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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts

Section title

A section title is stored outside the editable area of a section. It is displayed but cannot be removed or altered using the standard editing interface. This can be a useful way of building documents that are composed of specifically defined, or ordered, sections.

Properly used, section titles can also reduce the amount of training required by end-users. Following is an example of a section title before and after the section has been edited.


The markup for a section title uses the <title> element and is as follows:

<section id="description">
  <fragment id="1">

If it is meant to be displayed to end-users, but shouldn’t be printable or considered part of the table of content, the appropriate mark up is the @title attribute on the <section> element as follows:

<section id="description" title="Description">
  <fragment id="1">

Document – Section title

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