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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts


A document originally created as a copy of a document using the duplicate function.

When a document is duplicated, PageSeeder keeps a record of the duplication by saving the document ID of the original document as the value of the original-docid metadata property in the duplicate document.


<metadata editid="858075" modified="2022-10-25T13:52:01+11:00">
    <property name="original-docid" title="Document ID of original" value="grp-5232"/>

If the original document doesn’t have a document ID, PageSeeder generates one and applies it to the original document.

If the document being duplicated is already a variation, the same original-docid is reused as a metadata property. As a consequence, there is no hierarchy between variations: all variations of a document – whether they are created from the original or from a variation – share the same original-docid and refer to the same document ID.


The association between variations is intendedly weak. If you change or remove either the document ID on the original document or the metadata property in the duplicated document, the connection is lost and they are no longer considered variations.

In the user interface, variations of a document in a group are listed in the compare documents panel so that you can easily compare how the variations differ from each other.

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