Word DOCX- default import config file
Following is the default config used when importing a docx. It can be edited to get specific results.
For further information regarding the use of this file, see:
Default import config
Following is the default config file for the Word import. It can be used as a starting point for customizing the import process.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- This configuration transforms DocX into PSML --> <config version="1.1.0"> <lists> <add-numbering-to-document-titles select="true"/> <convert-to-list-roles select="false"/> <!-- generate numbered attribute to paragraphs for lists --> <convert-to-numbered-paragraphs select="false"> <level value="1" output="prefix"/> <!-- prefix or numbering or inline=[label] or text --> <level value="2" output="prefix"/> <level value="3" output="prefix"/> <level value="4" output="prefix"/> <level value="5" output="prefix"/> <level value="6" output="prefix"/> </convert-to-numbered-paragraphs> <!-- generate numbered paragraphs for document titles --> <!-- adds an inline label around the true number of each numbered paragraph ( in the future will be set to prefix...) --> <convert-manual-numbering select="false"> </convert-manual-numbering> </lists> <!-- =======================STYLE PROPERTIES======================= --> <!-- Values accepted: name of style available in word file --> <styles> <ignore> <wordstyle value="TOC1" /> <wordstyle value="TOC2" /> <wordstyle value="TOC3" /> <wordstyle value="TOC4" /> <wordstyle value="TOC5" /> <wordstyle value="TOC6" /> <wordstyle value="TOC7" /> <wordstyle value="TOC8" /> <wordstyle value="TOC9" /> </ignore> <default> <paragraphStyles value="block" /> <!-- possible values: 'para' or 'block' --> <characterStyles value="inline" /> <!-- possible values: 'none' or 'inline' --> <smart-tag keep="true" /> <!-- <property name="prefix" value="true" /> possible values: 'false' or 'true' --> <references psmlelement="link" /> <!-- required when using PSML split config --> <!-- <property name="prefix" value="true" /> possible values: 'false' or 'true' --> </default> <!-- Values accepted: name of style available in word file --> <wordstyle name="Title" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="1" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Subtitle" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="3" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading1" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="1" /> <!-- <numbering select="true" value="numbering" /> --> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading2" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="2" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading3" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="3" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading4" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="4" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading5" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="5" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="Heading6" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="6" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum1" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="1" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum2" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="2" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum3" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="3" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum4" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="4" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum5" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="5" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HeadingUnnum6" psmlelement="heading"> <level value="6" /> </wordstyle> <wordstyle name="HTMLCode" psmlelement="monospace"/> <wordstyle name="Emphasis" psmlelement="italic"/> <wordstyle name="Strong" psmlelement="bold"/> <wordstyle name="HTMLPreformatted" psmlelement="preformat"/> <wordstyle name="BodyText" psmlelement="para"/> <wordstyle name="PSTableHeader" psmlelement="para"/> <wordstyle name="PSTableBody" psmlelement="para"/> <wordstyle name="FootnoteText" psmlelement="para" /> <wordstyle name="EndnoteText" psmlelement="para" /> </styles> </config>