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 Universal format

Portable, metadata and processed PSML

PSML Upload

There are many ways to create PSML documents outside PageSeeder, but all external data must eventually go through the Upload. This article explains some important aspects of the upload process.

Informational data

The Upload deliberately ignores some elements and attributes, especially for “informational” data rather than content. The reasons for stripping outside data include:

  • It might be incompatible or confusing – an outside member name might not represent the same person on the new host systems.
  • It could be redundant – a name stored with an account could be more authoritative than a name in an upload.
  • Data could be misleading – version identifiers using a scheme from one system could be misleading if imported to another.

Ignored elements

The upload ignores the content of the following elements:

Ignored attributes

<blockxref>@documenttypeDerived from target document
@externalDerived from target document
@idSystem specific identifier
@unresolvedDerived from target document
@urititleDerived from target document
<document>@dateDerived from document events
@idSystem specific identifier
@schemaversionFor information only
@statusDerived from document workflow
@versionDerived from document versions
<image>@unresolvedDerived from target image
<locator>@editidSystem specific identifier
@idSystem specific identifier
@modifiedDerived from events on fragment
<uri>@createdSystem specific location overridden on upload
@decodedpathSystem specific location overridden on upload
@externalAlways false for PSML documents
@hostSystem specific location overridden on upload
@idSystem specific identifier
@mediatypemediatype for PSML documents is always PSML
@modifiedDerived from document events
@pathSystem specific location overridden on upload
@portSystem specific location overridden on upload
@schemeSystem specific location overridden on upload
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