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Upload request 3.0

Following is the upload request DTD.

<!--                                                         -->
<!-- Title:         PageSeeder Upload Request                -->
<!-- System:        PageSeeder                               -->
<!-- Status:        Final                                    -->
<!-- Description:   A schema for the upload request.         -->
<!-- Version:       3.0                                      -->
<!-- LastModified:  16 October 2017                          -->
<!-- Author(s):     Jean-Baptiste Reure, Philip Rutherford   -->
<!--                                                         -->
<!-- Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Allette Systems Pty. Ltd.       -->
<!--                                                         -->

<!-- Generic definition for boolean attribute values         -->
<!ENTITY  % BOOLEAN          "( true | false )"                >

  Top level element, identifies a label configuration.

  @element type The type of label
<!ELEMENT upload-request  ( files, validate?, overwrite?,
                   createxrefs?, index?, workflow?, message? ) >
<!ATTLIST upload-request version  CDATA           #FIXED "3.0" >

  The files container.
  @element file The files to upload

<!ELEMENT files                          ( file*, mediatype* ) >

  A file to upload

  @attribute filename    The name of the file (must contain tokens)
  @attribute path        The path of the file
  @attribute title       The title of the URI (can contain tokens)
  @attribute labels      The labels to set to the URI
  @attribute description The description of the URI
  @attribute docid       The document ID of the URI (can contain tokens)
<!ELEMENT file                                     ( action? ) >
<!ATTLIST file          filename         CDATA        #IMPLIED
                        path             CDATA        #IMPLIED
                        description      CDATA        #IMPLIED
                        title            CDATA        #IMPLIED
                        labels           CDATA        #IMPLIED
                        docid            CDATA        #IMPLIED >

  The media type of a group of file to upload

  @attribute value   The value of this media type
  @attribute labels  The labels to set to all the URI with this media type
  @attribute title   The title to set to all the URI with this
                     media type (must contain tokens)
  @attribute docid   The document ID to set to all the URI with this
                     media type (must contain tokens)
<!ELEMENT mediatype                                ( action? ) >
<!ATTLIST mediatype     value             CDATA      #REQUIRED
                        title             CDATA       #IMPLIED
                        labels            CDATA       #IMPLIED
                        docid             CDATA       #IMPLIED >
  An action (ANT script) to run on a file.
  @attribute script    the relative path of the ANT script.
  @attribute target    the target to run
  @attribute delay     the delay between each status check on
                       the publisher server - default 4000 (milliseconds)
<!ELEMENT action                                    ( param* ) >
<!ATTLIST action        project             CDATA    #REQUIRED
                        target              CDATA    #REQUIRED
                        doctype             CDATA     #IMPLIED
                        delay               CDATA     #IMPLIED >

  A parameter for an ANT script
  @attribute name    the name of the parameter
  @attribute value   the value of the parameter
<!ELEMENT param                                          EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST param         name                CDATA    #REQUIRED
                        value               CDATA    #REQUIRED >

  Whether or not to validate the files
  (if not specified, default to true)
  Content can be 'true' or 'false'.
<!ELEMENT validate                                   (#PCDATA) >

  Whether or not to create cross-references in the files
  (if not specified, default to true)
  Content can be 'true' or 'false'.
<!ELEMENT createxrefs                                (#PCDATA) >

  Whether or not to index the files (if not specified, default to true)
  Content can be 'true' or 'false'.
<!ELEMENT index                                     (#PCDATA ) >

  Whether or not to overwrite existing files
  (if not specified, default to false)
  Content can be 'true' or 'false'.
  @attribute include-properties
        If existing properties (lables, docid, title, ...)
        should be overwritten
        if not specified, default to false
  @attribute summary
        whether to create a summary report,
        if true and overwrite=true, always return summary
        if true and overwrite=false, return summary only if
          overwrite will occur
        if not specified, default to false
<!ELEMENT overwrite                                   (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST overwrite     include-properties    %BOOLEAN; "false"
                        summary               %BOOLEAN; "false" >

  The workflow to attach to the uploaded PSML documents.
  Content is the workflow note text.
  @attribute status       the workflow status
  @attribute priority     the workflow priority
  @attribute duedate      the workflow due date and time in ISO-8601
  @attribute assignto     the ID of the member to assign the workflow to
  @attribute labels       the workflow labels
  @attribute notification the workflow notification
<!ELEMENT workflow                                  ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST workflow  status               CDATA         #IMPLIED
                    priority             CDATA         #IMPLIED
                    assignto             CDATA         #IMPLIED
                    duedate              CDATA         #IMPLIED
                    labels               CDATA         #IMPLIED
                    notification  (silent|minimal|normal|announce)
                                                       "silent" >

  The message to attach to the upload.
  Content is the message text.
  @attribute subject      the message's subject
  @attribute labels       the message's labels
  @attribute notification the message's notification
<!ELEMENT message                                    ( #PCDATA ) >
<!ATTLIST message  subject              CDATA          #REQUIRED
                   labels               CDATA           #IMPLIED
                   notification         (silent|normal|announce)
                                                        "silent" >

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