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 Version 5

Legacy documentation for PageSeeder v5

create project

/members/{member}/projects/create [POST]


Creates a project

This service has been deprecated, use service /members/{member}/projects [POST] instead.


descriptionDescription of project/groupyesstring
shortnameShortname of project/groupyesstring
hosturlThe host URL for the default group folder - DEPRECATED use host (required if projectname not specified)maybestring
ownerOwner of project/group (required if projectname not specified)maybestring
projectnameParent project name (required if project is false)maybestring
accessAccess to group and comments [public|member]nostringmember
addmemberWhether to add the current member as a managernobooleantrue
detailstypeThe name of the member details config filenostring
messageSubscription messagenostring
relatedurlURL of a related websitenostring
templateThe template folder for customizationsnostring
visibilityGroup name this is visible to or publicnostring[projectname-shortname]



Error Handling

CodeCause / Description
0x110COne of the parameters is invalid
Created on , last edited on