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Indexing reference

Index field definitions

This document provides detailed information about the fields that are captured in PageSeeder’s document index, most of which is exposed through the standard search interface with no additional configuration required. The  primary tools for adding custom semantics to the index are document types and labels.

For an overview of where these fields are used, see Index fields.


Core fields available for almost all indexed items. For an explanation of the icons used on this page, see Legend of document icons. Index version shows when new fields were added to the index (blank means always existed).

Core fields

Name Type Card. Description Index version
psidStored+Indexed1A unique identifier for the item: the URI ID or XLink ID
pstitleStored+Indexed+Tokenized1The title of the XLink or URI
pstitle-sortIndexed1Used for sorting by title
psdescriptionStored+Indexed+Tokenized1URI Description
pstypeStored+Indexed1 document | documentversion | comment | task | folder
pssubtypeStored+Indexed1 document | comment | task | folder | image | video | audio | office | archive
psmediatypeStored+Indexed1Media type (MIME)
pscreateddateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Created date
psmodifieddate-numericIndexed+Long1REMOVED- Last modified as a number to allow quick sorting5005
psmodifieddateStored+Indexed+Date1Last modified date as an ISO 8601 date
pscontentCompressed+Indexed+Tokenized1Full text content
pswordcountStored+Indexed+Int0..1Number of words in text content5005
pslabelStored+Indexed1..NAny label(s) for the item (comment label, document label) 
psgroupnameStored+Indexed0..NThe full group name of the context group(s)5005
psgroupidStored+Indexed0..NThe ID of the context groups(s)5005


NameTypeCard.DescriptionIndex version
psancestorIndexed1..NAll ancestor folders
psassignedtoStored+Indexed1Full name of assigned to member
psassignedtoidStored+Indexed+Long1Member ID of assigned to member5003
psauthorStored+Indexed0..1Author of comment/task
psauthoridStored+Indexed+Long0..1Author member ID of comment/task5003
psblock-[name]Indexed+Tokenized0..NText value of all block labels in item
psblocklabelnameStored+Indexed0..NName(s) of any block labels used5002
pscomment-assignedtoStored+Indexed1Full name of assigned to member of comment5401
pscomment-assignedtoidStored+Indexed+Long1Member ID of assigned to member of comment5401
pscomment-duedateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Due date of comment5401
pscomment-priorityStored+Indexed1Priority of comment5401
pscomment-statusStored+Indexed1Status of comment5401
pscontextexternalStored+Indexed1Whether the context of comment/task is an external URI5405
pscontextfragmentStored+Indexed1Context fragment of comment/task5004
pscontexturidocumenttypeStored+Indexed0..1Context URI document type of comment/task9203
pscontexturiidStored+Indexed+Long1Context URI ID of comment/task5004
pscontexturimediatypeStored+Indexed0..1Context URI media type of comment/task9203
pscontexturititleStored+Indexed+Tokenized0..1Context URI title  of comment/task9203
pscontexturiurltypeStored+Indexed0..1Context URI, URL type of comment/task9203
psdiscussionidStored+Indexed+Long1The ID of the comment discussion
psdocidStored+Indexed+Case insensitive0..1Document ID
psdocumenttypeStored+Indexed1Document type
psduedateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Due date of task/document
pseditableStored+Indexed1Editable flag
psfilenameStored+Indexed+Tokenized1File name
psfolderStored+Indexed1Full path of the containing folder
psfragmentStored+Indexed1REMOVED - Fragment ID5402
psfragmentlabelStored+Indexed0..NAny fragment label(s) used
psfragmenttypeStored+Indexed0..NFragment types used5402
psgraphicsrcStored+Indexed0..NREMOVED - use psimagesrc5005
psgroupcountStored+Indexed+Int1The number of groups containing a link to or discussion on this URL5405
psheightStored+Indexed+Int0..1Height in pixels of an image
pshostStored+Indexed1The hostname for an external URI (URL)5004
psimagealtStored+Indexed+Tokenized0..NAlt text of all images in document9900
psimagelabelStored+Indexed0..NLabel on image in item5405
psimagesrcStored+Indexed0..NSource of all images in document
psinline-[name]Stored+Indexed0..NText value of all inline labels in item
psinlinelabelnameStored+Indexed0..NName(s) of any inline labels used5402
pslastediteddateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Last edited date
pslatestversionStored+Indexed1Latest document version
pslatestversiondateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Date latest version was created5007
pslinklabelStored+Indexed0..NLabel on link in item5405
pslistroleStored+Indexed0..NThe role of a list/nlist in document9900
psmedia-createddateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Created date extracted from binary file5006
psmedia-modifieddateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Last modified date extracted from binary file5006
psmetadata-[name]Stored+Indexed0..NText value of document metadata property
psmetadatacheckedStored+Indexed0..1The last date/time when the metadata was checked against the source URL5405
psmetadatanameStored+Indexed0..NName(s) of any metadata properties used9201
psownedStored+Indexed1Is document owned by this group5002
pspagecountStored+Indexed+Int0..1Number of pages in PDF5005
pspixelcountIndexed+Long0..1Width x height of an image
psplaceholderStored+Indexed0..NThe name of a placeholder in document9900
psprefixcontentCompressed+Indexed0..NThe untokenized prefix plus tokenized heading or para content5403
pspreformatroleStored+Indexed0..NThe role of a preformat in document9900
psproperty-[name]Stored+Indexed0..NText value of PSML or comment property
pspropertynameStored+Indexed0..NName(s) of any properties used9201
pspublicationidStored+Indexed0..NThe ID of a publication this object is part of5403
pspublicationrootStored+Indexed0..1true if document is a publication root5402
psreadonlyinlineStored+Indexed0..NThe name of a read only inline label in document9900
psreadonlypropertyStored+Indexed0..NThe name of a read only property in document9900
psreversexrefconfigStored+Indexed0..NConfig on forward XRefs in item9900
psreversexrefcountStored+Indexed+Int1Number of reverse XRefs in item
psreversexreflabelStored+Indexed0..NLabel on reverse XRefs in item
psreversexreftypeStored+Indexed0..NForward type on reverse XRefs in item9200
psrootpublicationidStored+Indexed0..1The ID of the publication this document is the root of5402
pssizeStored+Indexed+Int0..1File size in bytes
pssourceStored+Indexed1The allowed values for a URL are external, virtual or pageseeder5405
psstatuschangeddateStored+Indexed+Date0..1Date status was last changed
pstableroleStored+Indexed0..NThe role of a table in document9900
pstaskdefinitionidStored+Indexed+Long1The ID of the task definition comment
psurifolderStored+Indexed1REMOVED - use psfolder
psurlStored+Indexed1The URL for an external URI (URL)5004
psurlmediatypeStored+Indexed0..1The media type for the URL source5405
psurltypeStored+Indexed1The configured type for this URL5405
pswidthStored+Indexed+Int0..1Width in pixels of an image
psxrefconfigStored+Indexed0..NConfig on forward XRefs in item9900
psxrefcountStored+Indexed+Int1Number of forward XRefs in item
psxreflabelStored+Indexed0..NLabel on forward XRefs in item
psxreftypeStored+Indexed0..NType on forward XRefs in item9200

Fields details


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
NoIndexedtext1..NFolder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon Comment icon Task icon
(All except URL)

The full path of the folder where the document is located, as well as all its parent folders, are indexed as psancestor fields. This field does not include a trailing ‘/’.

This field is used to be able to narrow down the location of an item without knowing precisely its folder. It can also be used to compute the number of items within a folder and its descendants.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon  Task icon
( All except comment and folder)

The full name of the person the task or document was assigned to.


"John Smith"


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong0..1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon  Task icon
( All except comment and folder)

The member ID of the person the task or document was assigned to.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The psauthor is the full name of the person who posted a comment or task. If the member changes their name, that is only reflected in items posted after the name was changed.


John Smith


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The psauthorid is the member ID of the person who posted a comment or task.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
CompressedAnalyzedtext0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

The content of each block label in the document as a separate instance of this field.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

The name(s) of any block labels used in the document.

Introduced in index version 5002 in PageSeeder version 5.9100.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The full name of the person the comment was assigned to.

Introduced in index version 5401 in PageSeeder version 5.9600.


"John Smith"


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong0..1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The member ID of the person the comment was assigned to.

Introduced in index version 5401 in PageSeeder version 5.9600.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesAnalyzeddatetime0..1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The due date of the comment.

Introduced in index version 5401 in PageSeeder version 5.9600.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The priority of the comment.

Introduced in index version 5401 in PageSeeder version 5.9600.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The status of the comment.

Introduced in index version 5401 in PageSeeder version 5.9600.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
CompressedTokenizedtext1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon  URL icon Comment icon Task icon
(All except images, folders and other files)

The pscontent includes all the textual content of the index item. This field is not available for images, folders or documents that cannot be parsed for content. For URLs, the pscontent is the URL itself.


"An Alice said..."


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontextexternal flag indicates id the comment/task context is an external URI (URL).

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontextfragment is the URI fragment that a comment or task was posted on. If there was no specific fragment, it is default.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontexturiid is the ID of the URI a comment or task was posted on. If there was no URI (i.e. general context), it is 0.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesTokenizedtext0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontexturititle is the title of the URI a comment or task was posted on.

Introduced in index version 9203 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.


"My document" 


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontexturidocumenttype is the document type of the URI a comment or task was posted on.

Introduced in index version 9203 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontexturimediattype is the media typeof the URI a comment or task was posted on.

Introduced in index version 9203 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Task icon Comment icon (Task and comment)

The pscontexturiurltype is the title of the external URI a comment or task was posted on.

Introduced in index version 9203 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime0..1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The date the document, comment or task was created or uploaded to PageSeeder.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesTokenizedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
(All except comment/task)

The psdescription is the description entered in the URI properties of each document. It can be used as an abstract and is generally returned in search results when there was no match in the content or other fields.


"The purpose of this document is ..."


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong1Comment icon  (Comment only)

The ID of the comment discussion.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesCase insensitivetext0..1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
(All files, folders and URLs)

The psdocid field takes the document ID given to the specified document. This field is only available if a document ID has been assigned to the URI.

Before PageSeeder v6 this field was tokenized.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1PSML icon (PSML only)

The psdocumenttype field stores the document type of a document. If a document doesn’t have a document type, the value of this field is set to ‘none’ so documents which do not have a document type can be detected.

This field is only available to PSML documents.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesAnalyzeddatetime0..1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Task icon
( All except comment and folder)

The date the task or document is due.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1PSML icon (PSML only)

The pseditable flag indicates whether the document is editable. Its only possible values are true and false. This field is only available to PSML documents.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesAnalyzedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon 
(Files and folders)

The psfilename is name of the file corresponding to the document. This field is only available for documents and folders. To improve searching the following are tokenized:

  • the file extension;
  • any non-alphanumeric character, and;
  • the “dot” as a separate word.


"My Image.jpg"


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon
(Files and folders)

The psfolder full path of the folder where the document is located. This field is only available for documents and folders. This field does not include a trailing ‘/’.




Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
YesIndexedtext0..N PSML icon (PSML only)

Any fragment label(s) used in the document.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

Any fragment type(s) used in the document.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint1URL icon (URLs only)

The number of groups containing a document with a link/xref to or discussion on this URL

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexednumeric0..NFolder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The psgroupid fields store the IDs of the context group(s) for the object. This field is indexed but not analyzed, so it’s not possible to search individual terms within each field value.

Introduced in index version 5005 in PageSeeder version 5.9400 and made numeric in version 6.0000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedtext0..NFolder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The psgroupname fields store the full names of the context group(s) for the object. This field is indexed but not analyzed, so it’s not possible to search individual terms within each field value.

Introduced in index version 5005 in PageSeeder version 5.9400.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint0..1Image icon (Images only)

The psheight is the height in pixels of an image. The field is not always available inside an image.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1URL icon (URLs only)

The pshost field is the hostname of the URL (external URI).




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The psid is a unique identifier for the indexed item. For documents it is the URI ID. For comments it is the XLink ID.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesTokenizedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The alt (alternative) text description on any image in the document.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psimagelabel field represents a label on an image in the document.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

Each psimagesrc field instance contains the value of the source an image in a PSML document. There should be as many field instances as there are images in the document.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext/date0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

The content of each inline label in the document as a separate instance of this field.

If name ends with -date, it is indexed as a date and if it ends with -text, it is tokenized and case-insensitive. Currently only ISO format yyyy-mm-dd is supported for dates.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

The name(s) of any inline labels used in the document.

Introduced in index version 5402 in PageSeeder version 5.9700.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedtext0..NFolder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The pslabel fields store verbatim, all labels applied to the item (document label, comment label, etc.). It doesn’t include content labels. Since multiple labels can be applied to an item, multiple fields can be stored. This field is indexed but not analyzed, so it’s not possible to search individual terms within each field value.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime1..0PSML icon (PSML only)

The last time the document was edited. This only applies to PSML documents after an edit was made.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except folder, comment and task)

The latest version of the document available, if the document has had a version (blank if no version).




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime0..1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except folder, comment and task)

The created date for the latest version.

Introduced in index version 5007 in PageSeeder version 5.9501.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each pslinklabel field represents a label on an image in the document.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The role of any list or nlist in the document. If there is no role the value is empty but still listed in facets.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime0..1Word icon PDF icon PSML icon Image icon
(Word, PDF, PSML, Images)

The created date extracted from the binary file (different from the pscreateddate except for PSML documents).

Introduced in index version 5006 in PageSeeder version 5.9500.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime0..1Word icon PDF icon PSML icon Image icon
(Word, PDF, PSML, Images)

The modified date extracted from the binary file (different from the psmodifieddate except for PSML documents).

Introduced in index version 5006 in PageSeeder version 5.9500.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The psmediatype is the media type of the indexed item. All items except items of type ‘fragment’ have a media type. 

The following table shows the media type associated with each icon (wildcards are used to indicate any value).

IconMedia type
Folder iconapplication/vnd.pageseeder.folder
Word iconapplication/word
PDF iconapplication/pdf
HTML icontext/html
XML iconapplication/xml
PSML iconapplication/vnd.pageseeder.psml+xml
File icon*/*
Image iconimage/*
Task iconapplication/vnd.pageseeder.task+xml
Comment iconapplication/vnd.pageseeder.comment+xml




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext/date0..N  Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
(All files and URLs)

The content of each metadata property in the document as a separate instance of this field.

If name ends with -text, it is tokenized and case-insensitive.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..N  Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
(All files and URLs)

The name(s) of any metadata properties used in the document.

Introduced in index version 9201 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexeddatetime0..1URL icon (URLs only)

The last date and time when the metadata was checked against the source URL for example by using the Reprocess option. The format is an ISO 8601 date and time and the resolution for the index is the second.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexeddatetime1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The psmodifieddate field is an ISO 8601 date and time representation of an indexed item. The date resolution for the index is the second.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon
(All files and folders)

The psowned flag indicates whether the document is owned by the current group (it’s in the group’s default folder).

Introduced in index version 5002 in PageSeeder version 5.9100.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint1PDF icon (PDF only)

Each pspagecount field is the total number of pages in the PDF.

Introduced in index version 5005 in PageSeeder version 5.9400.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
NoIndexedtext0..1Image icon (Images only)

The pspixelcount is the total number of pixels in an image calculated as psweight × psheight. It is only available if both the width and height are available for the image




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The name of any placeholder in the document.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
CompressedTokenized except prefixtext0..N PSML icon (PSML only)

This field contains heading or para content tokenized and any @prefix untokenized. It only contains para content when @prefix exists.

Introduced in index version 5403 in PageSeeder version 5.9800.



StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The role of any preformat element in the document. If there is no role the value is empty but still listed in facets.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon  Task icon
( All except comment and folder)

The latest priority of the task or document.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext/date0..NPSML icon Comment icon Task icon
(PSML, comment and task)

The content of each property in the document, comment or task as a separate instance of this field.

If name ends with -text, it is tokenized and case-insensitive.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon (PSML only)

The name(s) of any properties used in the document.

Introduced in index version 9201 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon Task icon Comment icon 
(PSML, task, comment)

This field only exists if the document, comment or task is part of a publication. It contains the ID of a publication.

Introduced in index version 5403 in PageSeeder version 5.9800.

Documents of transcluded fragments are not considered part of the publication so that the search doesn’t return duplicate or extra content which isn't part of the publication. Workflows and document level comments/tasks for a transcluded fragment are considered part of the publication as they could have a bearing on the fragment.


Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
YesIndexedtext0..1 PSML icon (PSML only)

This field only exists if the document is the root of a publication and always has the value true.

Introduced in index version 5402 in PageSeeder version 5.9700.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The name of any inline label which is inside a section or document with edit="false"but not inside the metadata element.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The name of any property which is inside a section or document with edit="false"but not inside the metadata element.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psreversexrefconfig field represents a config on a reverse (incoming) xref in the document. If there is no config the value is empty but still listed in facets.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psreversxrefcount field is the total number of reverse (incoming) xrefs in the document.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psreversexreflabel field represents a label on a reverse (incoming) xref in the document.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psreversexreftype field represents a forward type on a reverse (incoming) xref in the document.

Introduced in index version 6000 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.




Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
YesIndexedtext0..1 PSML icon (PSML only)

This field only exists if the document is the root of a publication. It contains the ID of this publication.

Introduced in index version 5402 in PageSeeder version 5.9700.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesAnalyzedtext0..1  Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon   Image icon File icon URL icon
(All files except PSML)

The size, in bytes, of the file corresponding to the document.

This field does not apply to folders, PSML documents, comments or tasks as they can be edited and the file size doesn’t reflect their size accurately.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1URL icon (URLs only)

The kind of URL source. Allowed values are external, virtual or pageseeder.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Task icon
( All except comment and folder)

The latest status of the document or task.




Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
YesIndexedtext0..1 Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon  Task icon
( All except comment and folder)


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The pssubtype is used to further separate each type (currently mainly for documents). PageSeeder defines the following subtypes of index items:

pstype pssubtypeDescriptionMedia Type
folderfolderA URI which corresponds to a folderapplication/ vnd.pageseeder.folder
documentdocumentA PSML documentapplication/ vnd.pageseeder*
officeapplication/ vnd.openxmlformats*,  *word, *excel, application/msword
archive*x-gzip, *x-tar, *zip, *java-archive
mathSince index version 9201.application/mathml+xml, application/x-tex
fragmentfragmentA URI fragmentapplication/ vnd.pageseeder.psml+xml
commentcommentA commentapplication/ vnd.pageseeder.comment+xml
tasktaskA normal taskapplication/ vnd.pageseeder.task+xml
taskworkflowA workflow. Since index version 5005.application/ vnd.pageseeder.task+xml


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NPSML icon(PSML only)

The role of any table in the document. If there is no role the value is empty but still listed in facets.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedlong1Task icon (Task only)

The ID of the task definition comment. This is the latest comment in the task with status="Open" and previous status not Open, or for workflows, the latest comment. The following fields take their values from the definition comment: pssubtype, pslabels, pscreateddate, psauthor, psdescription.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesTokenizedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The pstitle is a title for the indexed item. For XLinks, it is generally the comment title. For documents, it is the user title, or filename if no title was specified by the user.


"Test Document"
"Important information"


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
NoTokenizedtext1Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The pstitle-sort is the same as pstitle but converted to lower case and not analyzed. It is used for sorting by title.


"Test Document"
"Important information"


Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
StoredIndexedtext1 Folder icon Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon

The pstype is used to separate each type of indexed item. PageSeeder defines the following types of index items:

pstype Description icon(s)
folder A URI which corresponds to a folder Folder icon
document A URI which corresponds to a document Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon
documentversion A version of a document (must have group property indexVersions=true ) Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon
url A URL URL icon
fragment A URI fragment No longer supported
comment A comment Comment icon
task A task Task icon


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1URL icon (URLs only)

The psurl field is the full URL of the URL (external URI).




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..1URL icon (URLs only)

The media type for the URL source.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext1URL icon (URLs only)

The configured type for this URL or default if there is no type.

Introduced in index version 5405 in PageSeeder version 5.9900.




The id of the version—only set for version indexing.

Stored Indexed Data type Cardinality Availability
YesIndexedtext1..0 PSML icon (PSML only)


StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint0..1Image icon (Images only)

The pswidth is the width in pixels of an image. This field is not always available inside an image.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
StoredIndexedint0..1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon URL icon Comment icon Task icon
(All except images, folder and other files)

The pswordcount is the number of words (space separated characters) in the content.

Introduced in index version 5005 in PageSeeder version 5.9400.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psxrefconfig field represents a config on a forward (outgoing) xref in the document. If there is no config the value is empty but still listed in facets.

Introduced in index version 9900 in PageSeeder version 6.1000.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedint1Word icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psxrefcount field is the total number of forward (outgoing) xrefs in the document.

Introduced in index version 5005 in PageSeeder version 5.9400.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psxreflabel field represents a label on a forward (outgoing) xref in the document.




StoredIndexedData typeCardinalityAvailability
YesIndexedtext0..NWord icon PDF icon HTML icon XML icon PSML icon Image icon File icon URL icon
( All except comment, task and folder)

Each psxreftype field represents a type on a forward (outgoing) xref in the document.

Introduced in index version 9200 in PageSeeder version 6.0000.


Created on , last edited on