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Configuration manual for PageSeeder

Email templates

PageSeeder uses XSLT templates to generate email messages in plain text and HTML format.

The default templates can be found under:


 To customize a message, edit a copy of the appropriate template and save it in: 


Source XML

The source XML has the following format (except for the external template) and includes the constants listed; some of these might change depending on your global Properties.

<notification template="[notification template]"
              hosturl="[host URL, including siteprefix]"
              emaildomain="[email domain]"
              [notification specific attributes]>
  [notification specific objects]

Email format

By default, messages are sent in both HTML, and plain text format – to customize this, see Email format.

Email headers

To customize sender, reply-to, and other properties or to override the PageSeeder default settings – see email headers.

Template summary

The following message templates available to customize:

Subject, from and to

accept-comment[group]* comment titleAuthorModerator
auto-responderWARNING: Comment limit reachedPageSeederAuthor
change-email-confirmConfirm your email changePageSeederMember
change-passwordYour password has been updatedPageSeederMember
daily-digest[group] Daily digestGroupGroup
externaldefined by template or service
membership-accept[group] Group registration requestMemberModerator
membership-complete[group] Group registrationInviter/GroupMember
membership-confirm[group] Group invitationInviter/GroupMember
membership-new-member[group] Group registration/invitationInviter/GroupMember
new-comment[group] comment titleAuthorGroup
new-memberWelcome to PageSeederInviter/PageSeederMember
new-uri[group] URL created/modified: URL title
[group] Document created/upload
new-version[group] document title version versionAuthorGroup
out-of-office-changeWARNING: Your notification options have been set to 'On Vacation'PageSeederMember
out-of-office-warningWARNING: Out Of Office detectedPageSeederMember
reject-commentRETURNED: comment titlePageSeederAuthor
reset-password-confirmUpdate your passwordPageSeederMember


When sender is not “PageSeeder”, the from address is the notifyFromAddress value in the group properties. The default value is:

 [user full name] <[hash unique to user]--noreply@[domain]>

The other values for “From” are the following:

  • Author – is the person, not necessarily a group member, responsible for the creation or modification of a comment, document or URL. It matches the <author>, <modifiedby> or <statuschangedby> element in the notification XML.
  • Member – is a user with a PageSeeder account matching the <member> element in the notification XML.
  • Inviter – is the member that generated the invitation  – for self registrations, or confirmations, Group or PageSeeder is used instead.
  • Group – is the PageSeeder group related to the email, the default is:
 PageSeeder (DO NOT REPLY) <pageseeder@[domain]>
  • PageSeeder – is always PageSeeder (DO NOT REPLY) <pageseeder@[domain]>.


For a member, including author or moderator, the “To” field will be the email address of the account.

In the case of the group, an email is sent to each member of that group depending on their notification settings.

Created on , last edited on