membership-new-member template
This email is sent to a new user when they are simultaneously invited or added to a group.
This email streamlines group registration process by sending only one email when a new account is created in PageSeeder and the user is invited or added to a group at the same time.
If the user was invited to the group, they must accept the invitation using the link provided in the email before they become a group member. Until then, they appear as a ‘pending’’ member of the group.
It is also possible for a user to accept an invitation directly through the PageSeeder user interface.
Email headers
This message sets the following headers by default:
Name | Value |
Auto-Submitted | auto-generated |
From | Inviter or group, see From address |
Sender | pageseeder@emaildomain |
Subject | [group] Group registration/invitation |
To | Email address of user |
PageSeeder produces the following XML for the XSLT template:
<notification template="membership-new-member" emaildomain="" hosturl="" token="ujHidAn9kKjObQuVbl_vLMc9npOjAKj2"> <!-- The new membership --> <membership id="123" email-listed="true" notification="immediate" status="invited" role="reviewer"> <member id="12" firstname="John" surname="Jones" email="" username="jjones" status="unactivated"> <fullname>John Jones</fullname> </member> <group id="3" name="acme-test" description="ACME group" owner="acme"></group> </membership> <!-- Member who invited this member to PageSeeder and this group --> <inviter id="77" firstname="Alice" surname="Thomson" email="" username="athomson"> <fullname>Alice Thomson</fullname> </inviter> </notification>
The token
attribute is a base64url string that is different from the key and shouldn’t require URL-escaping.
The password
and key
attributes are no longer included in the message. PageSeeder never discloses passwords by email.
Usual content
Following is a screenshot of the HTML email: