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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts

Group configuration

Group configuration includes the group title, name, description. Advanced options are available, which include a welcome message for new members, and in the group properties form values can be configured for tasksworkflows, notification and index. These are available when the group (or project) is first created or can be accessed at any time by a manager of the group.

Group configuration page

Group title

The title is a user-friendly name to display in the user interface. This is useful if the group name contains abbreviations, acronyms or underscores. The title can include punctuation and spaces to describe the group. It’s not recommended to use hyphens in group titles.

  • Restrict the length to 100 characters. 

The title is a user-friendly name to display in the user interface. This is useful if the group name contains abbreviations, acronyms or underscores. The title can include punctuation and spaces to describe the group. It’s not recommended to use hyphens in group titles.

The title is optional and if left empty, the group name is then displayed.

Group name

  • A group name can only contain lowercase letters, numbers, underscore (_) or tilde (~).

Group name restrictions

The “URL” is the fundamental building block of PageSeeder. To avoid inconsistent, ambiguous or non-compliant URLs, projects must be named according to the following conventions:

  • A group name can only contain lowercase lettersnumbersunderscore (_) or tilde (~).
  • The name of the group must be a unique filename within the project.
  • Restrict the length of the project + group name to 60 characters (see following tip).
  • It cannot be a reserved word.

Also, by default, the [project-group] string is part of the group email address which means these additional constraints apply:

  • Names cannot contain any character prohibited in an email address.
  • No project + group name can end with ‘-silent’ or contain a double hyphen ‘--’ because these two strings are reserved for PageSeeder email switches.

The name you use is the short name of the group. When creating groups, we ask for the short name because it’s created within the project.

The full name of the group includes the name of its parent project, [project]-[group], and is used in URLs and email addresses. The full name of the group cannot exceed 60 characters.

Rename a group

Changing the group title is much less risky than changing the group name and unless people fully understand the consequences, they should NOT change the name.

Renaming a group changes the URLs for content and functionality. 

  • Renaming this group moves ALL its documents to the new name.
  • Links in old emails and the group email addresses will no longer be valid.

By default, all the documents under the group are re-indexed – clear the checkbox if you don’t want to re-index.

Group description

A short description is required and is often displayed as a subtitle of the group in different parts of the user interface and in emails. Characters are limited to 250.

Advanced options

These options are configurable in more than one place. All relevant information is available in the group config – advanced options document.

Group properties

These properties are configurable in more than one place – these same values can be set at the project level, and they are subject to rules of inheritance. Where in the system the changes are made, determines the scope of the update.  For example, a change at the project level affects the groups it contains. A change at group level only affects that group. See the group properties document for more information.

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