The list of reverse cross-references at the document or fragment level.
This element is informational – ignored by upload.
Usage context
Element category | metadata |
PSML level | metadata |
Permitted content | <reversexref> |
Permitted parent | <documentinfo> <locator> |
HTML equivalent | no equivalent |
OpenXML equivalent | no equivalent |
This element includes the following attributes:
Name | Type | Required | Description |
limitreached | boolean | no | Whether the maxReverseXRefs limit has been reached |
This flag is used to indicate whether the maximum number of reverse xrefs that can be displayed has been reached. This limit can be controlled in PageSeeder using the maxReverseXRefs property.
When set to true
, the list of reverse xrefs is incomplete and limited to the value of maxReverseXRefs.
When the number of reverse xrefs exceeds the maximum allowed, there is no guarantee that the same set of reverse xrefs is selected.
Example 1: PSML document
Simple PSML document with multiple xrefs:
<document id="115" schemaversion="1.4" type="help" date="2022-08-04T14:59:14+10:00" version="current" level="portable"> <documentinfo> <uri id="115" external="false" mediatype="application/vnd.pageseeder.psml+xml" documenttype="help" created="2022-06-20T14:01:14+10:00" modified="2022-08-04T14:59:14+10:00" scheme="http" host="example.org" port="80" path="/ps/sample/help/terms/sharing.psml" decodedpath="/ps/sample/help/terms/sharing.psml" title="Sharing"> <displaytitle>Sharing</displaytitle> <labels>term</labels> </uri> <reversexrefs> <!-- reverse xrefs are listed here --> </reversexrefs> </documentinfo> <section id="title"> <fragment id="1"> <heading level="1">Sharing</heading> </fragment> </section> <section id="content"> ... </section> </document>
Example 2: image
An image that is referenced by a single document:
<document id="568" schemaversion="1.4" date="2022-06-20T14:02:24+10:00" version="current" level="metadata"> <documentinfo> <uri id="568" external="false" mediatype="image/png" size="16413" created="2022-06-20T14:01:24+10:00" modified="2022-06-20T14:02:24+10:00" scheme="http" host="example.org" port="80" path="/ps/sample/help/images/edit_button.png" decodedpath="/ps/sample/help/images/edit_button.png" title="Edit button"> <displaytitle>Edit button</displaytitle> </uri> <reversexrefs> <reversexref uriid="176" href="/ps/sample/help/layout/toolbar.psml" frag="10" urititle="Document toolbar" mediatype="application/vnd.pageseeder.psml+xml" documenttype="help" id="2245" title="" type="none" forwardtype="image" forwardfrag="default"/> </reversexrefs> </documentinfo> <fragmentinfo/> <metadata editid="5033" modified="2022-06-20T14:01:24+10:00"> ... </metadata> </document>
Example 3: URL
The following example shows the reverse xrefs pointing to a URL document:
<document id="742" schemaversion="1.4" date="2022-07-22T10:06:36+10:00" version="current" level="metadata"> <documentinfo> <uri id="742" external="true" mediatype="text/html" size="92427" created="2022-06-20T14:01:54+10:00" modified="2022-07-22T10:06:36+10:00" scheme="https" host="en.wikipedia.org" port="443" path="/wiki/Transclusion" decodedpath="/wiki/Transclusion" title="Transclusion - Wikipedia"> <displaytitle>Transclusion - Wikipedia</displaytitle> </uri> <reversexrefs> <reversexref uriid="300" href="/ps/sample/help/transclusion.psml" frag="3" urititle="Transclusion" urilabels="term" mediatype="application/vnd.pageseeder.psml+xml" documenttype="help" id="3186" title="" type="none" forwardtype="link" forwardfrag="default"/> </reversexrefs> </documentinfo> <fragmentinfo/> <metadata/> </document>
XML Schema
<xs:element name="reversexrefs"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="reversexref" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="limitreached" type="xs:boolean" use="optional" default="false"/> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>
Relax Schema
element reversexrefs { attribute limitreached { xs:boolean }?, element reversexref* }
This element was introduced in the first draft of PSML and is well-supported from PageSeeder 5.1.