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Berlioz file organization

This document describes the file organization within a Berlioz-powered Website.

Public and private files

Berlioz distinguishes two types of files:

Public filesAre directly available on the Website (though they might also be protected at a different level).
Private filesAre only accessible by the application. They are located within the /WEB-INF directory.

There are no restrictions on how public files are organized, so this document deals essentially with how private files are organized.

Public folder structure

The following table describes the folder structures under / that are directly accessible by the Web Application.

/Public files – directly accessible by the Web server.
The only files directly under this folder are usually robots.txt, favicon.ico, etc.
/scriptContainer for all the scripts
/styleContainer for all the styles, CSS images should also be stored here
/WEB-INFPrivate files – only accessible by the Web application, see following table

Private folder structure

The following table describes the folder structures under /WEB-INF that are only accessible by the Web Application.

/web.xmlWeb descriptor for the application as specified by J2EE
/classesClasses and resources used by the class loader; it might be empty if no customization is required
/configConfiguration files for Berlioz
/indexWhen indexing is turned on, this is where the Lucene index is located
/ixmlContains the templates used by the indexer to generate the index
/libLibraries loaded by the web container: Must include wo-berlioz and wi-bastille.
/psmlPSML data used by the application and generally Published by PageSeeder
/xmlXML data used by the application
/xsltXSLT files used by Berlioz to transform the XML output of Generators; organized by output type (XSLT, RSS, ICAL, etc.)

From PageSeeder 5.2, it is recommended that PageSeeder documents be published using the <ps:export> Ant task as PSML.

Created on , last edited on