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 Element reference

PSML elements from <author> to <xref>



The version this document is being compared to. Only appears when comparing documents, for example, using the Ant task:

<ps:export ... compareto="1.0"/>

Contains the title, description and labels of the document for this version.

INFORMATIONAL - ignored by upload.

Usage context

Element category
PSML levelprocessed
Permitted content<title> <description> <labels> <metadata> <structure>
Permitted parent<documentinfo>
HTML equivalentno equivalent
OpenXML equivalentno equivalent


This element includes the following attributes:

datexs:dateTimenoThe creation date of the version
decodedpathxs:stringnoThe decoded path of the version (for example, /ps/acme/specs/the product.xml)
hostxs:stringnoThe host of the version (for example,
pathxs:stringnoThe path of the version (for example, /ps/acme/specs/the%20product.xml)
portxs:integernoThe port number of the version (for example, 80, 443)
schemexs:stringnoThe scheme (for example, http, https)
versionxs:stringnoThe name of the version or Original
versionidxs:longnoThe ID of the version when not  Original
dociddocument-idnoThe document ID of the version


The creation date of the version in ISO 8601 date time format.


The path of the document URI in its URL-decoded form (external URI only).

For example: /specs/my product.html

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The document URI host (external URI only).

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The URL-encoded path of the document URI (external URI only).

For example: /specs/my%20product.html

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The port for the document URI (external URI only).

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The scheme for the document URI (external URI only).

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The name of the version. If that version corresponds to the original document, then this value is Original


The ID of the version. Not included if@version="Original".

This attribute was introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99.


The document ID of the version.


<compareto version="1.0" date="2013-04-23T11:18:10+10:00">
  <title>Old title</title>
  <description>Old description</description>


XML Schema

<xs:element name="compareto">
      <xs:element  name="title" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element name="description"
      <xs:element  ref="labels" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element ref="metadata" minOccurs="0"/>
      <xs:element ref="structure" minOccurs="0"/> 
    <xs:attribute name="version"     type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute  name="date"       type="xs:dateTime"/>
    <xs:attribute name="scheme"      type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="host"        type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="port"        type="xs:integer"/>
    <xs:attribute name="path"        type="xs:string"/>
    <xs:attribute name="decodedpath" type="xs:string"/>

Relax Schema

element compareto {
   attribute version { text}?,
   attribute date { xs:dateTime }?,
   attribute scheme { text },
   attribute host { text },
   attribute port { xs:integer },
   attribute path { text },
   attribute decodedpath { text },
   element title { text }?,
   element description { text }?,
   element labels?,
   element metadata?,
   element structure?


This element was introduced in PSML Beta 7 and is only supported from PageSeeder 5.6.

The following attributes were introduced in PSML v1.3 in PageSeeder 5.99:

  • decodedpath
  • host
  • path
  • scheme
  • versionid
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