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Publishing PageSeeder data to print, the Web or both

Task export-pdf

This task can be used to convert a portable or processed PSML document to PDF according to rules in the PDF export config usage.

To use this Ant extension standalone outside PageSeeder you can download the pso-pdf-ant-x.jar and pso-pdf-core-x.jar files from maven central .


Minimal definition:

<export-pdf src="[source]" />

 Full definition:

<export-pdf src="[source]"
            fontfolder="[font base folder]"
            fontconfig="[font config file]"
            working="[working folder]"
  <config file="[config file]"
          priority="[priority number]"/>


srcPath to the .psml source file to processYes
destPath to the destination file. If unspecified, the default value is the name and location of the source with .pdf extensionNo
Path to the font base folderNo
Path to the font config XML fileNo

The directory holding temporary files such as the concatenated configs files and XSL-FO scripts. The default is:

debugIf true an fo.xml file is created under the working folderNo



Defines a config file which overrides rules in the default config file. There might be multiple <config> elements.

filePath to a configuration fileYes
nameUse default to apply the rules to all, or else specify the name of a PSML document type. DEPRECATED use document labels for custom styles.Nodefault
priorityThe priority number for the rules in this config file. When there are multiple files, higher priority overrides lower.No1


This element is deprecated, use <config> instead.

Defines a set of config files which overrides rules in the default config file. There might be multiple <configs> elements. Any config files with the following path is read [config folder]/[document type]/pdf-export-config.xml

folderPath to a configuration folderYes
priorityThe priority number for the rules in these config files. When there are multiple files, higher priority overrides lower.No1

Custom fonts

Custom fonts require pso-pdf v0.4.15 or higher.

The PDF specification says that the following fonts or equivalents must be available in every PDF reader: Helvetica (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Times (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Courier (normal, bold, italic, bold italic), Symbol and ZapfDingbats.

However, these only cover a subset of characters. The export-pdf/@fontfolder and export-pdf/@fontconfig optional attributes can be used to configure custom fonts to embed in the PDF for additional characters or layout requirements.

The @fontconfig must be a path (relative to the build.xml or absolute) to an XML config file. Following is the XML file used by the default PageSeeder PDF export, where @embed-url is the path to each font file, relative to @fontfolder. The <font-triplet> elements specify how that is referenced in the PDF export configuration.

  <font embed-url="NotoSans-Regular.ttf">
    <font-triplet name="NotoSans" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
  <font embed-url="NotoSans-Bold.ttf">
    <font-triplet name="NotoSans" style="normal" weight="bold"/>
  <font embed-url="NotoSans-Italic.ttf">
    <font-triplet name="NotoSans" style="italic" weight="normal"/>
  <font embed-url="NotoSans-BoldItalic.ttf">
    <font-triplet name="NotoSans" style="italic" weight="bold"/>
  <font embed-url="NotoSansMath-Regular.ttf">
    <font-triplet name="NotoSansMath" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
    <font-triplet name="NotoSansMath" style="normal" weight="bold"/>
    <font-triplet name="NotoSansMath" style="italic" weight="normal"/>
    <font-triplet name="NotoSansMath" style="italic" weight="bold"/>

The default PDF export configuration references these fonts as follows. The ZapfDingbats font is included for the tick/check mark character.

<property name="font-family"


Invoking in Ant

This task is included by default in the PageSeeder publisher so <taskdef/>  is only required when using it outside the publisher.

<project ... xmlns:psp="antlib:org.pageseeder.pdf.ant">

  <!-- only required for standalone -->
  <taskdef uri="antlib:org.pageseeder.pdf.ant" 

  <target ... >
    <!-- Invoke Task -->
    <psp:export-pdf src="test.psml" dest="result.pdf"/>

Using a namespace  is not required, but it is a good mechanism to know the origin of the task. The recommended namespace is psp. The following is an example of custom fonts being used.

<psp:export-pdf src="test.psml"


Because it is designed to work as a standalone process, no connection to PageSeeder is required. However, when run in the context of a PageSeeder export, use the Task export and Task process to download the source PSML file.

How does it work?

This Ant task:

Loads the config files.

Creates XSL-FO according to the rules in the config files and the default config.

Uses Apache FOP to generate the PDF output from the XSL-FO.

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