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A-Z glossary of PageSeeder concepts


PageSeeder provides several types of logs for developers and administrators to assess the health of their system and diagnose problems.

Most logs contain the date and time, context and, when possible, the user or stack trace. 

Group logs

These are accessible by group managers and provide detailed information about a specific group, including the following:

  • Jobs run by the PageSeeder publisher.
  • Indexing of documents, tasks or comments.
  • Custom or standard process jobs such as moving, batch editing, importing, or publishing documents or comments.

Server logs

These store detailed information for all PageSeeder transactions and are only accessible by administrators. They include information such as:

  • Detailed records of access and actions for tracing what might have caused an error.
  • A log of system messages from different components.


Logs can be configured using the global properties through the following properties:

  • logsLocation
  • logsAccessLevel 
  • logsAccessHistory 

The following information is for users with experience managing logs. Do not make any changes to the configuration unless you understand the consequences.

PageSeeder uses the logback  framework with the logback-pageseeder.xml configuration file loaded at start up. It predefines the following loggers and appenders:

PAGESEEDER.AccessACCESSDaily log, 7-day history
PAGESEEDER.IndexINDEXDaily log, 30-day history viewable through interface
PAGESEEDER.ProcessPROCESSDaily log, 30-day history viewable through interface
PAGESEEDER.PublishPUBLISHDaily log, 30-day history viewable through interface
PAGESEEDER.MailMAILDaily log, 30-day history viewable through interface
* (any other)GENERALDaily log, 30-day history. Recent logs viewable through interface

For details on adding a new appender or changing the relationship between a logger and appender, refer to the logback documentation.

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