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 PSML datatypes

XML Schema and PageSeeder datatypes

XML Schema datatypes

Numerous attribute values have XML schema types – these are summarized here for convenience.


A boolean value can only be true or false.

PageSeeder only supports the canonical boolean values true and false – it does not support literal values 1 or 0.

For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.2.2 boolean .


A date and time following ISO8601 date and time representation in the form:

'-'? YYYY '-' MM '-' DD 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)? (zzzzzz)?,

For example:


For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.2.7 dateTime .


A 32-bit two’s complement integer value between -231 (- 2 147 483 648) and 231 - 1 (2 147 483 647).

For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.3.13 integer .


A 64-bit two’s complement integer value between -263 and 263 - 1.

For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.3.16 long .


NCName or “Non-colonized” name is a more restrictive type than xs:string that is used as a base for names and identifiers. It starts with a letter or underscore and can be followed by a letter, digit, ‘.’, ‘-’, or ‘_’.

NCName     ::= (Letter | '_') (NCNameChar)*
NCNameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | CombiningChar | Extender

For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.3.7 NCName .


An integer with a minimum value of 1.

For a complete definition, refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.3.25 positiveInteger .


An XML character string where every character has a corresponding Universal Character Code point. String can be further constrained by length or to match a regular expression pattern. Most attributes in PSML have a maximum length.

For a complete definition refer to XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes – 3.2.1 string .

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