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PageSeeder installation and upgrade instructions

Release Notes - Version 5.7000 (31 October 2014)


Fixed: System Info page causing PageSeeder to crash while indexing by upgrading to Ehcache 2.8.3 and removing deprecated information from System Info and Cache Info pages.

52502927 Oct 20145.6918

Fixed: unzip complete message on Document Upload page not appearing sometimes when there are warnings.

52491427 Oct 20145.6918

Fixed: overwrite image not working in editor after overwrite message is displayed.

52384322 Oct 20145.6917

Fixed: problem selecting members from a long list (without a mouse wheel) in Document Activity and Tasks pages.

52266821 Oct 20145.6917

Added: the following label report section to the XML Usage Report (lab perspective, search page table view with documents and PSML documents selected) and added these label constraints to the Usage Schema. Also added a Documents column to the Usage Report containing up to 100 URI IDs for which the item occurred.

Labels Report
Type      Name    Nesting     Nb Found  URI IDs
document  label1                    2   123,456
fragment  label2                    1       789
block     label3                    2     12,34
block     label4                    1        56
inline    label5                    2     78,90
inline    label5  label3            2     12,34
inline    label5  label3 > label4   1        56
52270621 Oct 20145.6917

Added: Dev > PSML Migration page in developer perspective which lists all projects and groups on the server not fully migrated to PSML including unmigrated configuration files. It also provides links to help with the migration of these including a new feature to Convert All Documents in a project's groups.

52387121 Oct 20145.6917

Fixed: Document Activity page not displaying notes and comment replies.

52268214 Oct 20145.6916

Added: PSML document template parameters as fields on the New Document page. They can be used in content or in the creation configuration (e.g. <folder path="{$}"/>). Only <t:param> with @title attributes will appear as fields.

Also added support in the PSML document config for a @creation/@folder/@transform attribute with default "charfolding,lowercase,underscore,trim" which applies to the folder path.

Fragment parameters which used to appear when adding fragments will now NOT appear unless the <t:param> has a @title attribute.

52261614 Oct 20145.6916

Fixed: Ant task ps:process embeding or transcluding non-PSML content.

52276014 Oct 20145.6916

Added: support for adminEnable=access-personal in to allow administrators access to any personal group.

52275114 Oct 20145.6916

Fixed: email templates not using customFolder in

52273513 Oct 20145.6916

Fixed: Processing Options not displayed in Document Upload page when there are more than 20 files.

52267410 Oct 20145.6916

Added: the following services to make login to PageSeeder from external applications easier:

  • get-self (/self): Returns the account details for the logged in member.
  • list-self-memberships (/self/memberships): Returns the list of group memberships for the logged in member.

Also removed archived groups from memberships returned by list-member-memberships service except when archived=true parameter is used.

52229210 Oct 20145.6916

Replaced: the pageseeder-standalone/ Linux installer with an RPM that can be installed using yum. Also made the following changes:

  • installation directory is now /opt/pageseeder
  • PageSeeder runs as the 'pageseeder' user instead of 'root' for better security
  • added support for using reverse proxies such as Nginx which allows PageSeeder to share a single IP with other websites
  • added a maintenance page which can be displayed when PageSeeder is down
  • added heap dump on out of memory to /home/pageseeder directory to diagnose issues
  • added option to create MySQL database (now there's no need to create it manually)
  • removed com.pageseeder.Update servlet which previously had to be accessed to update the database - the database is now updated automatically when PageSeeder starts
5224783 Oct 20145.6916

Allowed: use of *.localhost domains with PageSeeder developer license.

5222453 Oct 20145.6916

Modified: the Document Comments page for PSML to display the locations in document order and replaced the 'Location: x' link with an excerpt from the document.

5221261 Oct 20145.6916

Added: documentPort and documentScheme to which are now the port and scheme used for all document URIs. These are independent from the webSitePort and webSiteScheme used to access the server.

When changing the webSitePort or webSiteScheme, for the server you should generally NOT do Update Objects on the Hosts page.

51867826 Sep 20145.6916

Fixed: some notifications not being sent to members with notification options set to send attachments.

52195026 Sep 20145.6916

Fixed: incorrect number displayed at the top of the References block.

52190523 Sep 20145.6916

Upgraded: Tomcat to version 6.0.41

52212023 Sep 20145.6916

Fixed: Insert/Edit XRef dialog having "This link is a reverse link" ticked when it is not a reverse link.

52198423 Sep 20145.6916

Added: support for SMTP authentication of outgoing emails with smtpServerUsername and smtpServerPassword in Also disabled mailRelay property due to spam issues.

Other applications using PageSeeder to relay email will need to use an alternative SMTP server.

52089827 Aug 20145.6909

Modified: the PageSeeder database as follows:

  • Added constraint on MEMBER_FOR_DGROUP table to stop duplicate membership records.
  • Increased DGROUP.OwnerDirectory size to 60 to stop issues with long project names.
  • Added DGROUP.XRefsModified for future caching.
  • Increased MEMBER.FirstName and MEMBER.Surname sizes to 50.
  • Changed XLINK.ContentTitle and CONTENT.Data to character set utf8mb4 to support non-BMP characters (e.g. Emoji).
  • Removed unused AutoToolbar and AutoSeed fields.
  • Removed old references to Oracle and SQL Server.

Supporting non-BMP characters requires MySQL 5.5.3 or higher and the my.ini file needs to be modified by changing all instances of utf8 to utf8mb4 and RESTART MySQL.

Also ensure that this version or later


is in the following folders:




BEFORE UPGRADING, any duplicate MEMBER_FOR_DGROUP records will need to be deleted. Check for duplicates via the MySQL command line using:

WHERE t1.groupid = t2.groupid
AND t1.memberid=t2.memberid
AND t1.memberforgroupid<>t2.memberforgroupid;
51643819 Aug 20145.6909

Added: support for processed="false" on ps:process Ant task to leave document/@level="portable" (useful if uploading result). Also fixed schema issues with manifestdoc option.

52021912 Aug 20145.6909

Improved: search by ignoring character case, punctuation, hyphens, etc. when appropriate.

5136068 Aug 20145.6909

Fixed: project labels not available in PSML editor if config folder for document type is missing.

5199336 Aug 20145.6909

Improved: stability by removing document() and doc-available() functions in XSLT and changed the Insert XRef, Move Comment and Move Document pages to use breadcrumb bars. Also added the following services:


The relationship/level parameter value "ancestors-children" in external uri services is no longer allowed. Projects using this should be updated to use either "ancestors" or "children".

5047096 Aug 20145.6909

Fixed: override="true" on <publishing> not working in document-config.xml.

5188571 Aug 20145.6909

Simplified: document versions by moving task fields (status, priority, assignedto and duedate) to a separate task called a Workflow. The version name can be free text, a number or now a date (e.g. 2014-08-19).

  • Modified: the following user interface pages:
    • Document Versions Page: Removed task fields.
    • Document Comments Page: Added Workflow section.
    • Comment Thread Page: Handle Workflow statuses.
    • Comment Reply Page: Handle Workflow statuses.
    • Create Version Page: Removed task fields.
    • Version Folder Page: Removed task fields.
    • Batch Add Version Page: Removed task fields.
    • Document Browse: Added 'Workflow' option on folders.
    • Search Results: Added 'Add Workflow' batch option.
    • Fragment History Page: Removed version status.
  • Added: the following user interface pages:
    • Create Workflow Page
    • Workflow Folder Page
    • Batch Add Workflow Page

Modifed PSML by removing from <version> the attributes @status, @priority, @due and element <assignedto> and adding <author> element. Also removed from <compareto> the attribute @status.

Modified index to remove psstatuschangeddate, pspriority, psduedate and psassignedto from PS standard and PSML documents.
Modified the following services:

  • Removed parameters: status, priority, duedate and assignedto.
  • Removed from <version> element, the attributes @status, @priority, @due and element <assignedto> and added <author> element.

Added the following services:


Modified Ant task ps:export by removing <compareto> and <version> element options.

Existing versions will still appear but without task fields. Existing versions with status will now also appear under Workflows.

Projects using status on versions or psstatuschangeddate, pspriority, psduedate, psassignedto index fields on documents will need to be updated to use workflows.

5185061 Aug 20145.6909

Fixed: display errors for browsers with a timezone containing a half hour offset.

51856723 Jul 20145.6909

Fixed: creating/editing schematron for PSML documents.

51682021 Jul 20145.6909

Fixed: XRefs not appearing correctly when editing a document shared between groups with different shareDocumentEdits settings.

51799318 Jul 20145.6909

Updated: user-preferences-membergroups page to only list a member's current groups, with an autosuggest box to invite/add them to other groups. Also, added a created date for all memberships created from now on.

51347611 Jul 20145.6909

Modified: batch Validate by folder or search results to work with PSML documents and not PS Standard documents. The same for XML Usage schema creation from search results (Lab perspective).

Projects that need batch validation of PS Standard documents will need to convert them to PSML.

51752011 Jul 20145.6909

Added: warning on document upload if an image that is referenced can't be found.

51336520 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: "Uploading x documents" message on upload confirmation not displaying the correct number for large uploads.

51332420 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: notification missing text content for emails sent to [groupname]--announce@[pageseeder server].

51149120 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: unresolved XRefs displaying as resolved and not creating edits when uploading exported documents.

51319318 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: Cancel button on Image Explorer page when inserting an image.

51140416 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: out of memory error viewing a PSML document caused by a <cell> with @rowspan attribute in the last <row> of a <table>.

51219216 Jun 20145.6909

Modified the Document Upload page so "Convert PSML to PS Standard XML" is always unticked by default. Also, removed the "Validate" option so validation is always done.

51139913 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: comment notification not being sent if there are errors in the HTML of an incoming email.

51173113 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: table cell role not being saved when editing content.

5111772 Jun 20145.6909

Fixed: non-administrators unable to add/view comments on URLs.

5114632 Jun 20145.6909
Created on , last edited on