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 Version 5

Legacy documentation for PageSeeder v5

find group image

/groups/{group}/images/find [POST]


Find images in the specified group matching the criteria specified in the request.

This service is identical to /groups/{group}/images/find except that it uses method POST instead of GET so results are cached and request criteria are not in the request logs.


folderThe folder containing the images (includes subfolders)nopath
pageThe result page for when results span over multiple pagesnolong1
prefixThe prefix the images must start withno string


This service is restricted to guest and higher.


The XML format is based on search query and results:

  <search-results index="[Index ID]">
    <query lucene="[lucene query]">
      <!-- Format of graphics query may change without notice -->
      <graphic-query empty="false"
          <format name="JPEG" mediatype="image/jpeg"/>
          <format name="GIF" mediatype="image/gif"/>
          <format name="PNG" mediatype="image/png"/>
          <format name="BMP" mediatype="image/bmp"/>
        <sort by="relevance"/>
        <score>[score between 0 and 1]</score>
        <field name="psid">[URI ID]</field>
        <field name="pstitle">[URI Title]</field>
        <field name="pstype">document</field>
        <field name="psmediatype">[media type (starts with 'image/')]
        <field name="psmodifieddate" datetime="[datetime]">[datetime]
        <field name="psfilename">[URI File name]</field>
        <field name="psurifolder">[URI Folder]</field>
        <field name="psfolder">[URI Folder]</field>
        <field name="pssize">[File size in bytes]</field>
        <field name="psdocid">[Doc ID]</field>
        <!-- The image dimension may not always be available -->
        <field name="pswidth">[Image width in pixels]</field>
        <field name="psheight">[Image height in pixels]</field>

Error Handling

No specific errors expected for this service.

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