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PageSeeder installation and upgrade instructions

Configuring MySQL

Install MySQL 5.7

PageSeeder supports MySQL 5.6.4 or higher and if this is a new installation, it’s generally best to install the latest release of 5.7 from .

MySQL 8 is not yet supported by PageSeeder.

  • On Linux use commands (CentOS 6) like:
# rpm -Uvh
  • Or (CentOS 7)
# rpm -Uvh
# yum install mysql-server
  • Or (CentOS 8) disable the MySQL 8 repository and enable MySQL 5.7 using steps similar to these .

Changing where data is stored

On Linux, MySQL usually stores data under /var/lib/mysql, but if you want to use mounted storage for PageSeeder (for example storage mapped to the /opt folder), you can configure MySQL to store data there as well. To do this, follow these steps:

Stop MySQL by entering:

# service mysqld stop

Move the existing MySQL data to the new location:

# mv /var/lib/mysql /opt/mysql

Edit the /etc/my.cnf file as follows:


Start MySQL by entering:

# service mysqld start

If MySQL doesn’t start after changing the data location, SELinux might need to be configured to allow access to the new location by entering the following (see Troubleshooting for more info):

# semanage fcontext -a -t mysqld_db_t '/opt/mysql(/.*)?'
# restorecon -Rv /opt/mysql

Upgrading 5.6 to 5.7

Upgrading from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7 requires adding (or modify) the following line in my.ini or my.cnf:


Also ensure that mysql-connector-java-8.0.23.jar or newer (mysql-connector-java-5.1.39.jar or newer for PageSeeder v5) is in pageseeder/webapp/WEB-INF/lib and drivers folders.

Only if using mysql-connector-java-5.x.x.jar edit the following file:


To the end of the DBURL add:


For example:


Restart MySQL and then PageSeeder after making these changes.

Install the JDBC driver

The PageSeeder app requires a JDBC driver to communicate with MySQL. Download the latest version of MySQL Connector/J (JDBC Driver) for your MySQL and extract it on your server.

On PageSeeder v6 or higher do not use Connector/J v5 due to a security issue. MySQL v8 is not supported but use Connector/J v8.0.23 or higher. On PageSeeder v5 Connector/J v5 must be used.

  • On Windows, it can be downloaded from  . Subject to Oracle/MySQL website changes, Connector/J is under ‘MySQL Community Downloads’ and older versions are listed under ‘Archive’.
  • On Linux, use the following commands (URL and version might have changed):
$ wget
$ tar xzvf mysql-connector-java-8.0.29.tar.gz

The PageSeeder installer asks for the location of the JDBC driver JAR file to be identified.

Use UTF-8mb4 character set

To correctly process special characters—MySQL must be configured for UTF-8mb4. To do this, edit the following:

  • On Windows (to see the ProgramData folder might require showing “hidden” items):
\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\my.ini
  • On Linux:

When saving edits, do NOT change the file encoding from ascii. Doing so might prevent MySQL from starting.

After [mysqld] (add it if it doesn’t exist), add or modify the following line:


Change any other character-set properties to utf8mb4.

Add (or modify) the following line as shown:


If spare RAM is available increase the InnoDB buffer to 75% of total RAM, minus what is used by other processes (PageSeeder/java can use 20% more than its configured -Xmx heap size). For example, with 6GB total RAM and PageSeeder 2GB heap, the InnoDB buffer could be set to 2GB ( 6 x .75 - 2.4)  by adding:




On Windows restart MySQL using the Services Control Panel, on Linux type:

# service mysqld restart


# service mysql restart

On Amazon RDS, the only value that MUST be set using DB parameter groups is:


To increase the number of Database connections, see Database Properties.

Backup and restore

When manually creating a PageSeeder database, DO NOT use uft8mb4, DO use utf8 as shown in the following command.

However, to backup use --default-character-set=utf8mb4 and -r flag.

To backup the PageSeeder database on Linux use a command like this:

$ mysqldump --single-transaction -u root -p --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -r ps.sql pageseeder

Optionally compress the backup:

$ gzip ps.sql

Restore with overwrite

To overwrite an existing database, first drop it, then recreate it using commands like this:

$ mysql -u root -p
drop database pageseeder;
create database pageseeder character set utf8;
grant all on pageseeder.* to pageseeder@localhost;

To restore the PageSeeder database, use a command like this:

$ mysql -u pageseeder -p pageseeder < ps.sql

or if the backup is compressed:

$ gunzip -c ps.sql.gz | mysql -u pageseeder -p pageseeder

Restore with create

If no database or user exists, create them using commands like this:

$ mysql -u root -p
create database pageseeder character set utf8;
create user pageseeder@localhost identified by '<password>';
grant all on pageseeder.* to pageseeder@localhost;

To restore the PageSeeder database use a command like this:

$ mysql -u pageseeder -p pageseeder < ps.sql

or if the backup is compressed:

$ gunzip -c ps.sql.gz | mysql -u pageseeder -p pageseeder

If PageSeeder is running on a different server to MySQL, replace @localhost with @"%"

On Linux, if you get an error ERROR 2006 (HY000) at line 207: MySQL server has gone away while restoring, add max_allowed_packet=32M under [mysqld]in the /etc/my.cnf file and restart MySQL before trying again.

Created on , last edited on