Task ps-insert-xlink-batch
We are no longer maintaining this article.
This expert task allows the Ant Script to upload a collection of XLinks object to the PageSeeder Server.
This item is obsolete!
This task has been removed as of v5.95, use request task and services instead.
Note: In order to use the InsertXLinkBatch
function the user has to have administrator rights.
<fileset dir="." includes="[files.xml]">
Attribute | Description | Required |
jsessionid | The @jsessionid attribute (optional) is used for authentication. It is not required but it will always be used if specified. | Yes, unless username/password or propertiesfile are specified |
username | If @jsessionid attribute is not specified this can be used for authentication. | Yes, unless jsessionid or propertiesfile are specified |
password | If jsessionid is not specified this can be used for authentication. | Yes, unless jsessionid or propertiesfile are specified |
propertiesfile | The @propertiesfile attribute (optional) describes the location of the properties file to use to connect to the PageSeeder Server.The value of the attribute can be the full path of the file, the relative path (the base directory is the location of the Ant script) or simply its name, in which case it MUST be located on the classpath. | Yes, unless (jsessionid or username/password) and host are specified |
port | The port address of the PageSeeder Server - default: 80 (used when no properties file is specified) | No |
host | The host name of the PageSeeder Server (used when no properties file is specified) | Yes, unless propertiesfile is specified |
siteprefix | The PageSeeder site prefix defined - default: /ps (used when no properties file is specified) | No |
servletprefix | The PageSeeder servlet prefix defined - default: /servlet (used when no properties file is specified) | No |
output | Specifies the path of the file to write the response to | Yes |
broadcast | The broadcast flag for the insert XLink (default: false). | No |
broadcastall | The broadcast all flag for the insert XLink (default: false). | No |
broadcastapprover | The broadcast approver flag for the insert XLink (default: false). | No |
The ps-insert-xlink-batch must have at least one inner fileset element. It should point to one or more XML document containing the definition of an XLink object.
The format for XLink documents is validated by the schema WEB-INF/template/default/InsertXLinkBatch/Schema/InsertXLinkBatch.xsd.
Stand alone script example:
username="jsmith" password="xyz">
<fileset dir="c:\upload\xlinks" includes="**"/>
Publish script example:
jsessionid="${ps-jsessionid}" host="${ps-host}" port="${ps-port}"
servletPrefix="${ps-servletPrefix}" sitePrefix="${ps-sitePrefix}">
<fileset dir="${ps-working}/xlinks" includes="**"/>
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