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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts


Is a value that can be given to a task or a document workflow to represent their current state. The status values, and roles that can use them, are configurable in the group properties.

Document and task status

Workflow status

The document status applies to the workflow associated with the document. The status of the last workflow step is the status of the document.

Task status

The task status applies to comments in a discussion. The status of the last comment is the status of the task.

Status icons

As of PageSeeder v6, the icon used in the user interface for each status is configurable using the statusIcon and documentStatusIcon group properties. The value associated with an icon is configured in the group properties form in the UI, on either the Group configuration page or Project configuration page. The currently supported icons are as follows:

For active tasks and workflows (see following section)
For resolved tasks and workflows
For approved workflows
When tasks and workflows no longer require any action
Indicates an unconfigured status

Status and roles

The status that a member can set on a document workflow or task is based on their role within a group. Each role can be associated with a list of statuses that appear as an option.

Only the Approver is able to set any document status.

RolePermissions and workflow options
ApproverFull editorial control – can manage documents and workflows
ManagerLimited editorial control – can manage documents and workflows
ContributorLimited editorial control – can edit documents and only start or end work on a document
ReviewerNo editorial control – can only comment on documents and start or end work on a document

When configuring status, start with the ‘Approver’ role, and remove statuses that other roles are not allowed to set.

Status order

The document or task status has a natural lifecycle order. The list of workflow or task values must be entered in the same order and reflect the order in which the document or task status is naturally changed.


A status is considered ‘active’ when there are activities associated with the task or workflow. In other words, an active task or workflow indicates work to be done.

PageSeeder displays active tasks and workflows by default in the user interface so that its easier to see which items require action.

The default active statuses are:

  • Task – Open
  • Workflow – Initiated, In Progress, Complete

Locked state

Managers can configure which workflow status can mark a document as ‘locked’, making it uneditable until the status is changed (workflow statuses only).

Default statuses

Unless a manager configures the group to use a different set of statuses, PageSeeder provides default statuses following a basic approval process that relies on the roles of group members. 


Set in the group properties, the document workflow and task statuses depend on the role that a member has in the group.

The maximum number of status is 12 task and 12 workflow statuses. However, apart from the consequence for the UI, it’s harder to get users to use statuses correctly when there are too many.
The recommended setting is:

  1. Consider whether you really need to use custom status first.
  2. If you do, keep status names short and meaningful.
  3. Ideally under 8 statuses each for tasks and workflows.
  4. Configure custom statuses in the global template project, so that the correct statuses appear on the My tasks & workflows page.

Allowing reviewers to update workflows

Only administrators can allow reviewers to update workflows by editing the global properties.

This cannot be enabled using the UI; the administrator must have access to the server file system to edit the global properties.

To allow reviewers to update workflows, add the create-workflow value to the reviewerEnable property.

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