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PageSeeder Web services API documentation



A task is created by adding a status to a discussion. It can also have a priority, a due date, and can be assigned to one group member.

The <task> element extends the <discussion> element to include attributes (@status, @priority and @due) and an element (<assignedto>).

Usage context

Permitted content<comment> <group> <locator> <uri> <assignedto>
Permitted parent<tasks>


This element defines the following attributes:

duexs:dateTimenoWhen the task is due
idxs:longyesThe ID of the task
lastcommentdatexs:dateTimenoThe date of the last comment
lastcommentidxs:longnoThe ID of the last comment
priorityxs:stringnoThe priority of the task
replycountxs:intnoThe number of replies in the thread
statusxs:stringyesThe status of the task
titlexs:stringnoThe title of the task (250 char)

All the task attributes are generated from the comments. With the exception of the @id attribute, every new comment added to the discussion thread (each reply) can update the attribute values.

Attributes inherited from <discussion> element are documented here.


This optional attribute indicates the date and time the task is due, it is computed as the latest value that has been set on a comment in the discussion thread. Any new comment in the thread can update the value.


This optional attribute indicates the priority of the task, it is computed as the latest value that has been set on a comment in the discussion thread. Any new comment in the thread can update the value.

For possible values of the @priority attribute, see the attributes of the <comment> element.


This required attribute indicates the status of the task and is always present. It is computed as the latest value that has been set on a comment in the discussion thread. Any new comment can update this value.



XML Schema

<xs:element name="task" type="task"/>

<xs:complexType name="task">
    <xs:choice minOccurs="0">
      <xs:element name="group"     type="group-basic" />
        <xs:element name="uri"     type="uri" />
        <xs:element name="locator" type="locator"    minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="assignedto"  type="assignedto" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:element name="comment"     type="comment"    minOccurs="0"
  <xs:attribute name="due"             type="xs:dateTime"/>
  <xs:attribute name="id"              type="id" use="required"/>
  <xs:attribute name="lastcommentdate" type="xs:dateTime"/>
  <xs:attribute name="lastcommentid"   type="id"/>
  <xs:attribute name="priority"        type="xs:string"/>
  <xs:attribute name="replycount"      type="xs:positiveInteger"/>
  <xs:attribute name="status"          type="xs:string" use="required"/>
  <xs:attribute name="title"           type="comment-title"/>

Relax Schema

element task {
   attribute due             { xs:dateTime }?,
   attribute id              { xs:long },
   attribute lastcommentdate { xs:dateTime }?, 
   attribute lastcommentid   { xs:long }?, 
   attribute priority        { text }?,
   attribute replycount      { xs:boolean }?,
   attribute status          { text },
   attribute title           {  text { maxLength = "250"} }?,


No change since initial API release.

Created on , last edited on