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PageSeeder installation and upgrade instructions

New installation

For information regarding supported operating systems and hardware requirements, see Installing PageSeeder.

Before beginning!

PageSeeder requires a MySQL or PostgreSQL relational database to function. To minimize the chance of installation-related problems, closely read the following instructions.

First, consider the database

For a problem-free installation, ensure the ability to communicate with MySQL or PostgreSQL before commencing the install. Don’t wait for prompting from the install. By that point, ‘problem-free’ is no longer an option!

See Configuring MySQL or Configuring PostgreSQL.

IMPORTANT: database and file system backup!

PageSeeder DOES NOT backup or administer the host database or file system. If the integrity of either component is compromised, the application won’t function. To minimize the potential for problems, users should follow all recommended backup and maintenance procedures.

In accordance with good administration practices, system owners should consider encrypting all backups and routinely test that restore procedures provide the expected results.

File system

Once in production, the critical folders to backup from the host operating system are:


Second, stop existing SMTP servers

To provide comprehensive support for email messaging, the PageSeeder install comes with an SMTP server already integrated. To avoid the installation becoming confused, any existing SMTP servers must be stopped before the PageSeeder install commences.

The PageSeeder SMTP server is for incoming email only. For PageSeeder to send email, another SMTP server on a different computer is required.


Depending on the version of Windows and whether there is an SMTP server on the machine, the accuracy and relevance of the following instructions varies.  If you are unsure about any aspect of these directions, consult someone with the appropriate level of technical expertise.

To stop the default Windows SMTP server, go to the Services Control Panel. Read or search the list of services for “Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP)”.

Select the “Stop” option for this service, then change the “Startup Type” to “Manual”.


On supported Linux environments, one way to stop the SMTP server is by entering:

$ service sendmail stop
$ chkconfig --del sendmail
$ service postfix stop
$ chkconfig --del postfix

Begin installing PageSeeder

Windows Installation

  1. If not installed already, install Java 11 (or Java 8 for PageSeeder v5 — see which version of java) as follows:
    • Go to  and choose Download Java and Java SE.
    • Download the JDK or JRE .exe for windows (x64 for 64 bit) and run the installer.
  2. Download and run the latest pageseeder-x.exe file, available under the Install folder on the Download page.
  3. Once the install commences, follow the on-screen prompts.
  4. When the PageSeeder Developer Utility opens, click Start.
  5. When PageSeeder starts, click Setup and fill in the Setup form.

Linux Installation

Running the PageSeeder installer requires Rocky, CentOS, Fedora or Amazon Linux.

You must ensure that the TCP/IP port that PageSeeder is to use is open to connections, for example, configure Firewalld to allow it. The default port is 8080.

For development, the default PageSeeder heap memory of 512MB should be sufficient, but most production systems require at least 1024MB. To set this, type -Xmx1024m when asked to enter Java options.

For production systems we recommend using SSL encryption, so you should ensure you have a signed SSL certificate before beginning the installation.

  1. If not installed already, install Java 11 and for alternatives select java-11-openjdk (or Java 1.8.0 for PageSeeder v5 — see which version of java) as follows:
    • OpenJDK (JDK 11) install 
      $ sudo yum install java-11-openjdk
      $ sudo alternatives --config java
  2. Install PageSeeder as follows:

    $ sudo rpm -Uvh
    $ sudo yum install pageseeder
  3. Configure PageSeeder as shown below.
  4. For development use, press Enter to accept the default values, but for production we recommend enabling SSL encryption with 443 for the SSL port and at least -Xmx1024 for the Java options.
    $ sudo service pageseeder config
    Have you downloaded the MySQL Connector/J JDBC driver (y/n) [y]?
    Please locate the MySQL JDBC driver jar file
    Please enter the API port used by the Publish Engine to communicate with PageSeeder [8282]
    Please enter the maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections [200]
    Do you want to enable SSL on the PageSeeder server (y/n) [no]?
    Please enter the website TCP/IP port used by the PageSeeder server [8080]
    Please enter the Java options for the PageSeeder server [-Xmx1024m]
    Please enter the port used by the SMTP mail server [2525]
    Stopping xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
    Starting xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
    To complete setup of the PageSeeder Server, please start the pageseeder service
    then go to
  5. If you chose a website port less than 1024 (e.g. 80 or 443 for SSL), then configure a proxy from this port to the API port (e.g. 8282). To do this, see Configuring A Proxy.
  6. Start the PageSeeder server as follows:
    $ sudo service pageseeder start
  7. Go to the URL for the server in a web browser (e.g. ) and the Setup page should appear. Fill in the form to complete the setup.

You can reconfigure PageSeeder at any time by doing:

$ sudo service pageseeder stop
$ sudo service pageseeder config
$ sudo service pageseeder start

Rerunning the setup

If the the setup has been completed but there is a database error message in the file pageseeder/webapp/WEB-INF/state/logs/general/general.log even after restarting PageSeeder the Setup page can be used again as follows:

  1. Remove the DBURL property in pageseeder/webapp/WEB-INF/config/
  2. Restart the PageSeeder service.
  3. Go to the URL for the server in a web browser (e.g. ) and the Setup page should appear. Fill in the form to complete the setup.

Doing this on a server with existing data on it may cause loss of content due to the database and the filesystem being inconsistent. If creating a new database then the existing pageseeder/webapp/WEB-INF/state and pageseeder/documents folders will need to be moved to another location or deleted after PageSeeder is stopped.

Installation architecture

Following is a diagram of the installation architecture on Linux. The PageSeeder components should run as the PageSeeder user for better security so can only use ports above 1024. Xinetd is used to transfer incoming email from port 25 to port 2525.

The dashed lines show optional components:

  • To use default HTTP (port 80) or SSL (port 443), NGINX needs to be configured as a reverse proxy. NGINX has various advantages, like displaying a maintenance page if PageSeeder is down, and having PageSeeder and Berlioz under different domains on the same IP address.
  • Otherwise, you can use ports above 1024 (e.g. 8080 and 8099) without NGINX.
  • Jetty and Berlioz aren’t included in the PageSeeder installer—see Website Engine for more information.


Stopping and starting PageSeeder


Use the Start-Stop Developer Utility under the PageSeeder program group.

If you have problems with the developer utility, you can do the following at the command prompt or in a batch file (substitute your own JAVA_HOME path):

cd \pageseeder\default\tomcat\bin
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_92

To stop, you can type shutdown at the command prompt or press Ctrl-C in the startup window.


Enter the following commands:

$ service pageseeder stop
$ service pageseeder start

Or to stop and then start:

$ service pageseeder restart

Modifying PageSeeder memory usage

To modify the amount of memory (RAM) that PageSeeder is using PageSeeder must be stopped, configured and then started using the following commands. For configuration press Enter to accept the [default] value except for Java options enter the new number of megabytes of memory to use, for example -Xmx2048m.

$ service pageseeder stop
$ service pageseeder config
Please enter the API port used by the Publish Engine to communicate
with PageSeeder [8282]

Please enter the maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections [200]

Do you want to enable SSL on the PageSeeder server (y/n) [no]?

Please enter the website TCP/IP port used by the PageSeeder server [8080]

Please enter the Java options for the PageSeeder server [-Xmx1024m]
Please enter the port used by the SMTP mail server [2525]

Stopping xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
Starting xinetd:                                           [  OK  ]
To complete setup of the PageSeeder Server, please start the
pageseeder service
$ service pageseeder start

Uninstalling PageSeeder


Stop PageSeeder and then select PageSeeder > Uninstall [instance] from the Start menu.

Some document and config folders might need to be removed manually.


Enter the following commands:

$ service pageseeder stop
$ yum remove pageseeder

Some document and config folders might need to be removed manually.

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