edit comment
/members/{member}/comments/{commentid}/edit [POST]
API Support | Available since | Last updated | Output |
Edit comment.
This service has been deprecated, use service /members/{member}/comments/{commentid} [PATCH] instead.
Name | Description | Required | Type | Default |
assignedto | the assigned member for task - status/previous status must be set | no | string | |
attachmentgroup | The group to get the attachments to register from (only used if draft is set from false to true) | no | string | |
authoremail | The email of the author (manager only or draft from non-member) | no | string | |
authorname | The name of the author (manager only or draft from non-member) | no | string | |
content | The content of the comment | no | string | |
contenttype | The media type of the comment | no | string | |
created | The creation date of the comment in ISO-8601 e.g. 2010-10-25T12:26:00+10:00 (manager only) | no | datetime | |
draft | Whether the comment is a draft | no | boolean | |
due | The task due date format is ISO-8601 - status/previous status must be set e.g. 2010-10-25, 2010-10-25T12:26 (defaults to T18:00) | no | datetime | |
fragment | The URI fragment to move this comment to (only applies to uri parameter) | no | string | default |
group | The name of the group to move this comment to | no | string | |
groups | Comma-separated list of group names all comments in the discussion thread belong to (ignored if this comment is a reply) | no | string | |
labels | Comma-separated list of labels | no | string | |
moderated | If true the comment is to be moderated | no | boolean | |
movereplies | If true any replies are also moved (if a manager groups are be added to replies) | no | boolean | true |
notify | The notification behavior | no | notification | silent |
priority | The priority for task e.g. 'High', 'Medium', 'Low' - status/previous status must be set | no | string | |
properties | Pipe-separated list of properties (e.g. x=1|y=2|) | no | string | |
reply | The comment ID to make this comment a reply to | no | long | |
status | the status for task e.g. 'Open', 'Resolved', 'Closed' | no | string | |
title | The title of the comment | no | string | |
type | The type of comment | no | string | |
uri | The URI ID to move this comment to | no | long | |
uris | The attachments to this comment (comma-separated list of URI IDs with optional !fragments) | no | string | |
url | The URL with optional #fragment to move this comment to | no | url | |
urls | The attachments to this comment (comma-separated list of urls with optional #fragments) | no | string |
The member on the request needs to be a contributor or higher.
Error Handling
Code | Cause / Description |
0x1002 | Invalid email address |
0x1303 | Only one of uri, url, group or replyto can be specified |
0x1304 | The URL is invalid |
0x1305 | The URL does not match a GroupURI |
0x1306 | The Group is invalid |
0x1307 | The assigned to member is invalid |
0x1308 | The due date is invalid |
0x1309 | The comment is archived |
0x1311 | The object specified is not a comment |
0x1317 | The replyto comment was not found |
0x1318 | URI not found |
0x1324 | Comment can’t be a reply to itself |
0x6301 | If the group has no general discussion |
0x6303 | Failed to edit comment |
0x6306 | The replyto comment has no context URI |