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This element is used to indicate what change took place in a history event. The attributes on the element specify what has been modified during the event.

Usage context

Permitted content<from>/<assignedto>, <to>/<assignedto>
Permitted parent<event>


This element has the following attributes:

typeenumyesThe type of value changed
fromxs:stringnoThe previous value if it exists
toxs:stringnoThe new value if it exists


The type of the value that changed, possible values are as follows.

  • title
  • docid
  • description
  • labels
  • path
  • hosturl
  • status
  • duedate
  • priority
  • version
  • assignedto

This attribute was introduced in PageSeeder 5.99.


The previous value if one exists except for type=assignedto where the previous <assignedto> element is inside a <from> element.

This attribute was introduced in PageSeeder 5.99.


The new value if one exists except for type=assignedto where the new <assignedto> element is inside a <to> element.

This attribute was introduced in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when the status of the document workflow has changed, its value is the new workflow status.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when the priority of the document workflow has changed, its value is the new workflow priority.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when the due date of the document workflow has changed, its value is the new workflow due date in format ISO 8601.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when a version has been created on the document, its value is the new version.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when the title of the document has been updated, its value is the new document title.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


This attribute is specified when the document ID of the document has changed, its value is the new document ID.

This attribute was removed in PageSeeder 5.99.


<change type="title" to="New document title" />

<change type="status" from="In Progress" to="Completed" />

<change type="assignedto">
    <assignedto ...>Sally Brown</assignedto>
    <assignedto ...>John Green</assignedto>


XML Schema

<xs:element name="change" type="change" />

<xs:complexType name="change">
    <xs:element name="from" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xs:element ref="assignedto" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
    <xs:element name="to" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
          <xs:element ref="assignedto" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
  <xs:attribute name="type"   type="xs:string"   use="required" />
  <xs:attribute name="from"   type="xs:string"   use="optional" />
  <xs:attribute name="to"     type="xs:string"   use="optional" />

Relax Schema

element change{
  attribute type { xs:string }, 
  attribute from { xs:string }?, 
  attribute to { xs:string }?
  element from?
  element to?


Changed in PageSeeder 5.99, see previous obsolete attributes and new content model is <from> and <to> elements only.

Created on , last edited on