  XLINK_FOR_XLINK.replyid = XLINK.xlinkid
  where XLINK.xlinkid is null;
select * from URI_FOR_DGROUPURI
  left outer join URI on
  URI_FOR_DGROUPURI.uriid = URI.uriid
  where URI.uriid is null;
select * from URI_FOR_DGROUPURI
  left outer join DGROUPURI on
      = DGROUPURI.groupuriid
  where DGROUPURI.groupuriid is null;

If any results are returned, use the corresponding SQL below to delete the orphan rows but please – BACKUP YOUR DATABASE FIRST!

  left outer join DGROUPURI on
        = DGROUPURI.groupuriid
  where DGROUPURI.groupuriid is null;
  left outer join DGROUP on
        = DGROUP.groupid 
  where DGROUP.groupid is null;
  left outer join XLINK on
  XLINK_FOR_XLINK.replytoid = XLINK.xlinkid
  where XLINK.xlinkid is null;
  left outer join XLINK on
  XLINK_FOR_XLINK.replyid = XLINK.xlinkid
  where XLINK.xlinkid is null;
  left outer join URI on
  URI_FOR_DGROUPURI.uriid = URI.uriid
  where URI.uriid is null;
  left outer join DGROUPURI on
        = DGROUPURI.groupuriid
  where DGROUPURI.groupuriid is null;
64439113 Dec 20175.9500-beta-3

Modified: the “Invite member” page as follows:

  • Added autocomplete of existing members to the “Email” field.
  • Added a “Comment notification” type select box.
  • For administrators, added a “Send welcome email” option and “Add” button to replace the “Add” button on the Group member list page.

Added: autocomplete of existing members to the Admin > Members page and a searchable “Email domain” field.

6420655 Dec 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: ability to zoom image in the document view. To access, hover over image and click when the zoom cursor appears.

Improved: loading time of document view by resizing images larger than 2 MB.

6444035 Dec 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: metadata properties to cartouche on the document view page.

63580829 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added:more” link to the Admin > List groups page when there are too many groups/projects to list.

64426127 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: optional generated attribute @urilabels on:

  • <xref>
  • <blockxref>
  • <reversexref>

and updated PSML schema version to 0.11.

This change may cause validation errors when exporting content to an older version of PageSeeder. To fix this, either upgrade the old PageSeeder or remove the @urilabels attribute from the exported PSML.

64150727 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: parameter to all services that send email:

  • notify-async: whether to send emails asynchronously (for slow email servers) - default=false.
63890924 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Modified: Client admin page as follows:

  • Removed: columns "RedirectURI", "Access" and "Refresh".
  • Added: columns "App name", "Created" and "Last token issued".
  • Added: "Delete" button for each client.
  • Added: support for column sorting.
63865622 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added:open web site” icon on XRefs to external URLs to open the URL in a new tab.

64407922 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Modified: the “Create administrator” page under the Administrator menu of the Admin tab, so it autocompletes the details of existing members.

64206722 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: the ability to choose the destination folder when uploading an image through the editor.

Moved: the Upload New Image to a new tab on the Insert/Edit Image page accessed by clicking Select beside the URL field.

64143622 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2

Added: to DocX export:

  • Dynamic tokens to Word property export including [ps-document-title] and document labels/tags.
  • Manual date picker.
  • Support in word-export-config.xml for configurable separator on <prefix> element.

Removed: subject, category, version, revision properties from UI.

Updated: default export template to include header/footer plus new table style names, tab stops, line spacing and numbered list formats.

6441376 Nov 20175.9500-beta-2


Created on , last edited on