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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts


Also known as an external URI.

This object stores the location of a resource that exists outside PageSeeder. It is a first class citizen in the system and can be the target of links which produce reverse cross-references. Because an external URL is a specialized PSML document, it can have metadata and labels. It is also searchable, like other documents. External URLs can be uploaded with metadata as part of the Universal Portable Format.

The display of reverse cross-references from external URLs is a good mechanism for tracking and managing links from documentation to external sites. For example, a document collection with multiple references to a section of legislation, might find that links to an external URL are a more reliable expression of a relationship than searching the text for references.

While not syntactically the same as the semantic web, the URL object helps PageSeeder to support some of the semantic web architectural objectives.

Unlike internal URIs the path part of a URL is case sensitive, for example is considered a different URL to

The URL and its metadata are only stored once per server. URLs are associated with groups when they are linked to from a document or comment in that group.

A URL’s title, description and metadata (if specified in the URL template) are automatically extracted from its source the first time it is created or linked to. Only an Administrator, or a  Contributor in a group that has the “Allow contributors in this group to edit all URLs on the server” option ticked in the group configuration, can edit URLs and their metadata.

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