Capturing and analyzing the requirements makes it easier to translate into a PageSeeder model.
The most useful requirements to capture for PageSeeder modeling are:
- Semantic data model (such as an entity relationship ER model).
- System requirements.
- Use cases.
Entity-relationship model
The first step is to build a semantic data model by identifying the following:
- Entities
- Attributes
- Relationships
Identifying semantics and relationship help with translating the model into a PageSeeder solution.
Entities and attributes
An entity is generally expressed as a noun.
- Identify primary keys.
- Are there any public keys?
- Cardinality – How many possible instances?
- Mutability – Can they change?
- Volatility – How frequently are they changed / created?
- Data types of value (integer, string, boolean, date).
- Range of possible values (for example, 1-100, enumerated lists).
Relationship between entities.
A relationship is generally expressed as verb.
Note if the relationship is either of the following:
- Hierarchical
- Bidirectional
- 0..1, 1..1, 1..N, N..M
System requirements
System requirements inform design decisions.
They should include:
- Business case
- Usability
- Reliability
- Performance
- Security
- Supportability
- Documentation & help system
- Training
- Future developments
Use cases
Use cases are helpful to identify actors and how they interact with PageSeeder.
Use cases should include:
- A title or goal
- Actors
- Scope
- Success / failure scenarios
- Related information
See common approaches to PageSeeder modeling.