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Publishing PageSeeder data to print, the Web or both

Microsoft Word docx – export config usage

This document explains options for configuring PageSeeder to create a .docx file from PSML source documents. It is a companion to the Microsoft Word docx – import config.

A copy of the default word-export-config.xml is available for reference, see the default config example.

Additional information regarding docx support in PageSeeder is:


Exporting PSML data to the docx file format requires the Microsoft Word Export Config (word-export-config.xml), and the Word Export Template (word-export-template.dotx).

Using docx as a target format for PageSeeder publications means that the styles in existing Word documents can provide the page layout settings for PSML labels and structures. Mapping that information from PageSeeder into Word is the purpose of the word-export-config.xml, and this document.

Administrator rights are necessary to access many of the Export Config features.


A standalone PSML document can be exported, or a publication consisting of more than one PSML document can be exported.

There are two ways to customize a word-export-config.xml. Both require that a user is either an administrator on the server, or a manager on the project. Providing the member meets one of these, they can use this method to modify the config for their own use ONLY:

  1. Sign in to PageSeeder, and select a project or group.
  2. Select Developer under Account menu > Preferences, Layout preference.
  3. To change the word-export-config.xml for yourself ONLY, go to a document, click the rocket icon in the right sidebar (or from Documents page, under the ellipsis to the right of a document), then Create DocX, +Show more options, then Edit config,
    1. The Member publish configurations page only has one row and applies to all document types.

Alternatively, the member can change the configuration for all group members:

  1. Click Project administration menu > Template > Template configuration, note the options under the Publication types table in the Word export column.
  2. To change the configuration for all documents (that are not a custom type), select override under the default option in the default row.

    1. To revert to the default word-export-config.xml, select delete under the edit option in the default row.

  3. OR, to change the configuration for a custom type, click create under Word export column in the row for that type.

To autocomplete the word-export-config.xml file contents, press ctrl-space when editing.

Word export template file

By design, there is no formatting information in PageSeeder content. This is not because formatting isn’t important, rather, it is to support the concept of separating content and format. The architectural objective for this is that the exclusion of formatting leads to:

  • better reuse of content
  • better productivity for writers
  • more flexibility of delivery formats.

Moving formatting further along the document lifecycle, and adding it programmatically instead of manually, improves quality and consistency.

Using Word to get the most out of PageSeeder requires first creating a Word document as a template, with the appropriate styles, margins, page size and so on. Next, this file must be available to the export process, so upload it to the project. Finally, map the PSML content and labels to the styles in the Word document, using the following relationships:

  • Characters – equivalent to an inline label.
  • Paragraphs – equivalent to a block label, <para> or <heading>.
  • Tables – can be categorized in PageSeeder by the use of the @role attribute.
  • Lists – can be categorized in PageSeeder by the use of the @role attribute on <list> or <nlist>.
  • Images – can have a character style.
  • Metadata – map pre-defined properties.
  • Fields – including footnotes, endnotes, index entries.
  • References – including Xrefs and links.

The location of the default docx template for a project is:


Page breaks are inserted by selecting Page break before, usually on a heading or paragraph style in Word. For ad hoc page breaks a block label containing a space must be mapped to this word style.

Word export template file - Numbering

An alternate approach to mapping the PSML to your document, is to reformat the existing word-export-template.docx, where the mapping already exists. For this, first download the default export template from your project on PageSeeder – click the icon in the header bar, then either:

  • In the main section, under Template, click CONFIG.
  • Or, in the Project administration menu > Template > Template configuration.

Then, in the Publication types table, Template column and in the default row, click default.

Modify the styles in Word and save the changes. Then, as outlined above, in the Template column, click upload in the default row (or a custom publication type row).

Heading and paragraph numbering in Word is famously opaque, but if it’s correctly setup, it will work.

To get the right results from the PageSeeder export, the word-export-config.xml and the word-export-template.docx must have the proper configuration of bullet and numbered list paragraph styles.

Users unfamiliar with Word multilevel lists, or List Styles will find it easier to modify the existing word-export-template.docx, than to configure new lists.

However, for those that want to start fresh, the ways to create a new List Style are:

  1. Create a paragraph style for each level in the list, for example MyList1, MyList2.
    1. Select Define New List Style from the Multilevel List menu (NOT Define New Multilevel List).
    2. Enter a name for the List Style, for example My List (which you will use in the word-export-config.xml), then select Numbering from the Format menu and define the numbering options for each level.
    3. Click More and link the correct paragraph style to each level.
  2. Alternatively, map PSML paragraph levels onto the default paragraph styles in the Normal.dotx template, for example, List Number, List Number 2 etc.

For more detailed information about the relationship between PageSeeder and numbering in Word, see the Word Import Config – Usage document, under Word import – Numbering.

Word export config file

The location of the default word-export-config.xml for a project is:


The information below describes different ways that the word-export-config.xml file transforms PSML into docx format.

  • In Word, styles can have multiple names, separated by commas. For the export, use only the name before the first comma. For example, reference this style My heading,Special as follows:
    <level value="1" wordstyle="My heading" >
  • Only refer to Word styles in the template. An example is where a @wordstyle is misspelled, it won’t export as expected.
  • The heading styles built-in to Word are special – refer to them using lower case, for example wordstyle="heading 1".
  • Sometimes Word style names display as upper case but are actually lower case, if a style does not apply, try changing the reference to lower case.


In the word-export-config.xml, this element populates the Word document properties  in the output Word file, from token values in the PageSeeder system and some from the PSML. To see the document properties of a docx file, click the Info option under the File menu in Word.

  <creator select="[ps-current-user]" />
  <description select="[ps-document-description]" />
  <title select="[ps-document-title]" />
  <!-- <modified select="[ps-document-modified]" /> -->
  <created select="[ps-current-date]" />
  <keywordsselect="[ps-document-labels]" />
  <subject select="" />
  <category select="" />
  <version select="1.0" />
  <revision select="1" />

To export using these values, in the Document publish panel, click Show more options and select ‘Config’ in the Choose Word core attributes field drop-down. Or, set the manual-core parameter to Config. The export mapping uses the Word document properties fields above and the token values below.

TokenPageSeeder content
[ps-current-user]The full name of the current user (requires current-user parameter on export task)
[ps-document-description]The PSML document description
[ps-document-title]The PSML document title
[ps-document-created]The PSML document created date
[ps-document-modified]The PSML document modified date
[ps-current-date]The current date
[ps-document-labels]The PSML document labels

There are three options to source the values to export for the Word document properties. In the Choose Word core attributes field drop-down in the document publish panel:

  • Values come from the document publish panel (default option) – manual-core value="Manual".
  • Values under <core> in the word-export-config.xml are used – manual-core value="Config".
  • Values in the word-export-template.xml are used – manual-core value="Template".

Document export panel – Create docx options

Each of the word-export-config.xml elements below maps to a Word document property as follows:

<creator select="PageSeeder" />
  • <creator> maps to the Author property in Word.
<description select="PageSeeder" />
  • <description> maps to the Comment property in Word.
<subject select="PageSeeder Document" />
  • <subject> maps to the Subject property in Word.
<title select="Default Title" />
  • <title> maps to the Title property in Word.
<category select="No Category" />
  • <category> maps to the Category property in Word.
<version select="1.0" />
  • <version> maps to the Version property, which is not visible in Word unless the template has a custom property named Version. This can be added in Word under Info > Properties > Advanced Properties > Custom. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.21 or higher.
<revision select="1" />
  • <revision> maps to the Revision property in Word, which is not visible in Word.

<toc> (Table of Contents)

<toc generate="true">
  <!-- range from 1 up to 9 -->
  <outline generate="true" select="1-9" />

  <paragraph generate="false">
    <style value="[word style]" indent="[indent level]" />

    <!-- any paragraph style defined in the document
         with the corresponding TOC indent level 

The word-export-config.xml transforms the PSML element <toc> into the Table of Contents (ToC) field code in DOCX. It only uses the TOC paragraph styles, from the word-export-template.xml,not the entire preconfigured ToC. If you want a "Contents" heading, you need to add this in the PSML front matter. The ToC field code prompts Word to generate a ToC using any of the following object types, strictly in this order:

  • <outline> – generate the ToC from any styles in Word that have an outline level. For example, use the built-in heading styles in Word by setting the @generate attribute of <outline> to true. The value of the @select attribute can be an integer from 1 to 9.
<outline generate="true" select="3-6" />
  • <paragraph> – use specific paragraph styles by setting the @generate attribute of <paragraph> to true. The <paragraph> element contains <style> elements, each with a unique @value attribute that declares which paragraph styles generate the ToC. An @indent attribute sets the level for the paragraph style in the ToC hierarchy.
<paragraph generate="false">
  <style value="Heading 1" indent="1" />    
  <style value="Heading 2" indent="2" />
  <!-- any paragraph style defined in the document
       with the corresponding ToC indent level 
  • Default behavior – by default, all heading levels are added to the ToC using outline level and the value of the @generate attribute on the <paragraph> element is set to false.

As of pso-docx version 0.8.28 or higher, in the word-export-config.xml, element <toc> can appear in the following two elements:

  • Under <config> – relates to the generation of a root (top-level) Table of Contents.
  • Under <elements> – it generates a non-root (branch-level) Table of Contents, for example, at the Chapter level.

The use of the <headings> element under <toc> is deprecated – use <outline> instead.


This element sets the default conversion options.

  <defaultparagraphstyle wordstyle="Body Text" />
  <defaultcharacterstyle wordstyle="Default Paragraph Font" />
  <comments generate="false" />
  <mathml generate="false" />
  <citations documenttype="bibliography" pageslabel="pages" />
  <endnotes documenttype="endnotes" />
  <footnotes documenttype="footnotes" />
  <xrefs hyperlinkstyle="PS Hyperlink"
         referencestyle="PS Reference" />
  <placeholders resolvedstyle="PS Placeholder"
                unresolvedstyle="PS Unresolved" />
  <indexdoc documentlabel="indexdoc" columns="2" />

All the following elements are optional:

  • <defaultparagraphstyle> – any <block> without a specific mapping to a DOCX style transforms to a default style name. Usually this is Body Text, but it can be any paragraph style name in word-export-template. Where the template doesn’t have a style that matches, the default style is set to Normal. This element has no effect if block/@default described below is set.
<defaultparagraphstyle style="Body Text"/>
  • <defaultcharacterstyle> – declares a character style for all inline elements with no specific mapping. The default value is Default Paragraph Font. <defaultcharacterstyle> can be any character style name in the word-export-template. Where the template doesn’t have a style that matches, the value is the Default Paragraph Font. This element has no effect if inline/@default described below is set.
<defaultcharacterstyle style="Default Paragraph Font"/>
  • <comments> – this adds a comment to each fragment via an email link to PageSeeder from any standard email application. This allows for document review offline. By default, this value is set to false.
<comments generate="false"/>
  • <mathml> – converts any Math ML object back to Open Office math ml objects for Word. By default, this value is set to false.
<mathml generate="false"/>
  • <citations> – xrefs to properties fragments in a document with type @documenttype value bibliography become DOCX citations, and a DOCX bibliography is inserted after the <section id="title"> content. An inline label attribute value of "pageslabel" directly after the xref, its content becomes the citation page or page range: 
<xref documenttype="bibliography" ... >
<inline label="pages">10 - 20</inline>

Requires additional post-processing and pso-docx version 0.7.4 or higher.

<citations documenttype="bibliography" pageslabel="pages" />
  • <endnotes> – xrefs to fragments under <section id="content"> in a document with type @documenttype become DOCX endnotes. The xrefs must have @type="alternate" and the document must be generated using ps:process ANT task where xrefs/@types includes alternate. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.1 or higher.
<endnotes documenttype="endnotes"/>
  • <footnotes> – xrefs to fragments under <section id="content"> in a document with type @documenttype become DOCX footnotes. The xrefs must have @type="alternate" and the document must be generated using ps:process ANT task where xrefs/@types includes alternate. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.1 or higher.
<footnotes documenttype="footnotes"/>
  • <xrefs> – if type="cross-reference" then PSML xrefs become DOCX REF, instead of HYPERLINK. Unlike the HYPERLINK option, REF has an ‘Update field’ option that prompts Word to refresh pointers to numbered paragraphs or headings.

    As of version 0.7.0, xrefs with @display="template" and @title containing {parentnumber} or {prefix} become DOCX REF even without setting @type above. Also <xrefs> supports the following attributes:
    • @hyperlinkstyle – The style in Word for xrefs pointing outside the document (default PS Hyperlink).
    • @referencestyle – The style in Word for xrefs pointing within the document (default PS Reference).
<xrefs type="cross-reference"
       hyperlinkstyle="My Hyperlink"
       referencestyle="My Reference" />

Further configuration information for xrefs in DOCX, see <xref>.

  • <placeholders> – maps styles for PSML <placeholder> elements with the following attributes: Requires pso-docx version 0.8.8 or higher.
    • @resolvedstyle – The style in Word for resolved placeholders (default DefaultParagraphFont).
    • @unresolvedstyle – The style in Word for unresolved placeholders - no corresponding metadata property (default DefaultParagraphFont).
<placeholders resolvedstyle="My Placeholder"
              unresolvedstyle="My Unresolved" />
  • <indexdoc> – inserts a DOCX index after the <section id="title"> content. See <inline> for how to insert index entries with the following attributes: Requires pso-docx version 0.8.20 or higher.
    • @documentlabel – The label that identifies the index document.
    • @columns – The number of columns in the index - from 1 to 4 (default 2).
<indexdoc documentlabel="myindex" columns="1" />

In the word-export-template.docx, only character styles can format hyperlinks, references or placeholders.


This element is used to group styles, either in a particular PSML document in a publication, or a particular section in a docx, or generally throughout a publication.

Word documents can have multiple sections, often used to change the layout or formatting in a particular part of the document, for example, a cover page, or front matter where the layout and styles are different to the rest of the document, or tables or images that require landscape page orientation.

The documentation below explains the circumstances in which a PSML element transforms into a docx style.

  • <document>
  • <block>
  • <image>
  • <inline>
  • <properties-fragment>
  • <table>
  • <heading>
  • <para>
  • <title>
  • <nlist>
  • <list>
  • <preformat>
  • <xref>

Transforms of PSML content can apply specifically to PSML documents with a certain document label. Define this by setting the @label attribute inside a separate <elements> element. For example, you might have your front matter in a separate PSML document so you can define those styles separately, as you want the heading styles in the front matter (PSML Headings 1-3) to look different from headings (also PSML Headings 1-3) used in different parts of the publication.

<elements label="warranty">

If set, options under this element only apply to the content of documents with the specified label. In the example above, the options under <elements> apply only to a document with label ‘warranty’.


<elements label="warranty">
    <level value="2" wordstyle="WarrantyPolicy"/>
    <level value="3" wordstyle="CoverLevel"/>
    <indent value="2" wordstyle="DefectPara"/>
  <list liststyle="Bulleted List>
    <role value="defects" liststyle="Defect List">

Document types are ignored by the word-export-config.xml., rather document labels are used in the export processing. As part of the default Word export process, a references document label is added to documents of type references, and if using the Custom DocX sample code, a references label is also added automatically to the publication root document.

An <elements label="references"> element declaration is not generally required in the word-export-config.xml, except when using the default Word export. When your root document is another document type (not references), this element is required, with its corresponding label attribute.

Where <elements> have a @blocklabel, the options underneath only apply to PSML elements with that block label as their closest ancestor. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.20 or higher.

<elements blocklabel="info">

Example 1

The following example defines the content in <block> elements with @label block2.

<elements blocklabel="block2">
      <level value="2" wordstyle="Heading Unnum 3"/>
      <indent level="0" wordstyle="List Continue 2"/>
    <list liststyle="Numbered List" />
    <nlist liststyle="Bulleted List" />

Example 2

The following example defines the content in <block> elements with @label block2 that are within a document with label appendix.

<elements label="appendix" blocklabel="block2">
      <level value="2" wordstyle="heading 3"/>
      <indent level="0" wordstyle="List Continue 4"/>
    <list liststyle="Bulleted List" />
    <nlist liststyle="Numbered List" />

Where <elements> have a @fragmentlabel, the options underneath only apply to PSML elements when their closest ancestor <fragment> has @labels containing this label. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.27 or higher.

<elements fragmentlabel="details">

Example 1

The following example defines the content in a <fragment> element with label block2.

<elements fragmentlabel="block2">
      <level value="2" wordstyle="Heading Unnum 3"/>
      <indent level="0" wordstyle="List Continue 2"/>
    <list liststyle="Numbered List" />
    <nlist liststyle="Bulleted List" />
  <elements label="appendix">
      <level value="1" wordstyle="heading 1"/>
      <level value="2" wordstyle="heading 2"/>
      <indent level="0" wordstyle="List Continue 3"/>
    <list liststyle="Numbered List" />
    <nlist liststyle="Bulleted List" />

Example 2

The following example defines the content in <fragment> element with label fragment2 that are within a document with label appendix.

<elements fragmentlabel="fragment2" label="appendix">
      <level value="2" wordstyle="heading 3"/>
      <indent level="0" wordstyle="List Continue 4"/>
    <list liststyle="Bulleted List" />
    <nlist liststyle="Numbered List" />
  • <elements> with @blocklabel or @fragmentlabel only support <heading>, <para>, <list> and <nlist> options.
  • There is no support for both @blocklabel and @fragmentlabel on the same <elements>.
  • elements/@blocklabel options override elements/@fragmentlabel options.
  <elements label="references">
    <document wordsection="1" />
  <elements label="front">
    <document wordsection="2" />
  <elements label="landscape">
    <document wordsection="4" />
    <document wordsection="3" />

This element is useful for mapping content of a PSML document to the page layout in a particular section in a Word document. Word documents can have multiple sections, often used to change the layout, headers, or footers in different parts of a document. For example, a cover page might have a different layout or background to the rest of the document, or tables or images might require landscape page orientation. Putting a background on a cover page is done by inserting an image into the header for that section and setting “Behind text” in its layout options. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.23 or higher.

The only way to change sections in the docx document is by applying a document label on a PSML document. It outputs the content from that document into the corresponding docx section.

For example, to invoke a landscape page requires a PSML document and label, and a corresponding declaration in the word-export-config.xml.

The same applies to change margins or header and footer.

Including these documents in the publication can be done in a number of ways, including by:

  • Adding a document to the publication.
  • Including the document by xref.
  • By transcluding the landscape document.

In the above example, the following sections are used:

  • PSML documents with the document label references use the first section.
  • PSML documents with the document label front use the second section.
  • PSML documents with the document label landscape use the fourth section.
  • The third section in the template is the default layout for all PSML documents.

If no section number is defined in the word-export-config.xml, the layout in the first section in the word-export-template.docx is used by default.

The order of the sections in the docx template is significant.

When there is a requirement for page numbers to restart for a section, then the sections order in the template must be the same as the order they first appear in the exported document. Page numbers will not restart when going from a later to an earlier section in the template.

In the previous example, if section 3 in the docx template was set to restart, then in the exported document, page numbers would restart when section 3 followed section 2, but not when it followed section 4. This is because there might be multiple landscape pages after which you don’t want the numbering to restart, but you do want them to restart after the front matter.

Table of Contents – ToC

The <toc> elements is part of either first section (document with label references), or the second section (document with label front). The front document is useful for separating the numbering of the front pages from the rest of the publication. For example, using roman numerals page numbers in the front matter.

If no document label is defined in the word-export-config.xml, the content is output using the layout in the default section of the template.

Example cover page  Landscape page example

To use a different section for transcluded content, such as landscape images, the whole PSML document containing the image must be transcluded, not just a single fragment. This makes the document label, for example landscape, available to the docx export.

Element <document> uses the value of a @wordsection attribute to map the content in a standalone PSML document, or a component document in a publication, to use the layout in a particular section in the word-export-template.docx, where the value matches as 1=first section in the template, 2=second section and so on. If the docx tempIate is not already displaying the section number in the bottom status bar, at the left in the bottom status bar, right-click in the bar and click "Section" in the list.

If you are using sections in your word-export-template.docx, then under each <elements>, specify a value for the @wordsection attribute in a <document> element.

If a section is not specified, the section for the default <elements> is used. If there is no default specified, the export process uses the layout in Section 1 in word-export-template.docx.

Word - Section number in bottom status bar

To insert a section in a Word document, select Layout > Breaks.

<block  default="generate-ps-style">
  <label value="Abstract"   wordstyle="Instructions" />
  <label value="Prompt"     wordstyle="Prompt" />
  <label value="Tip"        wordstyle="generate-ps-style" >
    <keep-paragraph-with-next />
  <ignore label="Notes" />

<block> handles all <block> elements that map to a paragraph style in Word, with the @default attribute defining how to handle all <block> elements that have no mapping to a paragraph style (or are incorrectly mapped to a non-paragraph style). It accepts three values:

  • generate-ps-style – this naming convention generates a style in Word, for each label:
  • none – (the default) maps block element content to the default paragraph style, unless declared with the following elements.
  • A paragraph style name present in the word-export-template.docx – maps block element content to this specified paragraph style, unless declared with the following elements.

Under <block>, two elements are valid and must be in this order:

  • <label> – transforms the content of this block into the style in Word, of the attribute @wordstyle. The attribute @wordstyle under <label> can also contain generate-ps-style, forcing the process to generate a unique style for that block label. The <keep-paragraph-with-next/> element can be used to keep this content on the same line as the next content, known in Word as a 'Style separator'.
  • <ignore> – means the content inside this block won’t be transformed on export.


In the following example, blocks with labels other than the defined TestPara1 are transformed as the style List Bullet.

  <block default="List Bullet">
    <label value="TestPara1" wordstyle="ListNumber"/>

Using <ignore> or <label>, even under <elements> with @label, disables the generate-ps-style option for that particular block label on all documents. For example, the following config will never use the generated ps_blk_Info Word style for the Info block label, even if it is in documents that don’t have the appendix label:

  <block default="generate-ps-style" />
<elements label="appendix">
    <label value="Info"

Defines a style in Word for <image> elements. In PageSeeder, an image is an inline object, so the value of the @wordstyle attribute must map to a character style, not a paragraph style. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.19 or higher.

The <image> can have a @maxwidth attribute with the value in pixels, useful for scaling down larger images (default 620).

A @widelabel defines an image label that ignores @maxwidth to accommodate large images such as a landscape drawing. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.20 or higher.

<image wordstyle="Image" maxwidth="400" widelabel="big" />
<inline default="generate-ps-style" >
  <label value="Optional" wordstyle="OptionalNormal" />
  <ignore label="Notes" />
  <tab label="TabLabel" />
  <fieldcode label="n" value="LISTNUM  LegalDefault \\l 1 \\s 2 " />
  <index label="ind" />

<inline> element handles all <inline> elements, that map to a character style in Word, with the @default attribute defining how to handle all <inline> elements that have no mapping to a character style (or are incorrectly mapped to a non-character style). There are three options:

  • generate-ps-style – this naming convention generates a style for a label in Word:
  • none – (the default) maps inline element content to the default character style, unless declared with the following elements.
  • A character style present in the word-export-template.docx – maps inline element content to this specified character style, unless declared with the following elements.

Five elements are valid under <inline>, but they must be in the following order:

<label> – defining a label name using the attribute @value under <label> transforms the content of the inline label into the character style in Word, of the attribute @wordstyle. The attribute @wordstyle under <label> can also contain generate-ps-style to force the generation of a style for each inline label.

<ignore> – means the content inside this inline label won’t be transformed on export.

<tab> – defines a style through the value of the attribute @label under <tab>. The contents inside this inline, for example, a space, are transformed to a tab on output in Word.

<fieldcode> – where the inline label matches the value of the @label attribute under <fieldcode>, the contents transform into a fieldcode on output in Word. The name in the @value attribute determines the generation of the fieldcode.

<index> – where the inline label value matches the value of the @label attribute under <index>, the contents transform into an index entry in Word, with a colon character ":" in the content of the <inline> element indicating an index sub-entry. For example, the following inline objects in PSML would create two index entries. A first-level entry of “speed” and a second-level entry under speed of "fast".

Lorem ipsum<inline label="ind">ipsum</inline> and lorem extra<inline label=" ind">ipsum:extra</inline>.

To prevent the index entry breaking to the next page, there should be no character space after the term in the document content and the open angle bracket "<" for the inline element. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.20 or higher.

Example for <index>

    <indexdoc documentlabel="indexdoc" columns="1" />
      <index label="index" />

Using <ignore>, <label>, or <tab> even under <elements> with @label, disables only the generate-ps-style option for that particular inline label on all documents. Other output options can be used, including the same output as declared for the PSML document label.


In the following example, inline content with label Test3 are transformed to character style annotation reference in Word. Other non-defined inline labels are transformed to character style Title Char in Word. Any content inside inline label Test2 is transformed to a tab in Word.

    <inline default="Title Char">
        <label wordstyle="annotation reference" value="Test3"/>
        <tab label="Test2"/>

Contains style for <preformat> elements.

<preformat wordstyle="HTML Preformatted"/>
  <properties-fragment tablestyle="Table Grid"
                       titlestyle="PS Table Header"
                       valuestyle="PS Table Body" >
    <width type="pct" value="100%"/>

  <properties-fragment type="detail"
                       tablestyle="My Table"
                       titlestyle="My Table Header"
                       valuestyle="My Table Body"/>

  <properties-fragment type="foodcomponents"
                       tablestyle="Table Grid 2" >
    <width type="dxa" value="5000"/>
  <ignore label="extra" />
  <ignore label="test" />

<properties-fragments> specifies how to format PSML properties as tables. Requires pso-docx version 0.8.21 or higher.

In the above example:

  • @tablestyle – sets the default table style to output in Word as Table Grid.
  • (@titlestyle) – sets the paragraph style for property titles as PS Table Header.
  • (@valuestyle) – sets the paragraph style for property values as PS Table Body.
  • @type attribute – overrides the default style for different PSML fragment types.
  • <width> element – under each <properties-fragment> has a @type attribute to express the size in either:
    • dxa (a unit of measure).
    • pct (percent, requires % after the value).
    • or auto.

In Word, 100% is 5000 dxa (1 dxa = 1 twentieth-of-a point, 20 dxa = 1 point).

  • <ignore> element – use to ignore properties fragments with that fragment label. As in the example above, put it after <property-fragment>. To ignore all properties fragments, don’t specify a @label attribute. Requires pso-docx version 1.1.0 or higher.

Use this export configuration when you want to export the PSML content of a properties fragment to a specific table design in Word. If not specified, then the default table design is used. (If your properties table in PSML has headers down the left column, then you can only output the contents to a different table design in Word that also has headers in the left column. You can only change the design/style of the table, not swap rows for columns.)

  <table default="PS Table"
         headstyle="PS Table Header"
         bodystyle="PS Table Body" >
    <width type="pct" value="100%"/>
  <table role="mytable"
         tablestyle="Table Grid"
         headstyle="My Table Header"
         bodystyle="My Table Body"/>
  <table role="mytable2"
         tablestyle="Table Grid 2"
    <width type="dxa" value="5000"/>

  <col role="mycol1">
    <shading fill="00FF00" />
  <col role="mycol2">
      <top type="single" color="000000" size="48" />
      <bottom type="double" color="FF0000" size="32" />
      <start type="dashed" color="00FF00" size="16" />
      <end type="wave" color="0000FF" size="2" />

  <row align="start" />
  <row role="myrow1" align="center" cantsplit="true">
    <shading fill="FF0000" />
      <top type="single" color="000000" size="60" />
    <height type="atleast" value="1000"/>

  <hcell role="myheader1" valign="top" />
  <hcell role="myheader2" valign="bottom">
    <shading fill="0000FF" />
      <top type="double" color="000000" size="48" />
    <width type="pct" value="20%"/>

  <hcell role="mycell1" valign="top" />
  <hcell role="mycell2" valign="bottom">
    <shading fill="1152CC" />
      <bottom type="single" color="123456" size="32" />
    <width type="dbx" value="500"/>


<tables> element defines table styles in Word for each PageSeeder table. It can contain multiple entries of the following elements, but they must be in this order: <table>, <col>, <row>, <hcell> and <cell>.

Processing <col>, <row>, <hcell>, or <cell> requires pso-docx version 0.8.21 or higher.


Defines table properties through the following attributes and the element <width>.

  • @default – the default table style in the Word output, for example "PS Table" (this value can only be used once and not with @role or @tablestyle).
  • @role – the PSML table role these properties apply to, for example, mytable.
  • @tablestyle – the table style in Word for this role, for example, Table Grid.
  • @headstyle – the paragraph style for header cells, for example, PS Table Header.
  • @bodystyle – the paragraph style for other cells, for example, PS Table Body.
  • @layout – allowed values are:
    • fixed if the column widths are fixed.
    • autofit if they adjust to the content (default autofit).

Requires pso-docx version 0.8.21 or higher.

The @headstyle and @bodystyle can be overridden by wrapping content in a block label.


This element defines column properties and can contain the following @role attribute and the elements <shading> or <borders>.

  • @role – The PSML column role these properties apply to, for example, mycol1. If there is no @role, then they are the default properties.

This element defines row properties and can contain the following attributes and the elements <height>, <shading>, or <borders>. It overrides the column properties.

  • @role – The PSML row role these properties apply to, for example, myrow1. If there is no @role, then they are the default properties.
  • @cantsplit – If true, the row can't be split across a page break (default false).
  • @align – Horizontal alignment with allowed values: center, start, or end.

This element defines header cell properties and can contain the following attributes and the elements <width>, <shading>, or <borders>. It overrides the column and row properties.

  • @role – The PSML header cell role these properties apply to, for example, myheader1. If there is no @role, then they are the default properties.
  • @valign – Vertical alignment with allowed values center, top, or bottom.

This element defines cell properties and can contain the following attributes and the elements <width>, <shading>, or <borders>. It overrides the column and row properties.

  • @role – The PSML cell role these properties apply to, for example, mycell1. If there is no @role, then they are the default properties.
  • @valign – Vertical alignment with allowed values center, top, or bottom.

This element can be used under <table>, <hcell>, or <cell> and can have the following attributes:

  • @type – Allowed values are:
    • dxa (a unit of measure).
    • pct (percent, requires % after the value).
    • or, auto.

In Word, 100% is 5000 dxa (1 dxa = 1 twentieth-of-a point, 20 dxa = 1 point).

  • @value – The width in the unit specified, for example, 5000 or 100%.

This element can be used under <row> and can have the following attributes:

  • @type – Allowed values are:
    • atleast (height must be at least this value).
    • or, fixed (height is fixed).
  • @value – The height, in twentieths of a point (dxa).

This element can be used under <col>, <row>, <hcell>, or <cell> and can have the following attribute:

  • @fill – The background fill color as 6 hexadecimal digits or auto, for example, aabb99.

This element can be used under <col>, <row>, <hcell>, or <cell> and can contain these elements:

<top>, <bottom>. <start>, or <end>.

Each of these elements can have the following attributes:

  • @type – Allowed values are: single, dashDotStroked, dashed, dashSmallGap, dotDash, dotDotDash, dotted, double, doubleWave, inset, none, outset, thick, thickThinLargeGap, thickThinMediumGap, thickThinSmallGap, thinThickLargeGap, thinThickMediumGap, thinThickSmallGap, thinThickThinLargeGap, thinThickThinMediumGap, thinThickThinSmallGap, threeDEmboss, threeDEngrave, triple, or wave (required).
  • @color – The border color as 6 hexadecimal digits or auto, for example, aabb99.
  • @size – The border width in eighths of a point (minimum 2, maximum 96).
  <level value="1" numbered="true" wordstyle="heading 1" >
    <numbered select="true">
      <fieldcode regexp="%arabic%" type="SEQ" />
  <level value="2" wordstyle="heading 2" >
    <prefix select="true" separator="space">
      <fieldcode regexp="\d+\.%arabic%" type="SEQ" />
  <level value="3" wordstyle="heading 3" >
  <level value="4" numbered="true" prefixed="true" wordstyle="heading 4">
    <prefix select="false" />
  <level value="5" wordstyle="heading 5" >
    <numbered select="true" >
         type="SEQ" />
    <keep-paragraph-with-next />
  <level value="6" wordstyle="heading 6" >
    <numbered select="true" >
         type="SEQ" />
    <keep-paragraph-with-next />

Mapping the PSML heading to the style in Word uses the config <heading>, and <level> with the following options that define how the content will be passed to docx, in this order:

  • <prefix>
  • <numbered>
  • <keep-paragraph-with-next>.

By default, every heading level maps to the equivalent heading style (heading level 1 to heading 1 style, heading level 2 to heading 2 style...). Alternatively, each PSML heading level can be transformed into an arbitrary DOCX style.

In <level>, the @numbered and @prefixed attributes match the @numbered and @prefix attributes in the corresponding PSML <heading>, and can be used to map to heading styles in Word. Then, the <prefix> and <numbered> options can be used to transform the numbering. They can also be used to map the PSML <heading> to non-heading styles in the Word template, that is, headings that are not Word’s default heading styles, such as unnumbered heading styles (as of pso-docx version 0.7.2).

In <level>:

  • Both @numbered="true" and @prefixed="true" – Matches a processed numbered heading (with the prefix having been generated in PageSeeder (by the publication-config.xml)). In this case, include <prefix select="false" /> so the prefix is not output to Word causing double numbering. If there is no <prefix> element, it will use the matching <prefix> under the default <elements>.
  • @prefixed="true" – By itself – matches when the prefix was manually added in the PSML.
  • @numbered="true" – By itself – only matches when the prefix number can’t be resolved.

If the heading is numbered, or has a prefix, it can be transformed into a fieldcode in the output. This is defined by a <fieldcode> element under the corresponding level/numbered or level/prefix.

The level/@prefixed attribute is ignored in this case.

As of pso-docx version 0.6.2, the <prefix> element supports a @separator="[tab|space|none]" attribute. This defines the character between the prefix and the heading text (tab is the default) unless @select="false" in which case neither the prefix, or the separator, are output.

The <keep-paragraph-with-next/> element can be used to keep this on the same line as the next content, known in Word as a 'Style separator'.

The level/@prefixed attribute is ignored in this case.

Styles “heading [x]” in Word must be in lower case but all other styles in Word must match the case in the DOCX template (for example, “Heading Numbered 1”).

  <indent level="0" wordstyle="Body Text" >
    <prefix select="true" separator="space" >            
      <fieldcode regexp="Note %arabic%" type="SEQ" />

  <indent level="1" wordstyle="List Continue" >
    <numbered select="true">
         type="SEQ" />

  <indent level="2" wordstyle="List Continue" >    

  <indent level="3" wordstyle="List Continue" >      

  <indent level="4" wordstyle="List Continue" >
    <keep-paragraph-with-next />

  <indent level="5" wordstyle="List Continue" >
    <numbered select="true" >
         type="SEQ" />

  <indent level="6" wordstyle="List Continue" >
    <numbered select="true" >
         type="SEQ" />
    <keep-paragraph-with-next />

  <!-- Prefixed paragraphs -->
  <indent level="1" prefixed="true" wordstyle="List Manual" />

  <indent level="2" prefixed="true" wordstyle="List Manual 2" />

  <!-- Numbered paragraphs -->
  <indent level="1" numbered="true" wordstyle="List Number" />

  <indent level="2" numbered="true" wordstyle="List Number 2" />

  <!-- Numbered prefixed paragraphs -->
  <indent level="1" numbered="true" prefixed="true" wordstyle="Para Indent">
    <prefix select="false" />
  <indent level="2" numbered="true" prefixed="true" wordstyle="Para Indent 2">
    <prefix select="false" />


Mapping the PSML paragraph to the style in Word uses the config <para>, and <indent> with the following options that define how the content will be passed to docx, in this order:

  • <prefix>
  • <numbered>
  • <keep-paragraph-with-next>.

As of pso-docx version 0.6.1, the @numbered and @prefixed on <indent> can be used to apply different styles in Word to PSML <para> with @prefix or @numbered="true" as follows:

  • @prefixed="true" @numbered="true" – used together, matches a processed numbered paragraph (with the prefix generated by PageSeeder). In this case include <prefix select="false" /> so the prefix is not output to Word causing double numbering. If there is no <prefix> element it will use the matching <prefix> under the default <elements>.
  • @prefixed="true" – used by itself, matches when the prefix was manually added.
  • @numbered="true" – used by itself, only matches when the prefix number can’t be resolved.

If the paragraph is numbered, or has a prefix, it can be transformed into a fieldcode in the output. This is defined by the <fieldcode> element under the corresponding indent/numbered or indent/prefix.

The indent/@prefixed attribute is ignored in this case.

As of pso-docx version 0.6.2 the <prefix> element can have a @separator="[tab|space|none]" to define the character between the prefix and the paragraph text (tab is the default) but if it has @select="false" the prefix and separator won’t be output.

The <keep-paragraph-with-next/> element can be used to keep this on the same line as the next content, known in Word as a 'Style separator'.

The indent/@prefixed attribute is ignored in this case.

<title wordstyle="heading 1"/>

Element <title> is used to define the paragraph style in Word for each section title.

By default, title is set to heading 1. It can be transformed into any value that exists in the word-export-template.docx.


Contains the declaration for transforming numbered lists in PSML to a numbered multi-level List Style in Word. The default export for a PSML <nlist> is to the default multi-level List Style, "Numbered List", in Word.

<nlist liststyle="Numbered List" />
  <role value="highlight" liststyle="Highlighted Numbered List" />

In the config, the @liststyle attribute on both <nlist> and <role> can be used to apply a different multi-level List Style in Word. The <default> and <level> elements are no longer supported under these elements. (As of pso-docx version 0.6.1.)

If the PSML <nlist> has a @role attribute, it can be associated with a List Style in Word using the config <role> element.

In the example above, config <nlist> and <role> together, transform a PSML <nlist> with a @role value "highlight" to the styles in Word in a non-default Word multi-level List Style named "Highlighted Numbered List", in the word-export-template.docx.

List Style – Numbered List – current list


Contains the declaration for transforming unnumbered lists in PSML to an unnumbered multil-level List Style in Word. The default export for a PSML <list> is to the default multi-level List Style, "Bulleted List", in Word.

<list liststyle="Bulleted List" >
  <role value="highlight" liststyle="Highlighted Bulleted List" />

In the config, the @liststyle attribute on <list> and <role> can be used to apply a different multi-level List Style in Word. The <default> and <level> elements are no longer supported under these elements. (As of pso-docx version 0.6.1)

If the PSML <list> has a @role attribute, it can be associated with a List Style in Word using the <role> element.

In the example above, config <list> and <role> together, transform a PSML <list> with a @role value "highlight" to the styles in Word in a non-default Word multi-level List Style named "Highlighted Bulleted List", in the word-export-template.docx.

List – Bulleted List

The PSML <list> or <nlist> as a whole is mapped to a List Style in Word. PSML list <item> elements cannot be individually mapped to different paragraph styles.

The @type on <list> and <nlist> in PSML is ignored, as it could clash with the default and role based styles in Word. To alert editors to this in PageSeeder, the following custom CSS could be added:




    color: white;
    background: red;
    border-radius: 2px;
    padding: 1px 4px;

.psml-content ul[data-type]

       li, ol[data-type] li

    color: red


Declares the styles in Word, for PSML <para> paragraphs that are in between items in a PSML <list> or <nlist>. The @value on the config <level> element represents the nesting level of the <list> or <nlist> the paragraph continues on from. Requires pso-docx version 0.7.5 or higher.

  <level value="1"  wordstyle="List Continue" />
  <level value="2"  wordstyle="List Continue 2" />
  <level value="3"  wordstyle="List Continue 3" />
  <level value="4"  wordstyle="List Continue 4" />
  <level value="5"  wordstyle="List Continue 5" />
  <level value="6"  wordstyle="List Continue 6" />

Example PSML

<fragment id="1">
   <nlist start="1">
      <item>List level 1</item>
   <para indent="1">List continue: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</para>
   <nlist type="loweralpha" start="1">
      <item>List Level 2</item>
   <para indent="2">List continue 2: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</para>
   <nlist type="lowerroman" start="1">
      <item>List Level 3</item>
   <para indent="3">List continue 3: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</para>
   <nlist type="upperroman" start="1">
      <item>List Level 4</item>
   <para indent="4">List continue 4: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</para>
   <nlist type="upperalpha" start="1">
      <item>List level 5</item>
   <para indent="5">List continue 5: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.</para>
   <nlist type="loweralpha" start="1">
      <item>List Level 6</item>

Example DOCX

Example <listpara> in DOCX


Declares the character styles in Word, for specific types of cross-references (the child elements are optional but must appear in the order below). Requires pso-docx version 0.7.4 or higher.

  <footnote textstyle="My Footnote Text"
            referencestyle="My Footnote Reference" />

  <endnote textstyle="My Endnote Text"
           referencestyle="My Endnote Reference" />

  <citation referencestyle="My Citation Reference" />

  <xrefconfig name="field"
              hyperlinkstyle="My Field Link"
              referencestyle="My Field Reference" />

  <xrefconfig name="term"
              hyperlinkstyle="My Term Link" />

In config <xref> element:

  • <footnote> element – declares the footnote text and reference styles in Word (the default @textstyle is Footnote Text, and the default @referencestyle is Footnote Reference).
  • <endnote> element – declares the endnote text and reference styles in Word (the default @textstyle is Endnote Text, and the default @referencestyle is Endnote Reference).
  • <citation> element – declares the citation reference style in Word, and the default @referencestyle is the default character style (see config <default> element above). The bibliography text style is always Bibliography.
  • Multiple <xrefconfig> elements and the @name attribute – refer to the @name on the <xref-config> element in the xref-config.xml. They declare the styles in Word for the xref hyperlink and reference (the default @hyperlinkstyle and @referencestyle are defined in the config <default> element above). Requires pso-docx version 0.7.6 or higher.

In the word-export-template.docx, any hyperlink or reference styles must be character only styles.

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