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Publishing PageSeeder data to print, the Web or both

Task export

This task is used to export individual, or multiple, documents to the Universal Portable Format. The output of this task is a list of files and their metadata.

Documents are selected in the following order:

If srcuris is specified, select documents with those URI IDs.

Otherwise if src or (context and group) are specified, select the document with that path, or if a folder then:

if <filter> specified, search for documents within that folder.

if includes or excludes is specified, also use that to filter the documents.

If xrefdepth or <xrefs> is specified, apply them to selected files and add referenced documents.

If loadimages="true", add referenced images.

Unless allurls="true" URLs are only exported if they are referenced in the exported documents, xrefdepth is 1 or more and xref types includes link.


Minimal definition:

<ps:export src="[source]" dest="[destination]"/>

 Full definition:

<ps:export src="[source]" or srcuris="[uriids]"
           group="[group name]"
           xrefdepth="[forward xref depth]"
           compareto="[compare version]"
           publicationid="[publication ID]"
           position="[position in publication]"
           config="[config name]">
  <filter with="[facet values]"
          since="[modified date]"
          ranges="[range values]"
          indexcomplete="[true|false]" />
  <xrefs forward="[forward xref depth]"
         reverse="[reverse xref depth]"
          types="[xref types]" />


srcThe PS source document/folder path (e.g. /ps/acme/specs/documents)Yes, if srcuris and (context or group) not specified
srcurisComma-separated list of PS URI Ids to downloadYes, if src and (context or group) not specified
destThe destination file system folder or if a path ending with .zip, only a zip of the files is savedYes
groupName of group for logging and searching (if not specified uses the src URIs default group or 1st accessible group)Yes, if filter indexcomplete=true
contextThe PS context path – defaults to the source folder or parent folder of the source document (e.g. /ps/acme/specs)Yes, if src not specified
Whether to export all URLs used in the group (ignored if no group attribute). Requires PageSeeder 5.99 or higher.Nofalse
includesA comma-separated list of patterns matching documents/folders to include. When not specified, all documents/folders are included.
The format is similar to other Ant tasks file pattern selection. Here are some examples:
excludesA comma-separated list of patterns matching documents/folders to exclude. When not specified, no documents/folders are excluded.
The format is similar to other Ant tasks file pattern selection. Here are some examples:
xrefdepthThe maximum depth of forward xrefs to follow from the source files to find the export setNo0
versionA decimal number, ISO 8601 date or non-number version used to export a version equal to (or if a number/date less than) this version. If version is not found the original uploaded version is exported. If version is empty or 'current' the current version is exported.No
comparetoA decimal number, ISO 8601 date or non-number version used to compare a version equal to (or if a number/date less than) this version with the downloaded version. If version is not found the original uploaded version is compared. If compareto is 'current' the current version is compared.No
publicationidThe publication ID for processing and versions.No
positionThe position in the publication for processing. PageSeeder 6.1 or higher only.No1
processpublicationIf true, process publication numbering and placeholders. PageSeeder 6.1 or higher only.Nofalse
If true, remove the _ from _local and _external folders so they can be uploaded, making the export self-contained. PageSeeder 6.2 or higher only.Nofalse
interpublicationxrefsIf true, resolve {parentnumber}, {prefix} and {heading} templates of xrefs between publications. Uses the default publication of the target. PageSeeder 6.0004 or higher only.Nofalse
metadataonlyIf true, only export metadata (manifest.xml and metadata for non-PSML), do not download filesNofalse
resolveimagesIf true, also export all images referenced in PSML documents (requires metadataonly=false) OBSOLETE as of PageSeeder v6 use loadimages instead.Notrue
loadimagesIf true, also export all resolved images referenced in PSML documents (requires metadataonly=false)Notrue
loadalternatesIf true, also export targets of all xrefs with type=alternate (requires metadataonly=false)Notrue
imagemetadataonlyIf true, export PSML files but only metadata for resolved images, not image source files. OBSOLETE as of PageSeeder v6 use binarymetadataonly instead.
binarymetadataonlyIf true, export PSML files but only metadata for non-PSML, not binary source files. Requires PageSeeder v5.99 or higher.Nofalse
failonerrorIf true, stop build process on errorNotrue
configUniversal PS config nameNodefault
  • If processpublication="true" then transcluded content will be included in documents (except if compareto specified), however transclude should still be specified under <xrefs> to follow xrefs in that content.
  • If images are not under the folder you are exporting they will end up under _local or _external in the .zip file and will not import back into a PageSeeder. In that case you need to set a context path in the export which is above both the documents and images (e.g. /ps/acme/specs).


Elements can be used to specify more detailed options than their attribute equivalent. It is an error if both the attribute and element are specified.

Element <filter>

As the filter relies on the group index it is recommended to set indexcomplete=true to ensure large indexing jobs are complete before exporting.

The filter only works when exporting a folder or a group and only searches the single group specified or calculated (see group attribute in preceding table).
withComma-separated list of facet:value pairs to filter source documents
(e.g. pslabel:cars,psdocumenttype:spec)
sinceISO date/time to return source documents modified after this (e.g. 2010-10-25 or 2010-10-25T12:26+10:00)No
rangesComma-separated list of ranges to filter source documents (same format as ranges parameter on Service: /groups/{group}/search [GET] e.g. ranges="pslastediteddate:[2017-12-06;2017-12-20],psxrefcount:[1;]")No
indexcompleteIf true, then wait until no jobs are in the indexing queue for the group before exporting (@group attribute must also be specified)No

Element <xrefs>

This task only downloads an xref’s target document. It won’t embed or transclude the content inline. For that you need to use Task process.

forwardThe maximum depth of forward xrefs to follow from the source files to find the export set (@xrefdepth must not be set).No
reverseThe maximum depth of reverse xrefs to follow from the source files to find the export set (@xrefdepth must not be set).No
typesComma-separated list of xref types to follow (that is, none, math, transclude, embed, link )Nonone, math, transclude, embed,


This task uses the following PS config environment properties:

  • scheme – scheme for connecting to PageSeeder.
  • host – host for connecting to PageSeeder.
  • port – port for connecting to PageSeeder.
  • servlet.prefix – servlet prefix for connecting to PageSeeder – default  /ps/servlet.
  • site.prefix – site prefix for connecting to PageSeeder – default  /ps.
  • username – username of member for export
  • user.token or jsessionid or password – access token or jsessionid or  username’s password for connecting to PageSeeder.
  • or – host for src documents.


Possible errors are:

  • Required attribute or environment property missing.
  • Attribute or property invalid.
  • Src not contained in context.
  • Download access denied.
  • Resolve image access denied.
  • Resolve image not found.
  • Image URI ID not found.
  • Download not found.


<ps:export src="/ps/acme/specs/documents/spec.psml"
           xrefdepth="2" />
<ps:export src="/ps/acme/specs/documents"
  <filter since="2012-08-31" />
<ps:export src="/ps/acme/specs/documents"
  <filter with="psstatus:Approved" indexcomplete="true" />
<ps:export src="/ps/acme/specs/website/content/books/book1"
           context="/acme/specs/website/" />
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