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Publishing PageSeeder data to print, the Web or both

PDF export config

For creating a PDF file from a PSML document.

For the default PDF export config, see default config example.

See Export PDF Ant task for further information.


XSL Formatting Objects (XSL-FO) is a companion standard to XML. It is designed to enable developers to convert XML data into PDF and other formats. PageSeeder comes preconfigured with FOP , a respected, open source FO processor from Apache.

With no additional code or configuration, PageSeeder’s FOP implementation enables any collection of PSML files to be output as a PDF document using a default page layout. However, when a custom page layout is required, it can be changed by editing a style sheet language file called pdf-export-config.xml. For information about this feature, see Exporting to PDF


To create a custom configuration, change from the default configuration by following these steps. This is only available to project managers and administrators.

  1. Sign in to PageSeeder and select a project or group.
  2. Select Enable developer mode under Account menu > Preferences.
  3. To change the configuration for yourself ONLY go to a document, select the rocket Export icon on right sidebar (or from Documents page, under the ellipsis to the right of a document), then Create PDF, +Show more options and click Edit config
  4. To change the configuration for everyone in the project click the wrench icon in the header bar, then in the main section, click Administration menu > Template > Types, then in the Publication type table, PDF Export column.
    1. To change the default configuration for all documents select override under the default option in the default row. (To revert to the default config, delete your customized default folder on the Administration menu > [Project]Template > Template files). Only available on Types page.
    2. To change the configuration for a specific publication type, click create under PDF Export column in the row for that type. The Member publish configurations page only has one row and applies to all types.

When editing this configuration file in PageSeeder, pressing ctrl-space displays autocomplete options to make editing easier.

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