reset-password-complete template
This email is sent to a user after their password details have reset.
It contains their new password to sign in to PageSeeder.
From PageSeeder 5.9, this template is no longer supported! It is no longer possible to send users their passwords when they have been automatically generated or assigned by an administrator.
Email headers
This message sets the following headers by default:
Name | Value |
Auto-Submitted | auto-generated |
From | PageSeeder (DO NOT REPLY) <pageseeder@emaildomain> |
Subject | PAGESEEDER: Password Reset |
To | Email address of user |
PageSeeder produces the following XML for the XSLT template.:
<notification template="reset-password-complete" description="Reset password completed" password="as541dsf" emaildomain="" hosturl=""> <!-- The member whose password was reset --> <member id="12" firstname="John" lastname="Jones" email="" username="jjones" status="activated"> <fullname>John Jones</fullname> </member> </notification>
Usual content
Following is a screenshot of the HTML email: