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Configuration manual for PageSeeder

Commenting by email

This article covers a key PageSeeder feature – processing email messages for either general discussion, or as comments against documents. It includes :

  • New comments,
  • Comments replies,
  • Comment moderation,
  • Comment digests.

The nature of email means it can originate externally, yet still require immediate processing. This is one factor that differentiates email messages from other PageSeeder content.

New comment or reply through PageSeeder

PageSeeder comments can posted directly using the PageSeeder service API or a form in the user interface.

PageSeeder only notifies immediately, recipients that have their notification settings set to immediate, unless the message is flagged as an announcement. In which case, all users are notified. Tasks and workflow might also have a different set of recipients.

Users from the group who have their notification settings set to daily digest receive a digest of all messages posted to the group on the day instead.

Email flow new comment by service

ServicesEmail template
Any create comment servicenew-comment

New comment or reply by email

PageSeeder comments can be triggered when receiving email on specific email addresses such as group and document email addresses and reply addresses.

Upon reception of a valid email, PageSeeder only notifies immediately, recipients that have their notification settings set to immediate. Users from the group who have their notification settings set to daily digest receive a digest of all messages posted to the group on the day.

  • Group email address – [group_name]@[emaildomain].
  • Document address – [document_id]-[fragment]@[emaildomain].
  • Reply to address – [comment_id]-reply@[emaildomain].

See incoming email addresses for details.

Individual users can only receive either the comment immediately or the daily digest, but not both.

Email flow - new comment by email

ServicesEmail templates


Moderated comments

The moderated comments process flow only occurs in the case of moderated groups.

Email flows - moderated comments

ServicesEmail templates
Any create comment serviceaccept-comment
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid} [PATCH]new-comment

Daily digest

A scheduled process flow automatically collects all messages processed in a group within a 24-hour period and collates these messages into a single email for users in the group who have elected to receive a daily digest.

Daily digest

ServicesEmail templates


Created on , last edited on