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 Sample Code

Some code samples

Schematron sample code

This article contains some general Schematron code samples to enable a quick start when writing Schematron validation code in PageSeeder.

For more specific code samples, see:

Basic Schematron

The following is a boilerplate Schematron schema. It has placeholders for different types of validation rules.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--   A sample schematron -->

         title="Rules for [type] documents">

            <!-- You can creates as many patterns
                                as you like -->
      <sch:pattern name="[your name]">

            <!-- Rules matchings an element in
                              your document -->
      <sch:rule context="[your XSLT pattern]">

            <!-- Reported as an info if
                          test is true -->
      <sch:report test="[your xpath test]">
                         [your message]

            <!-- Failed assertions are reported
                                 as errors -->
       <sch:assert test="[your xpath]">
                         [your message]

            <!-- Add more <sch:report>
                         or <sch:assert>... -->

            <!-- Add more <sch:rule> ... -->

            <!-- Add more <sch:pattern> ... -->


Example Schema

The following schema is designed to validate some generic best practice rules for PSML.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!--  This schematron validates a PSML document.

      The schematron rules can be used to enforce
      additional constraints required by the


<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""
            title="Rules for tutorial documents">

  <!-- Set of rules applying to the entire document -->
  <sch:pattern name="Document">
    <sch:rule context="/document">

      <!-- Too many sections -->
      <sch:assert test="count(section) le 20">This
        document contains over 20 sections. Consider
        whether to split it into multiple documents.

      <!-- No Doc ID -->
      <sch:report test="not(documentinfo/uri/@docid)">
       This document does not have a Doc ID.

      <!-- No Label -->
      <sch:report test="not(documentinfo/uri/@labels)">
       This document has no label.</sch:report>


  <!-- Validation rules for document fragments  -->
  <sch:pattern name="Fragments">
    <sch:rule context="section/fragment">

      <!-- Fragment has no heading -->
      <sch:assert test="name(*[1]) = 'heading'">
        Fragment '<sch:value-of select="@id"/>'
        has no title.</sch:assert>

      <!-- Fragment is too long (over 2000 chars)-->
      <sch:assert test="string-length(string-join(.//text(), ''))
                        le 2000">
        Fragment '<sch:value-of select="@id"/>'
        has over 2000 characters.


Check cross-referenced document

A rule to check the content of an xref target document.

<!-- Match cross references -->
<sch:rule context="xref|blockxref">

  <!-- Check referenced document contains a heading2 -->
  <sch:assert test="document(@href)//heading[@level='2']">
    Document <sch:value-of select="@href"/> has no heading2.


Check terms used in a publication

A schematron which when run on a publication root document will check which defined terms are used in the publication. Requires PageSeeder 5.9800 or higher.

<sch:schema xmlns:sch="">

  <sch:let name="usage"
           '&amp;facetsize=1000&amp;pagesize=1'))" />
    <sch:rule context="/">
      <sch:let name="terms"
               value="$usage//facets/facet/term" />
      <sch:report test="$terms">
        The following <sch:value-of select="count($terms)" />
        defintions are used in this publication:
        <sch:value-of select="string-join(sort($terms/@text,
                              ,', ')"/>

Check documents assigned to me

A schematron to check which documents are assigned to me and have status Complete or In Progress. Requires PageSeeder 5.9811 or higher.

<sch:schema xmlns:sch="">
  <sch:let name="self" value="document('ps:self')" />
  <sch:let name="memberid" value="$self/member/@id" />
  <sch:let name="workflow" value="document('ps:workflow')" />
    <sch:rule context="/document">

      <!-- Complete status -->
      <sch:assert id="COMPLETE_STATUS" flag="info"
                  test="not(@status='Complete' and
        Document is assigned to you and COMPLETE.</sch:assert>

      <!-- In Progress status -->
      <sch:assert id="IN_PROGRESS_STATUS" flag="info"
                  test="not(@status='In Progress' and
        Document is assigned to you and IN PROGRESS.</sch:assert>

Debug Schematron code

If you need to debug Schematron and you're not sure what your getting in a variable, you can used code similar to this:

<!-- A separate pattern helps you avoid any side-effect -->
<sch:pattern name="DEBUG">

  <!-- Have a rule that matches what you want, the document node always matches -->
  <sch:rule context="/">

    <!-- A true() test on a report always matches  -->
    <sch:report test="true()">

      <!-- The serialize function serializes the nodes as a string -->
      <sch:value-of select="serialize($variable-to-check)"/>



A schematron to identify and fix headings that contain markup such as formatting. Requires PageSeeder 6.0 or higher.

<sch:schema xmlns:sch="">
  <!-- Patterns -->
  <sch:include href="../../schema/pattern/heading_no_markup.sch" />

  <!-- Properties -->
  <sch:include href="../../schema/properties.sch" />



<sch:pattern id="heading_no_markup"
  <sch:title>No markup in heading</sch:title>

  <sch:rule context="fragment">
    <sch:assert test="not(heading) or heading[not(*)]" subject="heading"
                properties="fragment remove-markup-from-heading">
      Heading should not contain markup



<sch:properties xmlns:sch="">

  <!-- Allows PageSeeder to identify the fragment and show in interface -->
  <sch:property id="fragment" ><sch:value-of

  <!-- Quick fix -->
  <sch:property id="remove-markup-from-heading" role="quickfix">
    <description>Remove the markup from the heading</description>



<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"

  <xsl:template match="/fragment">
      <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="copy"/>

  <xsl:template match="*" mode="copy">
      <xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>
      <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>

  <xsl:template match="heading/*" mode="copy">
    <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>

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