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 Version 5

Legacy documentation for PageSeeder v5

create externaluri

/members/{member}/groups/{group}/externaluris [POST]


This service is deprecated as of PageSeeder v5.9900 use Service: /members/{member}/externaluris [POST] instead.

Create an external URI.

Some parameters can only be used if the group on the request is the URI owner (i.e. the group has a groupfolder which covers the url specified).

The parameter folder=inherit means it uses the value set by the URI owner.


Name Description Required Type Default value
description the description no string
labels the labels (comma-separated list) no string
mediatype the mediatype - URI owner only no string
size the size - URI owner only (positive long) no string
title the title no string
url the URL yes string



The output has the following format:

    <uri id="[id]" path="[path]" ...>

Error Handling

No specific errors expected for this generator.

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