Task export-docx
This task can be used to convert a portable or processed PSML document to the Word docx format according to rules defined in the Export Microsoft Word docx config usage.
For a list of the latest changes, see github .
To use this Ant extension standalone outside PageSeeder, you can download the pso-docx-ant-x.jar
and pso-docx-core-x.jar
files from maven central .
Task definition
Following are two examples of task definitions.
<export-docx src="[source]" />
<export-docx src="[source]" dest="[destination]" media="[media folder]" working="[working-directory]" wordTemplate="[template.docx]" config="[config.xml]"> <param name="[param name]" value="[param value]"/> ... </export-docx>
Attribute | Description | Required |
src | Path to the source file to process. It must point to a ‘.psml’ XML file | Yes |
dest | Path to the destination file (or folder if using expanded ).Defaults to the name and location of the source with ‘.docx’ extension if unspecified. | No |
media | Path to media such as images referenced by the PSML. Images must not be in subfolders and must be referenced by their filename only. | No |
working | The directory holding temporary files. Defaults to [java.io.tmpdir]/antdocx-[number] | No |
wordTemplate | Path to .dotx template file | No |
config | Path to .xml config file | No |
The following @name
and @value
attributes are valid for <param>
elements – all are optional.
Name | Value |
manual-core | Whether to take Word document properties from template, xml config or manual params - allowed values Template|Config|Manual (default Manual ) |
manual-creator | Document Creator property |
manual-revision | Document Revision property (must be an integer - not visible in Word) |
manual-created | Document Created Date property |
manual-modified | Document Modified Date property |
manual-version | Document Version property (e.g. 1.0 - not visible in Word unless there is a custom property in the template named Version) |
manual-keywords | Document Tags property |
manual-category | Document Category property |
manual-title | Document Title property |
manual-subject | Document Subject property |
manual-description | Document Comments property |
manual-master | If true output docx as a master document with any <blockxref> to a word document as a subdocument |
current-user | Full name of current user (required for [ps-current-user] token) |
expanded | If true output docx in unzipped format. Requires pso-docx version 0.7.4 or higher |
As of pso-docx version 0.6.2
, the following tokens can be used for the @value
of any of the manual-
parameters above and are substituted with the corresponding value from PageSeeder.
Token | Value |
[ps-current-user] | The full name of the current user (requires current-user parameter) |
[ps-document-description] | The PSML document description |
[ps-document-title] | The PSML document title |
[ps-document-created] | The PSML document created date |
[ps-document-modified] | The PSML document modified date |
[ps-current-date] | The current date |
[ps-document-labels] | The PSML document labels |
Invoking in Ant
This task is included by default in the PageSeeder publisher, so <taskdef/>
is only required when using it outside the publisher.
<project ... xmlns:psd="antlib:org.pageseeder.docx.ant"> <!-- only required for standalone --> <taskdef uri="antlib:org.pageseeder.docx.ant" resource="org/pageseeder/docx/ant/antlib.xml" classpath="pso-docx-ant-0.5.9.jar"/> <target ... > <!-- Invoke Task --> <psd:export-docx src="test.psml" dest="result.docx"> <param name="current-user" value="${ps.config.default.user.firstname} ${ps.config.default.user.surname}" /> </psd> </target> </project>
Using a namespace is not required, but it is a good mechanism to know the origin of the task. The recommended namespace is ‘psd’.
It is designed to work as standalone. It is possible to invoke this task without being connected to PageSeeder.
Typically, this task would be used in the context of a PageSeeder export. In that case, use the Task export and Task process to download the source PSML file.
How does it work?
This Ant task does the following:
- Loads the config and template files.
- Transforms the PSML into docx XML files.
- Zips up the XML files and associated images into the docx format.
Post processing
For custom formatting, it is sometimes useful to post-process the DOCX XML to add special formatting. The example ANT script code below does the following:
- Uses the
parameter to output the unzipped DOCX files. - Runs an XSLT named
to transform thedocument.xml
file. - Zips the expanded files to create a
... <property name="working" value="${ps.config.default.working}" /> <property name="process" value="${working}/process" /> <property name="images" value="${working}/images" /> <property name="expanded" value="${working}/expanded" /> ... <psd:export-docx src="${process}/${ps.config.default.uri.filename.no.ext}.psml" dest="${expanded}" media="${images}" working="${working}/docx" config="word-export-config.xml" wordTemplate="word-export-template.docx"> ... <param name="expanded" value="true"/> </psd:export-docx> <echo>DocX post-transform</echo> <xslt in="${expanded}/word/document.xml" out="${working}/document.xml" style="docx-post-transform.xsl"/> <copy todir="${expanded}/word" file="${working}/document.xml" overwrite="true"/> <echo>Zipping</echo> <zip destfile="${working}/${ps.config.default.uri.filename.no.ext}.docx" basedir="${expanded}"/> ...