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Generator: GetXMLFromBerliozPath

Class name:org.weborganic.bastille.xml.GetXMLFromBerliozPath
Version:0.6.5 - 25 May 2011


This generator returns the content of an XML file using the Berlioz path.

For example, if the Berlioz servlet is mapped to ‘/html/*’, ‘html/Ping/pong’, tries to look for XML file ‘Ping/pong.xml’ in the XML folder.

For example, if the Berlioz servlet is mapped to ‘*.html’, ‘Ping/pong.html’, tries to look for XML file ‘Ping/pong.xml’ in the XML folder.


The root XML folder can be configured globally using the Berlioz configuration:

For example:

<node name="bastille">
  <node name="xml">
      <entry key="folder"     value="xml/content"/>

To define the location of the XML folder, use the Berlioz config property: bastille.xml.root.

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